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"Wait, what time is that Eastern?"


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Clan meetings, KBD Trips, parties.


All of which are ruined by a little thing called time-zones. People just don't know their time-zone of are to lazy to find it. Tell me,




Do you expect a person with the intention span of the local ogre to look that up?




So what do we do about it? Well, notice the clock tower? The grandfather clocks in our houses? Are they just there to look pretty?








I propose that these towers be put to a purpose. A new right click option "check time" on any of these things. A new item, "Wrist watch", which would go in the ring spot (Where else would it?) and could be taken off to check the time.




A new centerpeice for your garden or formal garden. Sundials! From bad (Granite) to Great (Magic stone), these would also be a cool way of keeping time! Maybe a whole new room for your house. "Time Santuary" for measuring time and building watches.




Don't have a watch? Ask the guy at the observatory for a telescope. Use it to look at one of the clock towers around you for the time.




Don't have that either? Well your out of luck :twisted: . Not really. Just ask any NPC or another player.




Why not? Instead of listing 5 kajillion times, just put one. Rune time.




A clock with Rune time would be added to the Official fourms, The front page, and where ever else.




Thoughts? Ideas? Yes, I know I over use the enter button, well to bad!




Rune Time, the way of the future. Wait, Runescape is the past, so is it the way of the past? Or present? My head hurts :wall:




NOTE Rune time would not be based on Any GMT time. Jagex would just start it, and it would always run. It wouldn't be set to a single time zone.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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very nice, well-thought out idea, but.. why do we need that time?


i dont get it... #-o

Give a man a fish, and he'll choke on the bones. Result: You get the rest of the fish.

Teach a man to fish, and he'll catch a lot of fish, then choke on one of the bones. Result: You get all the fish he caught.

Teaching people is better.

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very nice, well-thought out idea, but.. why do we need that time?


i dont get it... #-o




It would make appointments a whole lot easier.


For example, I live in Europe, and it's hard to make an appointment with someone in an other timezone, like in America.




"Ok, so when do we meet ?"


"Ehhm, 5pm ?"


"Ehm ok, which timezone are you in ?


"Huh what ?"


"Timezones, 'i'm in GMT+1 and you ?"




"Wait since you live in X, that would be timezone X, so X hours apart. But wait, does that include daylight savings time?"


"Ehhm how late is it where you live now ?"




And then you have to calculate everything etc.


One central time would make thing easier.


Living in Europe (GMT+1) Think about the time difference in trading deals and such !

Add me on MSN for trading: Cowhides, Coal and Leather are welcome !

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I agree, this is why the army uses milatary time to, so its easier to calculate. Mabye the rune time would use races ( troll:30, lol not great i know) names of common items ( ores, woods, etc.)or just plain old numbers. And i Think all rings should have the option of knowing the rune time.

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I can't remember the correct name (HELP PLEASE), but one of those old stone things that would measure time.




Sundial 8-)




Cool idea, but which tmezone would rune-time be? GMT? (Seeing as that is the time zone Jagex are based in).

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lol! Good idea, sundials would be pretty cool. And even better...Stonehenge! I mean, it was used to tell time and was a calandar. Anyway, runetime has been discussed quite a bit, and not sure where jagex stands on it. It would make sense i mean, if you can't get the time, just talk to a man or something "what's the time?" and you get a reply. I dunno, maybe.

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