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A deep, philosophical question...

Guest GhostRanger

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Guest GhostRanger

If you are friends with me here you probably know I'm a philosophy major - if you aren't, guess what!? I'm a philosophy major! What this means, besides me probably not haivng a job when I graduate and being overwhelmed with student loans that I will never be able to pay off by bartending, is that I like to sit around pondering the greater mysteries of life. I ask myself pretentious questions like, what is Truth? What is Knowledge? What is the nature of reality? What is ethical?




In my search for the answers, I occasionally come across questions that even the brilliant mind that I have can't answer, and that's where you come in TIF. Recently, I found myself absolutely stumped by aestheticalmetaphysicemology question of ethics, and so I thought I would post it here and see what the great users of TIF could come up with. This is, afterall, the forum that disproved gravity, predicted the results to the 2004 US Presidential Election, and predicted the apocolypse, so surely we will be able to answer this question if we put our heads together. Here it is:




What makes me, Ghost, so awesome?




Now, I know the answer seems obvious - but just think for a minute. It's not so easy coming up with just one answer, is it? You're not even thinking about it now and you've already come up with over 100 answers! That was my problem as well. But, I think if we get a little active discussion going, we can narrow this down to one good, solid and effective thesis statement.




I'll start this discussion off with a few questions. Is it my incredibly gorgeous hair? (See image below) Is it my stunningly charming personality? Is it my creative avatar? Maybe you think I'm awesome because Ghosts are awesome? Maybe you're a fan of archery?




Go on now, don't be shy...






Figure 1.1



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If i were to mix you and chuck norris, would i get nothing since you both cancel out? One being not very cool, and the other being absolutly awsome? (respectivly)




This is what i asked Api, now you answer....


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I think that you, Ghost, are so awesome because:




1. You're a philosophy major!


2. Yes, I am a fan of archery.


3. Both you and your brother are cool dudes.


4. You got post-it notes all over your car once.


5. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Not only are you a nice guy, but you seem to like a challenge and have direction in your life. You think before you speak, and you can be both serious, and funny. You are also quite the witty person, and of course, you are very intelligent.

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3. Both you and your brother are cool dudes.


4. You got post-it notes all over your car once.




Mainly these two, because they both have to do with me.




See. You're just awesome because you're related to me. Duh.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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3. Both you and your brother are cool dudes.


4. You got post-it notes all over your car once.




Mainly these two, because they both have to do with me.




See. You're just awesome because you're related to me. Duh.




:-k Hmmm...

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I figured a philosophy major such as yourself would not be prone to asking loaded questions. I can't subject myself to answering such a fallacious question, ergo I won't.

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Guest GhostRanger
I figured a philosophy major such as yourself would not be prone to asking loaded questions. I can't subject myself to answering such a fallacious question, ergo I won't.




Well that's one less Christmas present I won't have to buy! Hmph...

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I figured a philosophy major such as yourself would not be prone to asking loaded questions. I can't subject myself to answering such a fallacious question, ergo I won't.




Well that's one less Christmas present I won't have to buy! Hmph...




What makes your question so stupid?


(I can play too).

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At the risk of sounding rude, I think that the sheer arrogance required to create a post solely to discussing how awesome you are, joking or not, makes you decidedly not-awesome.




You've already declared yourself pretentious...in fact, it's difficult to pick you apart because you've practically satirized yourself. Really, the only thing left to say is that, in spite of your heavily inflated ego and assumed omniscience, you put the caption for the figure above the graphic, when captions for figures go below a graphic. (source)




Moron. :D

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Guest GhostRanger
What makes your question so stupid?


(I can play too).




Okay insane, pal, buddy, amigo, I hoped it wouldn't have to come down to this, but I'm going to have to call you out. You are jealous. And for good reason:





Ghost: 138,000,000


insane: 49.000,000




Googlefight source. You can't argue with fact insane, and remember, the first step is admitting it. I think we're all prepared to help out our favorite moderator get through this.









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Good genes, crappy jeans.




That's what i was thinking.







GhostRanger: 929 results


insane: 49,000,000 results




Look what happens when you put the real data in.

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Guest GhostRanger
Look what happens when you put the real data in.




I knew you'd get me there. Okay, I admit it, you are roughly 52,000 times awesomer than me. :cry:

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GhostRanger is awesome because-




This question is not actually a question. It refers to a universal opinion as an answer which is invalid.





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I don't think you're awesome. You called me an ignorant fool :cry:




That why he's awesome!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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