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Crystal Saw Effects!


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It's not impossible, it's just rare. If it was easy, everyone with 84 crafting would be making furies, or people with 93 smithing would be making full rune, or people would be making 2x natures at 85 rcing, because orange spicey stew has a chance at raising all of those +6 as well. But that's just why everyone thinks they don't, because it's such a rare occasion.

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I hope 1 in 20, I just made 25 and I'm hoping for the best :P. But my guess is like 1 in 10 at best will raise con, like 1 in 100 would raise it +6.




First one raised con by +4, but when I drank a tea, it didn't stack. WTH JAGEX *angry fist*.




There goes the last of them. 25 stews and only one of them raised my con level, by +4, and it didn't stack with my tea :(.

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Rocnar is useless whoever wanted to put it in. Ive built one and it hits frequent 0's. Fire pit is more effective.

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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I hope 1 in 20, I just made 25 and I'm hoping for the best :P. But my guess is like 1 in 10 at best will raise con, like 1 in 100 would raise it +6.




First one raised con by +4, but when I drank a tea, it didn't stack. WTH JAGEX *angry fist*.




There goes the last of them. 25 stews and only one of them raised my con level, by +4, and it didn't stack with my tea :(.




It might stack if you use tea first, which would be very annoying.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Terrrrrible quest (even the cutscenes were lacking hardcore) but good reward. :-s




have you exmine the people (EDIT: i mean gromes and globins) during the cutscene?


although it isnt as good as the globin chef or fally guard one, but it contains some hardcore jokes




btw, do you need a saw to use to crystal saw

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The Kb now says it can only stack to give +9 with the stew instead of stew+tea+saw for +12. Just letting people know so they dont waste their time trying to get the +12 bonus and if you dont believe me, check the KB




well that's nice to know. kind of a disappointment, but atleast i didn't waste any time trying to get that bonus. thx for clearing that up.

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have you exmine the people (EDIT: i mean gromes and globins) during the cutscene?


although it isnt as good as the globin chef or fally guard one, but it contains some hardcore jokes




btw, do you need a saw to use to crystal saw




Examine oaknock (or what his name is)




"Can he build it? Yes he can!" :mrgreen:

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