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Just realised mage update


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yeah i think it woud be a telle to gnome tree/stronghold spell




We have both the gliders and the spirit trees, so I doubt we're gettign a tele gnome spell...




I don't think we're getting any new spells at all. We've just had the Lunars.




However look at the crossbow update, that has totally unbalnced the combat triangle Jagex may be tryin to balance it.




Maybe it has sime summoning spells. That'll shut people up for a week then they complain.




crossbows blow for any use i can seem them inteded for. the bolts appear to be designed for pking or dueling, but neither will use them. the crossbow is too slow compared to mage short, especially when the effects are random, not like a spec. knives and obsidian rings destroy in the dueling arena for speed, so much that the crossbow isn't feasible. a lucky dragonbreath or ruby-tipped shot may tip the scales, but at a random shot, it's not worth the risk.


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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hasn't anyone realised the small update the one there is a change in add friend delete friend buttons.. <.<




I have hehe.




I feel a bit sorry for Jagex, they keep making wonderful additions to the game but there will be always be some people that throw a hissyfit and try and make it seem like a failure. :x

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From the sound of the BTS, i think it's giong to be a quest like MM2 which gives us some of the backstory behind summoning, opening the way for us to learn it in a later quest.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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