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Solution to problems which face pking.


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I will talk about two things, tagging/pjng and defence being underpowered.




We all know the things pkers dont like praying, teleporting, tagging and pjing, but my suggestion is for pjing and tagging as these have no solution for the pker and is an element that has ruined pking for everybody.




Prayer and telporting is solved by smite and teleblock, but what does a pker facing with a group in SINGLE zone do? Single zone is there for a reason, fight people one on one, but now the pker faces a group tagging him until he's dead without a thing he/she can do. This has RUINED the wilderness, everyone has gone to edgeville because of this, where you can easily exit if faced fighting this unfairness. It is rife in mage bank where whole clans stalk there for a lone warrior whose only choice is to run away and x'ing, which is against the rules.




Right now another player canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t attack someone being attack, this doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t do the job however, when your opponent is eating, another player can attack you. This means a group will switch players before you get a chance to kill your opponent or simply to get each person in the groupÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s special in! This has ruined the wilderness and it is time for a change!




My suggestion is for a timer to exist in single zone a counter should be put in where they canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be attacked for 20 seconds to 1 minute after attacked; this would stop tagging as you can kill the person in this time and log out if in deep wild. I would think a good setup would be 20 seconds and an extra half second per wild level so level 55 wild would be 47.5 seconds. This would stop a team tagging you as they wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t just stand there for around 40 seconds being attacked.




This I believe would solve this problem to pking of solo zone being infested with groups who tag solo pkers. As a result of this everyone would not hug Edgeville, and pk deeper depending on their combat level and confidence and experience of pking. Thus solo pking would become more fun, pking deeper with more risk (if you go to level 30 you can find people 30 levels lower but also 30 levels higher) High combats would go to mage bank, where the solo pker never goes because there is only clans who stalk for the solo pker. Mage would be better as you can use teleblock effectively (in Edgeville anyone can run away out of wild because everyone pks in low wild) and barrage would be very effective solo as well (you wont get attacked for 20-45 seconds, now you can get attacked any time by someone else while you use your ice spells on someone).




As you can see this would have a tremendous effect on pking as being able to solo deep would make pking much more fun. I hate attacking only people with 3 level difference, fight are boring usually as you only ever fight people evenly matched, pking deeper bring a risk as you can fight someone low or higher than you, and will take more skill to stand up to someone who is a higher combat than you. Also pures would not be so dominant in the wild as they thrive on fighting people their level with balanced stats who donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t hit as high as them, faced with pkers who are higher than them they will have a hard challenge and it would be risky to have 1 defence as a result of this. Defence would no longer be underpowered as it would be useful to not be hit over and over be a high combat. This leads me onto what I think would make defence less underpowered.




I give credit to Jagex for making items such as the recipie for disaster reward gloves, rune defender, beserker helm, the update to the rune boots, fire cape etc. These are attack and strength boosting gear that pures donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t care about if they only enhance defence because if they just have defence stats they will just have low defence and fight with high attack and/or strength and get to wear low cost items whereas the balance pker wears more expensive items. This is why pures are so dominant, people like the fact that you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t risk much with them, and high strength and attack are dominant in pking because its about hitting the opponent and being able to ko them. In a fight versus a balanced character he will hit him a lot but with not so high strength the pure can eat to stay alive and get high hits in to ko his opponent. This is so beneficial that everyone makes these and defence isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t that useful for pking.




The solution to this Jagex have done well to address, rune was made a long time ago and has decent defence stats, pures prey on people in rune because they have balanced stats and expensive gear on, the solution to this is to make stuff which has a defence requirement to wield. I listed the ones which have been done above and I simply think there should be more and for higher defence levels.




Dragon armour is pointless to pking, nobody uses it as itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s too expensive (or was, prices have gone down allot since start of RS2) and doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t offer enough bonuses to not use rune. Dragon cannot be altered now but barrow armour is great. It is at a decent price now and you get a good enough stat bonus just to use torags body and plate. You also have Dhaorks which is damned good. Varacs and Guthan are useful for other aspects of Runescape (people do something other than pk??) which is cool. Karils has a decent weapon and the body and legs have a better mage bonus than black dragon hide, coif and set effect are terrible though which is why Karils is unpopular. Ahrims has better defence than mystic and better defence and magic than split bark. Very good, set effect reduces strength, not many uses in wild though.




Doing similar things for armour for level 80 and 90 requirements would be good, make high defence worthwhile, if Jagex make like barrows armour defence would in no way be underpowered, if they had set effects it would greatly improve pking. There are many types of pure about, this is because at a lower level there is a a diverse set of armours and weapons, if 80 and 90 armours and weapons came into the game this would carry on the trend of making account specific for certain stats into high levels too with people having high defence for a armour they would want to use and attack and strength would be less important as set effects would be paramount. Maybe this is going over the top but armour is defiantly needed, and would change "pure making" - the making a new account with the best possible stats to pk with - defence could actually be useful to a pker....




I posted this on the official forums and used that version copied to here as I wrote alot more than the previous version written. This has more reasoned arguments and more detailed descriptions of how it would benefit the wild. This I believe would solve the problems with pking, please discuss, if you dont like please state clearly for discussion purposes. No flaming.




Post to discuss or to show your support. If you are fully behind it please post on the official forums as Jagex Mods do read there. The quick find code is 24-25-940-27529515. Thats the sticky on pking. Its on page 666, ooo i wonder if thats a sign..... :-k :P :D :D

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yeah they need a time break before you can be jumped by some nubs nub with dds's. its really irritating, especially in single combat when someone eats or changes attacks and another asshat jumps in with his 4 dds specials. I solo alot too, so I tend to stick to multi now. i rather make nubcicles and pick em off than deal with a bunch of tagging 110+'s at the mb. for the most part i've been avoiding pking till i'm maxed


126 combat. 2001 total. 101 prayer. and off to go WoWin.



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What really bugs me, though, is luring, especially in this kind of way:




person 1 (p1) gets person 2 (p2) to come help him/her kill person 3 (p3) in wildy




P2 leads p1 far into wildy, often where there is no way to teleport out or run away, saying this is where p3 is.




p1 pms p2 a countdown, so as p1 and p2 to attack p3, but p1 doesnt usually attack when p2 does. p1 and p3 (most of the time higher levels than p2) then team up on p2 and collect all his stuff when he dies (p2 dies as a skull and loses everything, unless using protect items)




This has happened to me twice, both times I used protect items.


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Yes we know luring isnt good, however its a form of pking and its up to you to work out its a lure and not fall for it, nobody can prevent tagging and pjing happening and it is ruining pking.




I didnt know luring was pking, oops -.-


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Not really, i don't support that much becuase in high level wildy, a lot of people are SMART and wait for a fight to be over before attacking one of the people and KOing them. I say that a 10 second safe time is enough for the person to be able to pick up dropped loot and eat food before another fight. 1 1/2 minutes is too long in high level wildy.


Which FF Character Are You?

"The only tyrant i accept in this world is the still voice within." - Mahatma Gandhi


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Just come out and say it. You want to tag and pj because you are afraid of losing your items and cant fight a real fight. This is to PREVENT it because it ruins solo pking. If you want to team by all means do, but do it in multi like the wilderness was designed for.




Oh and pjing is smart? Lmao, wait until fight is over and you might ko for it not to appear for you. Smart.

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i would really support this


because ive had bad experiences with this and it really isnt fair since its supposed to be single combat for a reason

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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This solution does not just sort out any pesky taggers, not really the point of it to be honest. It is to make solo zone what it is supposed to be and people would pk deeper where it is more risky, needing better tactics than where everyone has flocked to because of this - Edgeville, basically dms. This would make solo pking more interesting and challenging.

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Sorry for the double post, but nobody has posted in ages, you can see the time difference from the last post...




I made this on the official forums, I sat down and wrote this in word, so I copied it and posted it there and edited the post here. Hopefully with the more detailed description of what is the problem, what should be done and how these would benefit, more people will post, I certainly think it is a better argument overall.

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