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My laptop, oh noes!


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Okay, so lets start from the begining.




About... a year and a half ago? I bought a laptop dirt cheap. The specs arn't that great, but they didn't need to be for what I needed it for.




Anyway, the laptop, who I bought from some random, came complete with windows XP, and every form of spyware and virii known to mankind. I cleaned it out best I could with Mcaffe and adaware, other means too.




Anyway, after some time of using the laptop, after being cleaned, I was getting a "physical memor dump" blue screen of death, talking about kernels and some other mumbo jumbo that consisted of z02193slxx:!!(_)




So... I tried to fix it with what I had in my toolbox, but nothing I tried work. I threw in the towel and reformated, installing windows XP.




Now this is the next part of my story. Of course I keep it regularly updated with windows patchs, mcafee, and adaware. I scan regularly, defrag and chkdsk as well on a normal basis.




In case your wondering... this laptop is only used for one main purpose. I use it as a HLTV server, sometimes a ventrilo server, and to keep mIRC / xfire / trillian / google chat ect up 24/7 and not have to waste resources on my main gaming computer... keep in mind I have a laptop running 24/7.




Now I've had awesome uptime, and no problems for the past year. SUDDENLY out of the blue, I get the blue screen of death, physical memory dump. I know for a FACT that there is no form of virus or spyware on it, so don't go there.




I am assuming that it is either a bad HardDrive (maybe it got too hot from being on 24/7... it is a laptop after all) so either it got too hot, or there is a damaged sector on it. I also installed a 333mhz 128mb stick of ram into it when I first got it a year and a half ago... so it could be a RAM error. I'd rather it be the RAM, so I could just pull the stick out... unfortunetly I think its the Harddrive.




Furthermore, after I get the error, and here's the kicker... when I try to start the laptop, it will sit at the IBM splash screen for a bit, make a few clicking noises, and then show up with a "Operating system not found" error. I have to let the laptop sit for an hour or two before being able to restart it, and even then I only have about 20 minutes before I get the error again. In that 20 mins I can't even finish scanning all the files for spyware... I definitly don't want to reformat, I have a lot of info I want on there nicely organized for once.




Back to the clicking, I've taken the floppy, CD drive, and wireless card out... no clue what the click I hear is. Its just one click, its fairly loud, and only happens occasionally. Also, I'm not sure but when I get the "Operating System Not Found" error, it doesn't sound like the Hard drive is spinning... but then again it could be my imagination.




I don't think I could use the XP cd to "repair windows" because I tried that the first time this was happening, and it ended up freezing half way thru, and messing up all my windows files which forced me to reformat.




I hope that what I typed make some sence... its 2:00 AM and I'm a little out of it from the rave I was just at, but I think it made pretty much sense.




Oh, and in case your wondering, I havn't added any new hardware or software in a loooong time. Newest thing on there would be an xfire update... and that theory is out the windows :P




Anyway, like always, all help is appreciated. The balls in your court techheads, lets try for an answer that doesn't revolve around "reformat" pleeeease. Oh, and I can't take the laptop completely appart either, in case your wondering. It only lets me get at the RAM area, and the battery area... the rest of it is like a jig saw puzzle to try and get apart, if it isn't, they certainly confused me.




Okay then, good night. I get to wake up in a few hours and work, I'm pretty sure that isn't going to be very fun.


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Im assuming that you have tried giving the laptop a rest over night, completly unplugging the power cord and turning the computer off, and if you havent it may be worth it.




I would try taking out the stick of ram you installed because that *May* be the cause of the clicking. And your positive that ram is compatiable with the board in your laptop?




When you do get the chance to start it up take a look at the boot.ini file, Incase you dont know its what loads on startup. If that file is right it is possible it may say operating system not found, if not a bad sector is a great posibility, which may require a new hardrive.




If none of my suggestions help its because im not very good with laptop Specs, but good luck


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Can you boot from CD?


If you can boot from CD, you can usually boot to a special console right off the XP disk, (It's called the Recovery Console, you press R at the WinXP main screen.) Once you get there, type in your admin pass and then type "chkdsk /r" without the quotes. This will run check disk and the /r means to repair any errors found. Try this, and post back the results.

You act like the game community is like the stinking bowels of hell.... In all reality.. its much.. much... worse.



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as stated above , chkdsk /r from the recovery console should be able to repair any problems as it is able to scan the Master Boot Record(MBR) which can not be done from within Windows




Open Device manager > select your hard drive > Right Click and Go to Properties> select the policies Tab > disable disk write caching on the disk




This will hinder the drives performance a bit but who cares , you said it runs to keep IRC open :P




This is a widely known offender for ALOT of hardware issues as laptops lose power more often then a desktop, especially when related to heat!





I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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as stated above , chkdsk /r from the recovery console should be able to repair any problems as it is able to scan the Master Boot Record(MBR) which can not be done from within Windows




Open Device manager > select your hard drive > Right Click and Go to Properties> select the policies Tab > disable disk write caching on the disk




This will hinder the drives performance a bit but who cares , you said it runs to keep IRC open :P




This is a widely known offender for ALOT of hardware issues as laptops lose power more often then a desktop, especially when related to heat!








Ahhh.. yea I have been trying to disable caching and some other memory related stuff, I went in the BIOS and couldn't find the option anywhere.




I'll try that, but I already did a chkdsk. Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll post back.




Oh, and fyi yea, the laptop has been completly unpowered the last day or two.


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If you can enter the setup, try seeing if your primary hard drive is on the boot list. If it isn't, then the operating system won't be found. In that case you'll have to add it. If you can get the comp for 20 minutes on, then do a quick scan. That's all the help I can give now, will post more info when I can.

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Well yesturday I disabled the caching, but it wouldn't let me boot from my windows CD, so I booted up, and told it to scan disk on next boot up. Then I restarted and it got completely done with the scan disk, and then locked up...




It was pretty lame, but then I fixed the boot sequence so it would boot the windows xp cd first. I went into the set up to try and do a repair or recovery, but neither worked.... the reason? "No hard drive was found" so in other words, for no apparent reason it just stops seeing the hard drive.




I'll try again today but this is really getting aggrivating.


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Was the laptop dropped or knocked over ? The drive could also have become dislodged from its socket.




I know you said that you cant take the whole laptop apart , but hard drives in laptops arent really that complicated. As you said above , you can only get to the memory and battery , most likely through a little "door" on the bottom.




Most laptop hard drives are usually just a slide in type "card" that is installed on the side of the unit and do not use a cable like on a desktop, usually held in place by a screw or two.




It may be different in your case as everything and anything can be built differently , but laptop hard drives are a pretty standard replacement part so are usually easily accessible.

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Yea, I know what you mean. The only slide in drives though are the DVD drive, and the floppy, and I guess the wireless card if you want to count that. Other then the trap doors on the bottom, I can't get the case apart unless I crack it in half lol.




No it wasn't dropped or anything. I think it's just time to put it to rest.




After the ordeal with it freezing at 100% chkdsk, I went to start it up the next day and said that chkdsk had been scheduled, and started again. It got up to 50%, I heard the HD stop spinning (I am almost certain) it went up to 51%, then froze. Tried again, 47%.




Then I booted with the windows xp cd, did a chkdsk thru the recovery consol, it got nearly done and then froze for a few minutes, then told me I have an error on the disk that is not repairable. I tried to run the chkdsk again but this time it didn't even start, just told me the error message again.




I will try and repair windows and see what that does, but I have a feeling it's time to start it up for 5 minutes, toss the files over LAN, and then put the laptop in a dark, damp corner.


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if you plan on putting it to rest, at least give it a shot by taking it apart and looking around. Most cases you can pry apart if needed, but the result wont be to healthy lol..


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80/80 Fletching

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Yea, I know what you mean. The only slide in drives though are the DVD drive, and the floppy, and I guess the wireless card if you want to count that. Other then the trap doors on the bottom, I can't get the case apart unless I crack it in half lol.




No it wasn't dropped or anything. I think it's just time to put it to rest.




After the ordeal with it freezing at 100% chkdsk, I went to start it up the next day and said that chkdsk had been scheduled, and started again. It got up to 50%, I heard the HD stop spinning (I am almost certain) it went up to 51%, then froze. Tried again, 47%.




Then I booted with the windows xp cd, did a chkdsk thru the recovery consol, it got nearly done and then froze for a few minutes, then told me I have an error on the disk that is not repairable. I tried to run the chkdsk again but this time it didn't even start, just told me the error message again.




I will try and repair windows and see what that does, but I have a feeling it's time to start it up for 5 minutes, toss the files over LAN, and then put the laptop in a dark, damp corner.




Sorry to tell you mate, but I think your hard drive is broken; sounds like it's been dropped onto a tiled floor, lol :D

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well.. it sounds like the drive was overused.. being on constantly and spinning constantly.. *knocks on wood*




Laptop hard drives are never ment to be full time drives...




you should be ok with going out spending $100-200 or less for a new drive and reinstalling everything


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Ok, sounds like you tride all our suggestions mate. I think I'm outta ideas. Try moving everything over in that 20 mins you can get, and then reformat. All I can think of at the moment, sorry it involves re-formatting :cry:

You act like the game community is like the stinking bowels of hell.... In all reality.. its much.. much... worse.



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Yea, it finished a chkdsk but said there was only 4kb of info in a bad sector, lol. Yea, its the hard drive. I can't repair windows either, and formating won't work either. Just gonna move the files I want and the put the laptop in my closet next to all my SD RAM chips and old Ethernet Cards.


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Lol, so now I have a new problem... I tried to reinstall windows without reformating, and it locked up after 20 minutes... and now every time I boot up it starts the process over, windows XP cd or not... so now I cant get my files off the hard drive.




I think I will go to office max, buy an external hard drive, install windows on that, put the files on that, then transfer the files to my computer, and return the hard drive and say that I don't have USB ports on my computer or some lame stuff like that. :^o :^o :^o


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I don't think this is software problem. Possible is hardware problem. If i've you, i would buy a new laptop. If you really want to repair it, it will involve buying new hardware and data lost. I haven't read completely about your problem because i have not much time left. Next time i'll try understand your problem. (It's kinda confusing to me)

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If you are going to use a laptop as a server, bad idea. Use a desktop with connected internet so it receives as many packets as possible. Trust me, I made a SHOUTcast Server (Online Radio) and it kept disconnecting because I had a low signal, and then when you take it places #-o

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I know this topic is rediculously old... but I have a reason for putting it back up top.




Just as an update, I've let the laptop sit unpowered for... when was my last post like a month or so ago? Anyway, I managed to repair my windows. After that I toyed around a little on it... after about 45 minutes of playing it crashed again.




Never the less, I booted up again the next day, got all the important files off of it and onto my main computer... it took almost 5 hours to transfer some small pictures and a couple text files (which goes to show something is definitly wrong with the way the HD is spining) but this time it didn't crash, just went reeeaaalllyyy slow.




Anyway, I thought it was fairly humourous how random this thing is.




Oh... and did I mention I am going to get my sisters old POS computer? She's getting a new one, the old one, while bad, can act as my new server box, woot. Guess I will turn the laptop into artwork or a table, lol.


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