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Wow... (fun topic)


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alright, this isnt a serious discussion or anything...




I do 6 runs of barrows, right? And I get a loop half on the first one.




then, a few normal trips later... (2 doses per run ftw) I'm out fo p pots.




I use my last death on verac. I think, wow, what a coincidence that I have the exact amount of death runes to finish this. so then, I go to chest, and what do I see but a few deaths, a few bloods... and the teeth half to complete my key.




I was like, lol. Coincidence. But when I go to my house to tell my friend about it, as soon as I finish typing, I get an evil bob.




I was like :-s ? Why are these coincidences happening to me all at once...




15 runs without item btw = (




EDIT- Also, I do love barrows with ancients. only had to use 5 sharks for 6 concecutive runs.





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Weird, plus no offense but I think this belongs in Blogging's. This is your day story which I believe belongs there. Plus to add to the story, I have never had a half key drop in Barrows, so I must be unlucky.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Weird, plus no offense but I think this belongs in Blogging's. This is your day story which I believe belongs there. Plus to add to the story, I have never had a half key drop in Barrows, so I must be unlucky.




Not really a blog, because it's describing an event.

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i really have no idea what your talkign about lol can i get a summery or something, i gathered you at barrows and had coincideences but i mean really is it that big a deal?




I just thought it was wierd that I got an entire key, and as soon as I told my friend about it, i got teled to scaperune

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u htink thats wierd?


I had evil bob 3 times yesterday




The island one every time.




You think that's wierd? I got 20 of them when I no lifed ranging blue dragons in one day, it was like every trip when I tried to tele to fally I got one, all island ones too. <.<



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Why this topic isn't all that fun at all! You lie! :twisted:


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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