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Big's Guide to Lesser Demon Slaying on Karamja (F2P Version)


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So, you think you have what it takes to take down a Lesser Demon? Well, I'm about to give you the complete rundown on mastering this evil race of monsters.




Inventory and What your Wearing


Well, for starters, the most important thing is FOOD. My personal food is Lobsters, fished right there at Karamja. Bring a lobster pot, cause you're probably gonna need food. Okay, you've got your food. Let's talk about weapons and armor. If you are looking for quick, easy experience, bring yourself a adamant or runite scimitar. If you just want the drops, I suggest a Adamant or Runite 2H or Battleaxe. As for armor, I'd suggest rune only. If you want to test your luck, go with adamant. SO, we've got our armor, weapon, and food. What more can there be?






I never do this, but you can if you want to. A few extras you can bring are things like Strength Potions or a buddy. If you bring Strength potions, only bring 4 or 5, cause there are 16-20 doses right there. Now you are all wondering: Why bring a buddy Big? I'll tell you why. What would you do if you were there with all of your money, full rune, and were skulled? You are so out of luck then if you die. But your buddy can get your stuff for you, right? That's why I bring a buddy.




Tips and Hints


+Wear the best armor you can afford. It may just save your life.


+Your best friends are safety spots. Use these creatively, as these could also save your life.


+Bringing your own harpoon or lobster pot can do you good. You can get combat experience as well as fishing and cooking.




Closing Statements


SO, there you have it. You are now an ultimate master of Lesser Demons. Go kill them to your hearts content. You have the power.





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Might want to add that you probably shouldn't train there below 95+ Combat with a good Def lvl, otherwise the Lessers will tear through you (I killed them every once and a while on my old main, with 70 Def I used a lot of food...)

I_Xpk3r_I: Future Mayhem Maker

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Okay, I am currently starting to take the pics. And, normally I don't bring an axe and tinderbox, as people normally start fires there on Karamja witht heir own things. And D3vil, I've been trainging there with only 50 defence, and never have died from one before.

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And D3vil, I've been trainging there with only 50 defence, and never have died from one before.




That may be true, however at that lvl there are other things (Red Spiders, Monsters on 1st three floors of SOS etc) which would give you significantly better XP, with a lot less risk, while keeping some decent drops (SOS monsters have very good drops for their lvls). I can understand you wanting to go there for a bit of fun, however if you are after XP, it would be much faster on some of the monsters mentioned above...

I_Xpk3r_I: Future Mayhem Maker

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I think this guide's instructions are pretty obvious except for the emphasis about safespots.




-Food is needed for all forms of combat


-People will wear the best armor that they can




I also barely used up 2 strength potions, i think bringing 4-5 is too much

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Not sure it's worth depleting your supply of strength pots there, unless it means an extra kill per load of food.




They ARE terrible combat XP, but with a a decent weapon and armour (try the silverlight, unless you have a rune weapon), mid-level combat should do it. They are abn extremely tough propostion for any pure though, other than a mage or ranger that's good and lucky at safespotting.




One top tip: Remember your escape, do NOT leave it until your last few HP and no food before moving out - if you are on the lower end of the reasonable levels for this, the deadly reds are certain to nip you on the way out.




Tele's? I generally do without, relying on a planned escape instead, with 3 more lobsters to cover my escape.




Another thing... the enemy I fear most among Lessers or Ankou.... My cordless mouse batteries - if they die during an "eating required" combat, then you've been PKed by your own mouse!

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Also of note this method is neither good for combat xp, fishing/cooking xp or cash because:




Combat xp: Much faster to train on smaller and more abundant enemies, also using less food




Fishing/Cooking xp: Much faster to powerfish and powercook because it saves the time from running around, fishing hard fish like lobsters and writing "OMG FIRE PLZX" for 3 minutes every load.




Cash: Training any skill will get you more money per hour than lesser demons (unless you're somehow able to get a rune medium every 5 minutes)




So yeah, good enough guide for what it is but the training method itself is bad.

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Its a cool guide. But at my level (77 Combat), i only need to take like 5 lobbies, and i can get thru 20 lessers simple. As i'm a member, i train in Taverley Dungeon near the Baby blu dragons, and when i get bored i train there. (You should mention the drops you have gotten to make people more "excited" killing lessers).



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Its a cool guide. But at my level (77 Combat), i only need to take like 5 lobbies, and i can get thru 20 lessers simple. As i'm a member, i train in Taverley Dungeon near the Baby blu dragons, and when i get bored i train there. (You should mention the drops you have gotten to make people more "excited" killing lessers).




Ok, 20 Lessers with 5 Lobbies, that is pretty poor if you are training for pure XP, if you trained on Red Spiders you could probably kill 3-400 on 5 Lobbies, which is much better XP...




The only time I would fight these with Melee is for a Slayer Assignment, or if you wanted to relax a little and have some fun, not for pure XP training

I_Xpk3r_I: Future Mayhem Maker

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