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Player Owned Stalls


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I dont know about everyone else, but i get tired of standing in the bank yelling "selling (insert item here)(insert price here)" and having to pick traders out off all the frantic chat. Now lets look at this situation where instead mr. runescape111 or whatever walks up and sees several stalls set up by people and goes up to one and views it. there are several things for sale with pre-determined prices. the person could set up a stall and leave to do something else. this is also an effective way of preventing scamming seeing as a person couldnt change the money out quickly. unfortuantley i dont have a solution to the problem of every1 crowding there stalls together making a maze of stalls but it is a start on what i think is a good idea

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I think this is majorly needed! I see many other MMORPGs that allow you to set up stalls that auto shout a message every couple of minutes and people can open your shop to see what you have and buy for a pre-set price. However if you log out the shop would have to close, which is a problem because of the time-out feature in the game.




In another game I know there is a similar feature but instead of it occupying your character it allows you to leave your "pets" to sell your stuff for you. Maybe a new expansion for cats(using an ammy of manspeak)? or fish? lol




Note: You can still walk through people but cant set-up if another person already occupies that space

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Make it like the shop wizard on neopets <- No i don't play neopets <.< (anymore ::' )




It's sort of like the poh portals:




So you can search for any item, then it lists the best prices for them :)


And the cash goes to your shop till, that you can widthraw anytime :ohnoes:

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Thx for the comments yeah on a game called Silk Road people can set up stalls around there player and what there selling is said above there head like talking in runescape but it stays up until they close the stall down much like a sign leaving them to do other things in there life besides yelling in a bank.

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a freind of mine had a good idea to add portals maybe like a house portal, eliminating the problem of overcrowding stalls and lag. you could walk into the portal and much like world select u pick a "market" or something with like 100 people spread out, just a thought :idea:

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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Maybe since you don't want to have to be at the stalls, you could add a market option in the bank to add stuff to ur stall, or maybe u would have to buy a stall to set up and members could make stalls (non tradeable) and you could have sections of stores, like herblore/farming section, general section and stuff like that and u would need different stalls to have 2 shops open at once, the only problem is that people would start making alot of money really fast, and maybe it could be so that you could transfer stuff to ur bank or get notes atomatically instead of buying like 10 lobies at a time you could have buy x and buy all for the stalls

rule the seas is a cool mmorpg register through here: http://www.ruletheseas.com/index.php?r=50338

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Heres just another :idea: thought :idea: what if we also set up the stalls in reverse mode, like if someone said they wanted to purchase yew logs for fletching they would put up there price and you could sell your logs to the person, much like a store but without the horrible offers and even more annoying offer drops every time you sell something to the store :evil: quite annoying in my opinion :evil:

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Well yeah thats what i explained earlier in the post this would be a great way to prevent scamming seeing as the prices are set you cant fool the computer just like you cant scam the general store same concept gets put into here

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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I dont like the idea of putting stalls out, but i previously posted this suggestion on the runescape forums. There should be something like an announcement board in every bank that shows what people are selling and/or buying, and for how much. If a player wants to buy and/or sell to another player, they can click on the name to initiate a trade with said player, no matter where they are. Or, of course, you could put one stall outside every bank that functions the same way. Either way, it cuts down on the frustration :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: of buying items without using the forums.



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yeah i suppose but like i said this was just an idea i thought up to cut down on the frustration of crowded banks/ forums. i suppose a message board could work too, the idea of stalls just sounded fun to me, becuase i had the idea that u could log out and ur stall could stay active untill u chose to shut it down or something like that.

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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yeah i guess you have a point there i was thinking along the lines of like u could set up a stall and leave it there and come back later to get what ever money was depositied or something like that

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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yeah that was a good idea i have to admit, the buletin boards now are going to waste, they just say "ask about our low, low intrest rates!" and yet they dont give out loans.....hmm.....

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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It's a good idea, but lets say that 1 on 2 players has something for sale in a normal world, when america is on. That means that there would be 750 different stalls, now where would you put all those?

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In another game I know there is a similar feature but instead of it occupying your character it allows you to leave your "pets" to sell your stuff for you. Maybe a new expansion for cats(using an ammy of manspeak)? or fish? lol




For the love of God, don't let your cat run your fish stall!

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In a response to Airless if you read earilier in the post i explained a scenario like walking through a POH portal into an organized market place with like 50-100 spread out, and people could browse the stalls as they please. they could travel to the marketplaces like world select but in game instead there could be like 20 market places or something

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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