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Making one PIXEL sig.


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May do more than one, shoot some ideas back and I'll see what works. I'm hoping to do more than one, but at the moment, I'm only planning on doing one.




Examples of my work:








(giving the first and third one away if someone wants it, I'll just change the name on them)








do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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**PLEASE** pm me the sig if u do make it just incase i forget to check this thread, since i know they take a while to make. Also if you have any questions about the sig or any problems just give me a pm :)




Characters: 2




Character's apperance: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h177/ ... /sigex.jpg (please make the girl char look EXACTLY like the pic EXCEPT i would like the char to be wearing a white p hat instead of the barret, and a fury ammy instead of glory)....with the second char i want it to be a guy wearing a red mask, guthans body and guthans skirt, white gloves, white boots and a fury ammy




Background: the wild, near a lava river, lava in the air, gold coins and blue and white p hats are piled on the ground around me (make it look like all this came from the guy if possible), a guthans spear is on top of the pile of coins and p hats (make it look like it came from the guy but he missed hitting me)




Event: the girl char is standing with one foot on the guys chest that is laying on the ground, the guy is laying on the ground with white flower pedals scattered on his body, some of the pedals are red because of the blood, blood is dripping onto the girls white boots and she has a big grin on her face




Font: http://www.dafont.com/walt-disney.font




Text: SweetGurl88




Subtext: Owning With Flowers Ftw!










thanks so much if u decide to make this , i know the owning with flowers thing is kinda stupid but i always wear flowers and flowers suck in wild but i pk so i thot id b in the wild in the sig lol and i thot it wuld b a bit funny....thnx agin if u make it ^-^




and if u have any questions just pm me.....also **PLEASE** pm me the sig if u do make it just incase i forget to check this thread since i know they take a while to make.

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ok, here's my request. i basically want this picture; Zolder-2005-10-23-039.jpg in pixel form, i would like it to say "Coldvenom" in the bottom righthand corner.i would like it to say "Porsche 996 GT3" in th upper lefthand corner.


Thanks in advance if you will do it.


sig by me avatar by: born2die

My Website -> Coldvenom.CO.NR <- My Website

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wow some very nice work




Im looking for a pixel sig with 2 characters, one wearing full ahrims, fury, zammy book, obby cape, infinity boots, barrows gloves, and slayer staff, fighting the Dharok (from barrows). I would like it to be placed in dharoks tomb.




PS make me attacking dharok also.




If u cant do this that is understandable its a lot of detail i but i beg u to try as a challenge :pray:




also can it say maduga1 barrows 4 life

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ok, here's my request. i basically want this picture; Zolder-2005-10-23-039.jpg in pixel form, i would like it to say "Coldvenom" in the bottom righthand corner.i would like it to say "Porsche 996 GT3" in th upper lefthand corner.


Thanks in advance if you will do it.




:-$ She said making one PIXEL sig Not Abstract or Grunge sig PIXEL! =; read before you post :shame:

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I have 2 different requests:




Characters: 3 (Thief, Banker, Innocent Bystander)


Character's apperance:


Thief: Black D'hide full, Ancients Staff, Highwayman mask, Ranger Boots, A suspicious outfit


Banker: Just a typical banker, use your imagination. He will be frozen, with a scared look on his face


Innocent Bystander: Confused face, Regular clothes


Background: In a bank, kinda Runescape/Real lifeish, Just behind bandit is a vault


Event: Thief is carrying a bag of stolen goods (Don't put masks/p-hats/etc), He just froze the banker, the innocent bystander is confused


Special details: Not sure....


Other: If you think of anything else, just ask


Font: W/e looks best


Text: Evilboy1034




Characters: 2, Santa and random guy


Character's apperance:


Santa is completely dressed out, it is Christmas. He is chasing his sleigh down (See next guy)


Random guy is stealing Santas sleigh, and taking off a rooftop. He is laughing


Background: A snowcovered town in the bag, the sleigh is on top of a building


Event: The random guy is stealing santas sleigh, santa is chasing him down. The first reindeer you can see on the sig is about to take off


Special details:


Other: If you think of anything, just ask


Font: W/e looks best


Text: Evilboy1034


Subtext: Will it be a very merry Christmas this year?




Either one would be greatly accepted, the first one with the robbery would be appreciated.

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ok, here's my request. i basically want this picture; Zolder-2005-10-23-039.jpg in pixel form, i would like it to say "Coldvenom" in the bottom righthand corner.i would like it to say "Porsche 996 GT3" in th upper lefthand corner.


Thanks in advance if you will do it.




:-$ She said making one PIXEL sig Not Abstract or Grunge sig PIXEL! =; read before you post :shame:




you did notice i said i wanted it in pixel form.....ill put it bold in the quote so you can see it :roll:


sig by me avatar by: born2die

My Website -> Coldvenom.CO.NR <- My Website

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Well, I want a female with long, light-brown hair.


Wearing full Mime except Mask, a Santa Hat and a white-red Scarf.


Background: A town like fallador or varrock.


I would apreciate it if you can make something like that :) !!!




Off-topic: GoingUnder, ur still here? How come u barelly come online, and when ur on, it's for like 2 seconds :(

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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I would like to do evilboy's request, it seems like it'd be fun to do. Coldvenom: yours looks very hard to do, but I'd like to try it. I'll post what I get to, if I do it and maybe you can find someone to finish it. I kind of liked the idea with the dharoker tomb and whatnot, but I'm not sure I'll do it. I'll post what I get later.










(OffTopic: Tomorrow's Friday!!!!!! \' )


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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I would like to do evilboy's request, it seems like it'd be fun to do. Coldvenom: yours looks very hard to do, but I'd like to try it. I'll post what I get to, if I do it and maybe you can find someone to finish it. I kind of liked the idea with the dharoker tomb and whatnot, but I'm not sure I'll do it. I'll post what I get later.










(OffTopic: Tomorrow's Friday!!!!!! \' )




That all sounds good to me. Thank you very much.

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Ok, I'd like a sig of a guy in full ah, fury, barrows gloves, d scim, guthix cape and book, and climbing boots ice bursting someone to his right while impaling someone with a d scim. Background of a house dungeon with bloods splattered on the walls. At the bottom in white letters: pissant22: 72+ mage and 84+ strength.


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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Hey! I was wondering if you could do me a siggy! Thanks!




Characters: Me. I'm wearing addy plate, addy skirt, and a white beret. I have an addy scimmy, and combat boots from the Stronghold.


Background: Catherby beach?


Details: Idk, something about my fishing levels 58. Maybe like me holding a spear with a swordie on it? I'm not that creative....




Either that or me, same outfit, grabbing the flag in castle wars. I have done that... and died right after....




Thanks! :lol: You seem to do really cool work!

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could u make me a pixel with stewie from family guy in full dragon with a red party hat could u make him say You Suck! in a word bubble thing




in the backround can u have the world like a moon view with a huge pile of money (if u dont do money then just have him sittin on really expensive stuff or a throne embedded with all gems except the shilo village gems with huge piles of expensive stuff arond him) and phats and whips and masks and really valuable things and stewie sitting on top




and could u put swazilandman on the top or bottom of it in a really cool lookin font


Thx to ibcrootbeer for the sig!!

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How many characters?: 3 characters!




Character's apperance: 1st character: Robin Hood Hat, Ranger Boots, magic bow, black d'hide chaps + vamps + Body.




Character 2: Black Cavalier, Abby Whip, D sq, D legs, D chain, Fury Ammy, White boots, White gloves, Legends Cape




Charater 3: D legs, D sq, Zammy Plate, Black Cavalier, Whip, Fury Ammy, White Gloves, Rune Boots, Legends cape.




Background: IN A cave with alot of blood on the walls, dragon bones on the floor, and a gate to the far side.




Event: all standing up facing forward ready to attack.




Special details: 1st Characters Weapon Glowing white




2nd Characters Weapon Glowing red




3rd Characters Weapon Glowing blue




Other: <...>




Font: The Font I want. For the name, And Names of all people.




Text: Event Horizon




Subtext: on the left bottom side saying this - Lonk41




in the bottom middle: 1992Jake




on the bottom right: Knightkil101








As you said we should all repost our Pixel Orders :) Personally I think it is a good Idea.








Anyway If you do make this i'll be very thankful.

Remember ~ Nothing Is Impossible - Lonk41


My Blog :)

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Ok, no more requests, please...I've decided to do Evilperson's request about the bank thing, I'm almost done with the background so you should see your sig soon...














do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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