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First Fake Ever! Rate Please.


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haha cool, kinda looks like my one :XD: miningdwarff.png



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

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quite good..


1.text spacing


2. dwarf doesnt look like he's on the ground... also try putting the rune pick beside him, make it look more on the floor.


3. give the noob a traditional name, like noob978, coz noone has the name of "noob"


4. you can slightly see where the text was added in the bar.


5. the w00t is unbelievable. either W00t, Woot, W0ot, or Wo0t.


6. blood slightly incorrect colour, darker, and make it appear more runny. and also, what the last guy said about the blood.


6. the scroll on the text bar is full, whereas i KNOW it should be bigger, as you have the "Welcome to runescape" option.




(and lastly, when an animal dies, dont they usually just drop their items? or is that how u wanted it?)




just have a quick look at my first 2 attempts ever, and try to compare.






first fake: (yes, i know about the toning on the cow, needs dimming, and the capital where the cow is talking "Medium Glass of Milk")






second fake: this one was hard. (yes, i know the pming isnt quite spaces correctly, but it still looks kk)



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and yes, both of mine arent perfect, with the scroll thing, i just noticed that too.




and the d in and goes off the screen lol




and the l in "...2 lessers.." should be a capital






Official Rating Of "The Gnome With A Pic In The Head": 7.5/10

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