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to any other bodybuilders out there


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I'm currently 13, and in the age of 10, i lifted weights like crazy!!! That was about the worst mistake I've done so far... (being 175 sentimeters tall isn't good for a basketball player). I think people shouldn't start weight lifting, unless they have stopped growing (haven't grown at least 2 sentimeters during the last year) or want to be short as I am the rest of their lives.


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I'm currently 13, and in the age of 10, i lifted weights like crazy!!! That was about the worst mistake I've done so far... (being 175 sentimeters tall isn't good for a basketball player). I think people shouldn't start weight lifting, unless they have stopped growing (haven't grown at least 2 sentimeters during the last year) or want to be short as I am the rest of their lives.




You're 13 years old and 175 centimetres... That 5' 7" for those in feet. You're taller than me and i'm 16. I've never weight lifted. You've got plenty more years to grow. I was under 5 foot until I hit 15, then I had a few growth spurts (currently 5' 5")

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You're 13 years old and 175 centimetres... That 5' 7" for those in feet. You're taller than me and i'm 16. I've never weight lifted. You've got plenty more years to grow. I was under 5 foot until I hit 15, then I had a few growth spurts (currently 5' 5")




14 and 5' 11" \' muscles that bulge out look lame. real men have no visible muscle and use leverage to pick stuff up :D

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forget the lifting of things. Think about the women lol.




Bleh, I don't hold a very high opinion of "body builders," if anyone cares about my opinion. I think most of them do it for the wrong reasons. I think a lot of them feel insecure about themselves and turn to weight lifting to boost their self confidence. I'm not saying lifting weights is bad.. In fact, I think it's good but if you are doing it just to be admired by your peers, especially girls, that just shows weakness. I especially hate people that brag about how much they can bench mainly because every day at school I would hear the football players going "You dude, how much can you bench? 150? Haha, I remember when I was only able to do that. Now I can do 225 8-)." BAH, so lame.




Anyways I hope by bodybuilding you don't mean going to the point those guys on T.V. go. That is just DISGUSTING :-# .




Sorry if this was off topic, I just wanted to express my opinion about this. I don't mean to flame anyone, in case someone takes it that way.

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there are several drugs you could take.. one of the best known are anabolic androgen steroid hormones. its THE drug amongst bodybuilders. you need a prescription for them where i live, and it is not allowed for doping etc.




to be quite honest... dont take any. in my opinion its not worth it. but if you want to be one of these muscleman.








Baseball fans know them as Steriods and it's the big thing around the MLB right now especially around a guy you ppl might know as Barry Bonds. This drug makes you very strong, causing baseball players to hit more home-runs but it comes at a price. It recks your body in the long run. It's not a good idea, and I don't recommend trying it

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forget the lifting of things. Think about the women lol.




Bleh, I don't hold a very high opinion of "body builders," if anyone cares about my opinion. I think most of them do it for the wrong reasons. I think a lot of them feel insecure about themselves and turn to weight lifting to boost their self confidence. I'm not saying lifting weights is bad.. In fact, I think it's good but if you are doing it just to be admired by your peers, especially girls, that just shows weakness. I especially hate people that brag about how much they can bench mainly because every day at school I would hear the football players going "You dude, how much can you bench? 150? Haha, I remember when I was only able to do that. Now I can do 225 8-)." BAH, so lame.




Anyways I hope by bodybuilding you don't mean going to the point those guys on T.V. go. That is just DISGUSTING :-# .




Sorry if this was off topic, I just wanted to express my opinion about this. I don't mean to flame anyone, in case someone takes it that way.

well actually you hit it spot on when you say low confidence. I did start lifting because I was very self concious of my body and tired of being ignored all the time. Exercise is the best treatment for depression and my confidence has gone up so much since I started lifting. I dont want to get like MASSIVE and I dont brag (and if i do i dont do it on purpose). I just want to get a good build like most of the guys in the gym. some decent size arms, a definite 6 pack, some tight pecks, and overall just tighten everything up.
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there are several drugs you could take.. one of the best known are anabolic androgen steroid hormones. its THE drug amongst bodybuilders. you need a prescription for them where i live, and it is not allowed for doping etc.




to be quite honest... dont take any. in my opinion its not worth it. but if you want to be one of these muscleman.




don't take steroids! unless you want a tinky winky...ahem...


Sig by me....

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Well i dont consider myself as a bodybuilder but i go to gym 2-4 times a week. I dont train for big muscles, well i do have muscles but not nothing like arnold's lol :P I like to keep myself in shape :) I use proteine powder and mix it with water, it has a bit of vanilla taste in it.

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