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im a newbie at sigs plz help me get the stuff i need


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plz giv me all the best websites to get all the stuff needed to make sigs




also where can i get a sig rotator




and where can i get guides








the reason y i wanna make sigs is cuz i just lost 1 mill hard work dont wanna work that hard again




check my post in general p2p to see how i lost 1 mill

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Sig roatator-www.Uzzisoft.com








And your going to have to chose what sigs you want to make. Pixel, Abstract, Grudge. You wont make a million in a second, it'll take alot of work, some luck and a few months.








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:

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I think you can make a million faster on rs then making signatures, if you still need to learn how to even make a start at them..




Believe me, it takes quite some time go get things going, make nice sigs, and get some costumers...

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Honestly, it took me over a year to get some people to like me, and i've only sold 3 sigs ever. XD








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:








are u serious




when i didnt no how to make sigs u were my favorit




and ur sigs rock!








sorry off topic

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Honestly, it took me over a year to get some people to like me, and i've only sold 3 sigs ever. XD








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:








are u serious




when i didnt no how to make sigs u were my favorit




and ur sigs rock!








sorry off topic








Yep, only 3. >.> Thx though. :D








Ontopic-GIMP is a good stater if you dont know how to make anything.And its free.








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:

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you will work harder and longer making sigs, then you will getting cash. Sure in the end you might make more, but are you sure its something you can do? You might completely fail, have seen people do that.








Also, who's to say you're even gonna be any good? It could be a total waste of time.

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you will work harder and longer making sigs, then you will getting cash. Sure in the end you might make more, but are you sure its something you can do? You might completely fail, have seen people do that.








Also, who's to say you're even gonna be any good? It could be a total waste of time.








wow thats harsh








if you get Gimp, u can mess around, once u get good, if u want to make sigs, buy photoshop

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ive decided im gonna do pixel sigs but if u have any reasons y not plz say cuz i want to try earn the best money out of sigs and i wanna know how to make em so i dont ever need to buy my own sig

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ive decided im gonna do pixel sigs but if u have any reasons y not plz say cuz i want to try earn the best money out of sigs and i wanna know how to make em so i dont ever need to buy my own sig








well. . lets put it this way .. . u got lots of pixel sig competition lol. . mainly jeppoz, jumister, misterxman, and few others i can't remmber. . so ul'l either have to sell yours cheaper than theres or whoop out some tight stuff ;)




gl to whatever u decide .. .

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i c ive seen misterxman and i must admit i dont think ill do as good as him but wat about that new guy weve a really good pixeler or wateva








im goin off now keep replyin








eve does free ones i think??? i don't remember. . well ya gotta compete against free pixelers too lol . .so if u can't do anything better than them. . u better think of something else to do lol . .

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and few others i can't remmber. .




gl to whatever u decide .. .












i feel offended :wink:








lol .. sorries. . .i'm thinking bout way too many things right now

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