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Anyone speak Finnish and have some time on their hands?


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Well, I was scanning Tonikoos archive today, and I found this nice farming guide. While I can somewhat tell what it says by the pictures, I'm not sure if he added any secrets in the text.




Anyways, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to know what this says. So if there's anyone out there on Tip It who speaks Finnish and has some time on their hands, translating this into English would be really helpful for everyone interested in training farming. I figured this belonged in the Off Topic forum.




Here's a link to the picture. Sorry, I'd post it here, but I think it's too big for these forums.






Me doing staff.

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this is a sort of hasty translation, i made it in about 5 minutes so it's not 100% but close enough




farming guide to bananas!!






this is how the champion and the creator of the world, TONIKOOS, does his farming!




while farming all your plants dry up at the same rate (exept the flowers, which dry up 2 times faster, but they seem to endure the drought better)


this is why it's recommended to farm on multiple patches. Our master, the great TONIKOOS is known for 'the round of TONIKOOS' which he developed. it includes


1 teleport with ectophial, 2 to camelot, 1 to yanille and 1 to ardougne.




step 1:teleport to ectofunctus and plant your seeds and WAIT FOR THEM TO DRY UP! when they have, you can start your round. there are 2 vegetable patches, 1


flower patch and a herb patch near ectofunctus.




step 2: teleport to camelot. fill your watering can in the fountain (i know the water is filthy, but the plants don't seem to care.) walk to the patches of


Catherby. there is 2 vegetable patches 1 flower patch and 1 herb patch.




Step 3:Teleport to Camelot if your feet can't take the stress of walking from catherby. walk to the hop patch north of seer's village. teleport to watchtower from


from there.




Step 4:Run to the hop patch in yanille. use that for farming wildblood hops or anything else, if you are low on seeds/level.




step 5:Teleport to ardougne from the hop patch of yanille. Run to the patch indicated by the map. there lies 2 vegetable patches 1 flower patch and a herb


patch. remember to empty the jewel stall on the way is your thieving lvl is high enough (it's a pitty if not). then teleport back to the patch near ectofunctus


and wait there for 30 seconds to 3 minutes for your plants to dry up. after that, do another round.




when farming, take the following items to your inventory: ectophial, farming tools (4 watering cans should be enough) + a spade, vegetable seeds (only the


ones you are farming), herb seeds (only the ones you are farming), hop seeds (only the ones you are farming),flower seeds (only the ones you are farming)


and some money to buy plant cure and other stuff.





Nodding DuckRange: 71/80|Strenght:70/70 |Currently starting at members|

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good luck with learning finnish. i heard somewhere that it has been ranked in top5 hardest languages to learn so i feel proud of being able to speak it \'




#-o #-o That does not sound good. Hopefully it won't be as hard as German was...


Me doing staff.

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good luck with learning finnish. i heard somewhere that it has been ranked in top5 hardest languages to learn so i feel proud of being able to speak it \'




#-o #-o That does not sound good. Hopefully it won't be as hard as German was...




And you're planning on learning Dutch as well? After Chinese, it's the most difficult language for an average person in the world. But if your native tongue is English, Germanic languages shouldn't be too hard. If you speak German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian will be easy. Finnish however is a complete other branch of the language tree; it's very veyr hard, except if you're from Hungary, Turkey or Mongolia, its roots are there :)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Yea I love learning languages. After I learn Dutch, I'm learning every single Scandinavian language, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian, but not Icelandic. \'




Good luck :shock:




Hah, you'll need it :)

RSN - Ur Enemy, lvl 120 - Back in action!:)

Oldest rsn: Obu86 lvl 100 :P ~Retired~


RS Since 2001

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Yea I love learning languages. After I learn Dutch, I'm learning every single Scandinavian language, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian, but not Icelandic. \'




Good luck :shock:




Hah, you'll need it :)




\' True that!




Finnish is a 'pure-language', it's vocabulary is different than any other language on Earth.




I always thought Dutch was easy? I looked over the grammer, it doesn't seem to complicated, and I've took some German classes, I assume the languages are similar. Anyone know how hard Danish is?


Me doing staff.

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Dutch has never seemed hard to me.:o




If you want a great, hard language, go for Russian. It will make you run screaming back to your German grammar books. I know it did that with me (except it was Japanese grammar books).




If you like verbs...really, really, REALLY like verbs, maybe you should try French? xD




I bet I could out-linguaphile YOU any day.8-)

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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But can you conjugate 22 tenses with each viewpoint having a different ending?




It is reasonable to say that over half of French verbs are irregular, as well. xD




French verbs even confuse the natives.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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But can you conjugate 22 tenses with each viewpoint having a different ending?




It is reasonable to say that over half of French verbs are irregular, as well. xD




French verbs even confuse the natives.




Ugh, and I though French was easy. #-o




I don't like irregular verbs, but I can catch onto them pretty easily.




What I don't like is trying to shorten things to an 'it' form or 'this'. I get somewhat lost at these parts.


Me doing staff.

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good luck with learning finnish. i heard somewhere that it has been ranked in top5 hardest languages to learn so i feel proud of being able to speak it \'




#-o #-o That does not sound good. Hopefully it won't be as hard as German was...




And you're planning on learning Dutch as well? After Chinese, it's the most difficult language for an average person in the world. But if your native tongue is English, Germanic languages shouldn't be too hard. If you speak German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian will be easy. Finnish however is a complete other branch of the language tree; it's very veyr hard, except if you're from Hungary, Turkey or Mongolia, its roots are there :)




Ya'll gonna learn Chi-nese! In this other game I play, there a bunch of Finnish people who play too. There are quite a few of their characters with the word "Perkele" in their names - what does that mean? I heard someone say it meant hell...

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[ There are quite a few of their characters with the word "Perkele" in their names - what does that mean? I heard someone say it meant hell...


perkele is a sort of devil in the ancient pagan religion of Finland. nowadays it's just used as a swear word.

Nodding DuckRange: 71/80|Strenght:70/70 |Currently starting at members|

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Engllish equivalent?




I'd translate it like "damn" or so, even tho it tends to sound a lot stronger and has more hatred or power in it. Bad words are sometimes a bit hard to translate, tho.




Btw a Finnish band Barathrum has a song called Legions of Perkele. In that I'd translate that as damnation.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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