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CW world?????


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i have been searching for a world to play CW in tonite but i cant sem to find any good worlds




ZEUS :twisted:

Think about how boring their job is. All day replying to messages like these: '0mG j0gEx cAn U g1MmÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã 100k 1 w1lL pa1 u bAk 1 swÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâãaR!!11!'


Not sure about you but I would want to liven up my job if I had a job like theirs.

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the thing with empty worlds like 79 is competition is harder, 1 100+ on 1 side could sway the whole match if there is no1 who can match them. it makes for more intense battles whereas w2 etc tends 2 b piling and dozens of people protecting their own flag... good stuff either way - 650 cw tix :D

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