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Guide to meleeing giant rock crabs, solo. (v.1)


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This guide will be updated when I am not dead tired at midnight...




So you wanna melee giant rock crabs eh? Tired of burning runes on them? Want to actually use those monkfish and potions you stocked up on? This guide will show you how.




This guide assumes you know where the waterbirth island dungeon is.




Why giant rock crabs?


- For rockshell parts. Suits have stayed roughly the same price due to low demand. Supply is low as well however. That's where you come in.


- For something different to bash up.


- The ability to give yourself the same title as any crab medication...




Why melee?


- You don't go through tons of runes fast. I'd take fishing over runecrafting any day.


- You hate range and mage. (I don't, but you might.)


- You're a sick, violent person. Acceptance is the first step.






- There are no requirements to try, but there are not to fail.




You will need:


- A friend. They can help or they can tele out after you're in. I prefer paying lower levels for the latter because I get all the drops. :twisted:






- Lunar diplomacy and 73 magic. (For telegroup waterbirth.)


- Hero's quest. (For glory tele out while on lunars.)


- Recipe for disaster. (Dark gloves.)




Equipment-wise, this is the best loadout:








- Full veracs is essential unless you want to spend 15 minutes killing each crab.


- The other equipment can be tweaked, but I prefer this setup.


- I have no clue if the ring increases shell part chances. I'm just superstitious.




Inventory-wise, you'll want something like this:








- I only bring offensive potions only, but defence pots can be used as well.


- Monkfish or better. Sharks and potatoes work fine too.


- Waterbirth tele(group). I like to provide transportation for my buddy who helps me open the door, then teles.






- Tele you and your buddy/team to waterbirth.


- Get to the rockcrab section.


- Go to the far end. This is your "kill-zone".








These things have wicked high defence, hence the veracs. Pot up and start bashing away. But there's a problem...




They run into a single combat zone full of other hostile crabs!




Now there are 2 dumb solutions, and there is a smart solution.




Dumb solution 1 - Weaken every rock crab in the room. Good luck...




Dumb Solution 2 - Raise an army to pin all the other crabs...




Smart way - Cut off their escape. Here's how:








Trap them in this spot. They can't run, they stop hitting you once they start trying to run, and you won't get the dreaded "I'm already under attack!" message because it's multicombat.




Having trouble trapping them? Here's how:








1. Provoke a crab.


2. Run to the red dot. (Not right next to the door.)


3. Run to the yellow dot.


4. Wait until the crab is in place. (You will be fighting it from the yellow dot.)


5. Run "across" the crab to where I'm standing and trap it in the corner.


6. Bash until it stops moving.


7. Repeat.




Enjoy, and happy crab-crushing.






Shawnorama - My uncle, who took his time to help me open the door several times.


Pauloino - His Guide to Obtaining and Creating Dagannoth Armour made me get off my behind and do experimentation with crab killing.




Once I get some nice loot I'll post more pics.

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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If you do want to try it I'll go, walk you through trapping them, then switch worlds. I'm trying to get each shell part so I can post pictures, so anyone can ask and I'll bring them with me (the overall coolness of telegroup spells 8-) ), help them get started, then switch worlds and do some crab-bashing myself.

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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Yes, rockshell is exactly the same as rune (although it doesn't require d slayer).




I'm not sure about the prices, although I've seen the plate and legs going for 300-350k (for both). I think the full set is 450k or so.




I'll start keeping a drop log for drop percentages. I'd appreciate any drop logs you guys make that I can incorporate into the calculations. You'll get credit, of course.




Supermonk, I'll go with you, but you can't be my friend. :P

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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O hey, I used to kill them in the multicombat pits down the ladder. It goes wallasalkis, then dagannoths, then giant rock crabs. You don't have to trap them there. There are 2 pits in the path towards the King Dagannoths. The level 74 dagannoths down the side-path can be killed to harvest bones.




You've got some wicked ideas, but here's some more.


  • [*:3v9emzgs]Use the rune thrown-axe special on a barricade and it will destroy all of the barricades, letting you into the room with the ladder. Protect magic, then go down the ladder. Pass the wallasalkis, go down that ladder, and protect range. Go up the next ladder to get to the giant rock crabs.
    [*:3v9emzgs]Bring Bones to Peaches tablets to make use of the bones you get from the rock crabs. You might need to bring defense pots if you want to last longer there while using b2p tabs.

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Hmm, how many are there down there? A level 95 like me may not last too long down there if there's alot once they start retreating. Incentive for teaming perhaps?




Sounds good, I'll try to finish getting bones to peaches, then try your suggestion when I can. Got alot of smithing/dragon killing/ectoing cut out for me first though.




I'm also wondering if ruby or diamond bolts would work at all. The ruby ones (blood forfeit) would hit them for 48 initially, and the diamond ones (armour-piercing) could perhaps be used to finish them off.




And can cannons be used to "create" a safespot/barrier? That would be something to look into. Yes, I know they're useless against the crabs themselves, but it would revolutionize trapping. I've also heard from one of my friends that you can set up a cannon "on top of" monsters and pin them. I'll have to play with it later.

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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just set of for a trip - all kitted up in me veracs :D pming m8s to come stand on the switch lool




EDIT: dude this is sweet, they barely hit and even when they do its low. ur trap works perfect and they stop attacking once u have them below about 40% health so its easy :P only got addy long and a few runes atm but i'll b here 4 a while yet :thumbsup:

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Yes, rockshell is exactly the same as rune (although it doesn't require d slayer).




I'm not sure about the prices, although I've seen the plate and legs going for 300-350k (for both). I think the full set is 450k or so.




I'll start keeping a drop log for drop percentages. I'd appreciate any drop logs you guys make that I can incorporate into the calculations. You'll get credit, of course.




Supermonk, I'll go with you, but you can't be my friend. :P




it does require Fremmy trials..

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