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:: tripsis :: 99 Woodcutting!

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About your palms being slow, do you use supercompost on your trees? It might seem stupid, but I think that not using supercompost loses cycles (like when it would get diseased, it wouldn't because of farmer payments, but you still lose that growing cycle)





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WOOT!!! Gratz on 84 farming tripsis! gratz on catching up with Dorky!


Hopefully I can be there for your 99 this time, make sure you time it so its not in the middle of school time!!! then I can come (time difference)




anyhow, I must be getting a rediculously high post count, is there a limit for X amount of posts per topic?? cause I'd almost be over it...




almost halfway to the bones needed for 60 prayer btw, you wouldn't happen to have a guilded altar? I might use one for say 55-60 but ecto from 43-55 to save bones... you would have to add me and have your chat on friends/on though ........




About time you post on my blog huh?




Thanks so much! :D We'll try to make our party at a convenient time XD




Well your post count actually isn't counted in BlogScape :wink: And nope, no limit, haha.




That's awesome!! Yes, I do have a gilded altar.. but if you used it, not only would I have to have my chat on friends, but I'd have to stay in my house while you use it :uhh: If there's ever a period of time where I'm not doing anything, I'll let you know, but I'll likely be busy with hunter for the next couple of days.




Gratz on 84! Looks like this time you are getting 87 before me.




Thank you!! Mwahaha 87 will be miiiiiiine! :twisted:




84 farming is good as! , i have practically given up mining


its to much clicking and so little xp




Oh no! You have to keep it up! 99 will be awesome and well worth pushing through the boredom! :lol: Though I do understand your frustration. Maybe take a week to relax then get back into it? I hate to see you give up now!!




Congrats on 84! I am happy for you! I did like 3 quests so far instead of hunting. Now, I can do Trouble Brewing!




Thank you so much! Still procrastinating, eh? Lol! I actually really enjoy Trouble Brewing. Maybe after 83 hunter I'll make Dork come along with me. Might be fun.




congrats tripsis.now you can release him from youre pok and let him farm with you again






keep farming trippy,that farming cape really is trippy




Rofl :XD: -lets Dork off the leash- And yeah, I'm really looking forward to the cape!!




Congratulations at 84!




Now I'm going to check my snapdragons and burn 4,695 maples for 87 and 88 Firemaking. ^^,




Thanks so much!!




Have fun burning those logs~! Keep up the excellent work!




Gratz on 84 farming




2000 total that will be really easy to you right?




Is rc still your goal or has it changed?




Thanks so much!




Getting all skills to 80+ should get me about 2000 skill total, which is two excellent accomplishments in one go!




Oh no, I'm still runecrafting! Just not as much. Whenever I run out of seeds, I make at least 5k nature runes a day (5k nats pays for one day of seeds). So I'm getting there, quite slowly, but getting there. I actually got 93 runecrafting a few days ago, which was nice.




Gratz on 84. I prefered ur old siggie




Aww, I'm sorry :( I actually quite liked that one as well. Maybe I'll switch back eventually, lol. And thank you!!




Congratz on 84!


I saw you at cw yesterday lol


You're doing great, amazing progress.




Oohh cool!! Yeah I banked there after collecting my MTK goods (because I was wearing a stole instead of a glory and needed to bank, hehe).




Thanks so much!!




About your palms being slow, do you use supercompost on your trees? It might seem stupid, but I think that not using supercompost loses cycles (like when it would get diseased, it wouldn't because of farmer payments, but you still lose that growing cycle)








Yep. I use super compost on trees/fruit trees, herbs and jangerberries.. then regular compost on my limps. I still think that Dusty's meddling with them :-w

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Grats on 84 Trippy! Very nice! =D>




You talked about Trouble Brewing. I read the guide for it but it all seems very confusing :oops: . You mind showing me the ropes when you have some free time? Only if you want to though. :D




Grats on 65 Hunter also. :P


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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lol okay Tripsis, I'll just try to use Codguys altar I guess, call me if you ever have the need to aclh.




Seeing as Your Boyfriend (Dork, obviously :wink: ) has a Bank pic up why don't you? would be able to show off




EDIT: going with the bank pic, its my sisters Birthday today so, PUT IT UP!!! I wana show off that I got rich and high lvl friends... Muahahahahaha!!! lol... :anxious: ok so she wouldn't care the slightest bit, who cares...... no excuse :notalk:




lol :XD:


Thanks Terly for the best Avatar in TipIt -winks-

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Well I just wanted to show Tripsis, but thanks. ::' You'll get there. :) It's great money. :D




Yeah, I figure as much, especially since I can just leave it and come back later, giving me what will probably be a good 15k per seed without no-lifing, which will be great.




As for Tripsis, meh, I've taken over!!! MUAHAHAHAA......... I do that too much, lol :anxious:


Thanks Terly for the best Avatar in TipIt -winks-

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Darn, you're beating me again! <.<


I went to get my Navy outfit, and I am about 2 games away from being totally done! So, I will be up and running tommorow! :twisted:




Keep it up Tripsis! You are doing amazing. Hurry up and level up Hunting! :lol: I know it gets boring, but just think, Dragon Imps! Also a big congrat from me will be waiting. That's worth it in itself. :XD:

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Are bushes any good?




Meh, not really. I only do one bush patch because it's on the way to the fruit tree. So why not? :P




Grats on 84 Trippy! Very nice!




You talked about Trouble Brewing. I read the guide for it but it all seems very confusing. You mind showing me the ropes when you have some free time? Only if you want to though.




Grats on 65 Hunter also.




Thanks so much!!




I thought the guide was very confusing as well. It's a very difficult minigame to explain. The only way to fully understand it is to give it a go yourself. Basically, it breaks down into this:




There are two teams who are competing to make the most rum in 20 minutes. In order to make rum, you have to be stocked with supplies. The supplies that your team currently has is shown at the top of the screen. Basically, your job throughout the game is to collect ingredients to make rum. I'm pretty sure the guide explains how to get each ingredient pretty well. Once you gather ingredients, you have to deposite them in your team's hoppers (which can be found upstairs in your team's building). At the end of the game, you get 1 PoE for each ingredient that you collected for your team (there's a maximum of 100 PoE that you receive for ingredients) and 2 PoE for each bottle rum that your team made.




So basically, when it comes to strategy, the best way to go about it would be to spend the first 10-15 minutes of the game getting a starter supply of all ingredients for your team. Once you have a descent stock and have 5-10 minutes left in the game, spend the remaining time collecting buckets of water (to max out on your 100 PoE for ingredients).




lol okay Tripsis, I'll just try to use Codguys altar I guess, call me if you ever have the need to aclh.




Seeing as Your Boyfriend (Dork, obviously) has a Bank pic up why don't you? would be able to show off




EDIT: going with the bank pic, its my sisters Birthday today so, PUT IT UP!!! I wana show off that I got rich and high lvl friends... Muahahahahaha!!! lol... ok so she wouldn't care the slightest bit, who cares...... no excuse








Rofl maybe I'll consider it, though I'm sure you all would be disappointed :wink: My bank is never very impressive as I just make gp as I go along. I don't hoard fancy items or mountains of gp or anything :P Heck, Dork even has more pure essence than I do!!






43/51 snapseeds left plus 4 growing - should make me some money.




Wahoo!!! Congratulations, that's great!! :D And nice amount of seeds you have~!




Well I just wanted to show Tripsis, but thanks. You'll get there. It's great money.




Yeah, I figure as much, especially since I can just leave it and come back later, giving me what will probably be a good 15k per seed without no-lifing, which will be great.




As for Tripsis, meh, I've taken over!!! MUAHAHAHAA......... I do that too much, lol




Yeah farming is a great way to make money on the side.. especially since it requires such little effort!




Darn, you're beating me again!


I went to get my Navy outfit, and I am about 2 games away from being totally done! So, I will be up and running tommorow!




Keep it up Tripsis! You are doing amazing. Hurry up and level up Hunting! I know it gets boring, but just think, Dragon Imps! Also a big congrat from me will be waiting. That's worth it in itself.




Rofl :XD: Congratulations on getting your Navy outfit (I'm sure you have it by now?)!! :D




Dork and I meant to get level 70 last night but it was 1:30 am and we were both exhausted. So we got a little past level 69. Hopefully we'll make more progress today.




Okey, but how many nats you still need to make for 99 rc?




Brace yourself... For 99 runecrafting I have to use 646,770 essence, which totals to 1,293,540 nats :wall: That's like 270m after subtracting the cost of essence.








Thank youuu! :D








As I told Devoted, Dork and I meant to get level 70 hunter last night but we both got pretty tired. So we got a few xp past 69:





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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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43/51 snapseeds left plus 4 growing - should make me some money.




Wahoo!!! Congratulations, that's great!! :D And nice amount of seeds you have~!




Thanks. :) I've planted 4 Papayas, 5 Maples (with payment) and Im still growing snapdragons - 61,562xp from level, so I might get 72 tomorrow. :)




About the seeds, I was making a thread about buying them in rsof. I was thinking about how many seeds I'd buy and I thought "60 sounds nice :)". So 60 I wrote. When I had 28 seeds, someone wanted to sell me 23 (lucky plz?) and, ofcorse, I said I wanted to buy them. :) So he teleports to Fally Square and changes to my world while I calculate how much its going to cost me. 920k, seems allright.


He loggs in, trades me and I take "Trade X Gold" (or whatever it says) and write 920,000. Up comes 830k and I am like "Wth?! O.O ". I realise that I wanted to buy seeds for 2,4m, with only 1,917m cash to buy for. :wall: I ended up giving him 830k cash and 500 raw monkfishes for the seeds (overpaying because of it being cash and items, not only cash) and closing the thread saying I have bought all seeds. :oops:






Congratulations at 69! Fast! :P






Oh and about how good cash snapdragon is... Concidering I get average 7.1 snapdragons per seed (rounded down to 7 per seed), deaths of herbs included when calculating the average, and the seeds + supercompost costs me 41k per seed, I make a 88k profit per trip.


One trip takes me at most 10 minutes. So then I have to do 6 trips to have farmed for one hour. 88k*6 is atleast 528k/h of farming. Snapdragons is therefor one of RuneScape's best, and imo most relaxing, way to get money - it's just spread out over time. :)


By the way, that's with 4 patches, not 5. ;)




Edit: Putting in one more thing in this ultra-long message. I got my first spirit seed today from Misc. ^^,

Rank 10 Mining in Sweden :)



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Whoot, Congrats on level 69 Hunting! You are just flying by! Don't get worn out too fast though! :anxious: If I get going today I will be able to get 84 and 85! P.S. Yes, I got the Navy outfit! It looks nice! :D Can't wait til it finally meets its partner, the Hunter Cape! :XD:

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Grats on 69 Hunter Trippy! Very nice. =D>




How much exp/hour do you get while hunting red chins? I need to know because I need to get 80 Hunter :? .




Btw, thanks for the info. I'm gonna try that mini-game out some time. :wink:


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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If you're walking from Ardougne to get to that one fruit tree patch. I would recommend you use a spirit tree (namely the one in Gnome Stronghold) to get to the centre of the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Elkoy to get out, which is very close to the patch.




I don't know if you do that already, but its one way that my no-law farming patch might prevail over your rich one =P

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If you're walking from Ardougne to get to that one fruit tree patch. I would recommend you use a spirit tree (namely the one in Gnome Stronghold) to get to the centre of the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Elkoy to get out, which is very close to the patch.




I don't know if you do that already, but its one way that my no-law farming patch might prevail over your rich one =P




Oh btw I could add a part of my farming-round, which I find pretty good. :)




*Teleport to Lumbridge and take that tree


*Run to glider in Al-Kharid and go to Gnome Stronghold


*Do those two patches


*Take Spirit Tree to Gnome Village

Rank 10 Mining in Sweden :)



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*pants and gasps as if she just finished a marathon*




Hehehe. Tripsis, I just finished reading every single post on this blog. (I fletch lots.......... :) ) Anyways, I wanted to say gratz on all your farming levels (and especially on planting you first spirit tree!!), and very very good luck on 99 : :D




Hehehe... This is just a fun pic I made. My first 99 :wink:






Also, wondered if you could give me tips on Herby? I'm only 38 :(




Also also, Con and Herby capes are hawt.






Being immature is a part of being mature.
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^ Gratz on 99 construction I should say?




Anyway, reading 2500+ posts can really be boring :? Tripsis I assume 99 hunting will be your first non-buyable 99?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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If you're walking from Ardougne to get to that one fruit tree patch. I would recommend you use a spirit tree (namely the one in Gnome Stronghold) to get to the centre of the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Elkoy to get out, which is very close to the patch.




I don't know if you do that already, but its one way that my no-law farming patch might prevail over your rich one =P




Oh btw I could add a part of my farming-round, which I find pretty good. :)




*Teleport to Lumbridge and take that tree


*Run to glider in Al-Kharid and go to Gnome Stronghold


*Do those two patches


*Take Spirit Tree to Gnome Village




I know of better, but I won't reveal until later. :-#




and Trip, is it reasonable to go from 62 to 99 theving in a month? I really want to get a 5th 99 before school. :-X




also, gratz on 85 farming 17,179 xp early 8-)

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I know of better, but I won't reveal until later. :-#




and Trip, is it reasonable to go from 62 to 99 theving in a month? I really want to get a 5th 99 before school. :-X




also, gratz on 85 farming 17,179 xp early 8-)




Reasonable? I would say so. If I remember correctly, she got from 81-85 in one day. I am sure you can get it in a month. :D

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43/51 snapseeds left plus 4 growing - should make me some money.




Wahoo!!! Congratulations, that's great!! And nice amount of seeds you have~!




Thanks. I've planted 4 Papayas, 5 Maples (with payment) and Im still growing snapdragons - 61,562xp from level, so I might get 72 tomorrow. :)




About the seeds, I was making a thread about buying them in rsof. I was thinking about how many seeds I'd buy and I thought "60 sounds nice". So 60 I wrote. When I had 28 seeds, someone wanted to sell me 23 (lucky plz?) and, ofcorse, I said I wanted to buy them. So he teleports to Fally Square and changes to my world while I calculate how much its going to cost me. 920k, seems allright.


He loggs in, trades me and I take "Trade X Gold" (or whatever it says) and write 920,000. Up comes 830k and I am like "Wth?! O.O ". I realise that I wanted to buy seeds for 2,4m, with only 1,917m cash to buy for. I ended up giving him 830k cash and 500 raw monkfishes for the seeds (overpaying because of it being cash and items, not only cash) and closing the thread saying I have bought all seeds.






Congratulations at 69! Fast!






Oh and about how good cash snapdragon is... Concidering I get average 7.1 snapdragons per seed (rounded down to 7 per seed), deaths of herbs included when calculating the average, and the seeds + supercompost costs me 41k per seed, I make a 88k profit per trip.


One trip takes me at most 10 minutes. So then I have to do 6 trips to have farmed for one hour. 88k*6 is atleast 528k/h of farming. Snapdragons is therefor one of RuneScape's best, and imo most relaxing, way to get money - it's just spread out over time.


By the way, that's with 4 patches, not 5.




Edit: Putting in one more thing in this ultra-long message. I got my first spirit seed today from Misc. ^^,




Aww :( Sorry to hear about your seed-buying experience, haha. I do that a lot, but I usually realize my mistake shortly after I make my thread. Sometimes it makes me wish I had unlimited gp :-w




Wow nice job figuring out that whole snapdragon profit thing! Farming is an excellent way to make gp on the side. The great thing is that you can combine it with probably any other money making skill and end up with a nice fat profit. And congratulations on your first spirit seed! Don't lose that little fellow~! You may even use him some day.




Whoot, Congrats on level 69 Hunting! You are just flying by! Don't get worn out too fast though! If I get going today I will be able to get 84 and 85! P.S. Yes, I got the Navy outfit! It looks nice! Can't wait til it finally meets its partner, the Hunter Cape!




I was worn out before I started~! :XD: Took Dork ages to get me to start in the first place. And it's taking him a while to get me to pick it back up again, haha. We meant to get 70 yesterday but ended up having a movie night instead. It was fun~! :D




Congratulations on getting the Navy outfit! I'm sure it'll look terrific with your future hunting cape~!




Grats on 69 Hunter Trippy! Very nice.




How much exp/hour do you get while hunting red chins? I need to know because I need to get 80 Hunter.




Btw, thanks for the info. I'm gonna try that mini-game out some time.




Thanks so much!




I'm actually not really sure how much xp/hour we get. Maybe something like 60k? I don't know.. but the number increases as your level does.




If you're walking from Ardougne to get to that one fruit tree patch. I would recommend you use a spirit tree (namely the one in Gnome Stronghold) to get to the centre of the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Elkoy to get out, which is very close to the patch.




I don't know if you do that already, but its one way that my no-law farming patch might prevail over your rich one =P




Tree patches don't really matter in terms of speed. No matter how slowly or quickly we get them done, we're always going to do them once a day. Besides, the way we do it, we get a bush patch in along the way!




If you're walking from Ardougne to get to that one fruit tree patch. I would recommend you use a spirit tree (namely the one in Gnome Stronghold) to get to the centre of the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Elkoy to get out, which is very close to the patch.




I don't know if you do that already, but its one way that my no-law farming patch might prevail over your rich one =P




Oh btw I could add a part of my farming-round, which I find pretty good.




*Teleport to Lumbridge and take that tree


*Run to glider in Al-Kharid and go to Gnome Stronghold


*Do those two patches


*Take Spirit Tree to Gnome Village




Not bad. I'm sure it takes about the same amount of time as the one Dork and I do. But by the sounds of it, you're mixing up fruit trees and regular trees. Yuck! Lol :oops:




*pants and gasps as if she just finished a marathon*




Hehehe. Tripsis, I just finished reading every single post on this blog. (I fletch lots.......... ) Anyways, I wanted to say gratz on all your farming levels (and especially on planting you first spirit tree!!), and very very good luck on 99




Hehehe... This is just a fun pic I made. My first 99






Also, wondered if you could give me tips on Herby? I'm only 38




Also also, Con and Herby capes are hawt.








Wow!!! I must say, I'm definitely very impressed! Not even sure that I could read all the posts myself :XD: Thanks so much for the "congratulations" and "good luck!" I really appreciate it!




Rofl!! I love the picture!! Very well earned, and congrats on 99! Haha!!! :XD:




I'd be more than happy to give you tips! What level are you aiming for? What kind of budget are you on? Hehe.




I like them as well <3:




^ Gratz on 99 construction I should say?




Anyway, reading 2500+ posts can really be boring. Tripsis I assume 99 hunting will be your first non-buyable 99?




Eek! Nah, I'm not going for 99.. just 83.








Well as previously stated, Dork and I had a movie night last night, which was fun. I should be getting 85 farming today, as I'm something like 10k or 20k xp from it.

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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I know of better, but I won't reveal until later. :-#




and Trip, is it reasonable to go from 62 to 99 theving in a month? I really want to get a 5th 99 before school.


also, gratz on 85 farming 17,179 xp early




Reasonable? I would say so. If I remember correctly, she got from 81-85 in one day. I am sure you can get it in a month.




Ya, but that's little miss I-can-rc-22k-nats-in-a-day-tripsis (not saying you're stuck up, just calling myself a noob <3: )




EDIT: HOLY CARP!!@#!@#@! [/spam]




3 people posted while you wrote your post :XD: :XD: :uhh: :XD: :ohnoes: :XD: :oops: :XD:

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