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.:: Tip.it collaboration grid ::. FINALLY FINISHED!


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and at this time of year (aka, christmas and new year....)








so yeah, i only did it to save my life ::'








anyway, enough of this one, what about the next colab?








ideas people!








ok with the next collab, im DEFINATLY getting some sqaures xD




this rocks xD




and im an idea man, i can think of plenty of stuff to do :P

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a sig is too small, and its been done before.








i was thinking something different, radical (still pixel)








oh oh! idea!








basicly, hang on ill do a quick example....








basicly its the tip it logo, but pixelised and bigger, 32*32 24*24 pixel squares, and basicly uo can have as many as you want and we have to fill it with a small pixel image of the colour of the square, or very close, so we have a large colage of the tipit logo made from lots of mini pixels.








of corse its still an idea and may not work...








and of corse the image....


















100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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hmm, i guess that it wouldnt be too great, however im not keen on a pixel worm, just doesnt do it for me, espesh since we all have differenting styles, unlike with the graphics that can easily be blended in the normal graphics worm.








we could do a totempole thingy, im sure youve seen them before....










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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okey updation complete, a totem poll sounds great, but I think we need a new thread, this one's kinda messy. :?








I'll think up a palette, maybe just one colour with several shades? suggestions welcome.

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yeah iots thought through enough, and we shallnt limit it to 1 piece a person, make sure theres a lot of different ones.








mainly central collums, but eck you can do the base since you asked first and someone else can do the top, ill reserve that for myself for now, unless anyone else can give good reasoning as to why they should do it =)








and ter if you can do a sorta wood colour scheme, edging towards the yellows from the oranges as the base colour and dont do to much hue contrast in the colours, keep it fairly realistic, also im leaving it to you to give good judgement for a light source.








also ter you can start the new thread, unless you want me to manage this colab...










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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If you want to start a new thread pjb that'd be awesome and if you'd like I'd be a co-organiser, it's pretty annoyin sometimes tryin to sort everythin out yourself. Ive got to go atm cus im starting my first shift at my new job so I can't do anything right now, so if you find a nice palette before I get to make one myself I'll try to do what I can whether it be suggest a palette change or even start of a first totem piece.

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Awsome job, was a great idea from Terley. Since it's finished, I'll unsticky this tomorrow but if a new big colab project starts strong, I'll sticky the next one. :D








We should probably get a list of everyone's names that worked on this project into first post.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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basicly there was two pieces for the top, mine and ecks, i dunno why but i just decided to do the spaceships of eck (mainly to shut him up :wink: ) and yeah i just did more and more untill i finished it and saved my life ::'








my choice in the end, so ha!
















also wasnt this gonna be un-stickyfied and the new colab (totem) sticked?










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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