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*-P.K.Masters-* hits four years old!


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Well, it's been a while. A very long while. *-P.K.Masters-* was founded by me on October 25, 2002. On Wednesday, October 25, 2006 my clan will turn four years old. We've grown a lot, & have had so so many fun events. I myself have been playing since October of 2001, & in October of 2002, I was only 11 years old when I started my clan. My original intention was to get the most members, blah blah blah. Incidently, now my clan's max limit is 25! :D (The irony..)




Anyway, we've grown from a bit newbish during the first few months years ago, to a now very stable, loved-by-many, family clan. We're planning to reach our clan limit soon, & start concentrating more on wars (Since we've done only three all these years!) No we aren't accepting War applications right now, & definently not alliances {\;- )




I'm just really glad to announce this to Tip.It's clan community, & I hope everyone enjoys. It's not every day that u see a clan turn four years old.


Here's the official *-P.K.Masters-* website: pkmasters.com in case anyone wants to see what we're like if u don't already know.




P.S. Don't ask about my combat lvl, I used to only have one hour a day on the computer. Now, I have two -.- I try to run my clan as efficiently as possible with my time restrictions.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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I never heard you of either, but with a max of 25, I can see why. Nice to have your clan turn 4 years old. If I may add one thing, you said you started at the age of 11, which is under the legal age to play runescpae lol.


EST. February 2006

Golden Legion wants YOU to join us! 70+ CB, 65+ CB exception.

Running for over 10 months!

Click on the banner or go to s15.invisionfree.com/Golden_Legion/

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I never heard you of either, but with a max of 25, I can see why. Nice to have your clan turn 4 years old. If I may add one thing, you said you started at the age of 11, which is under the legal age to play runescpae lol.








Maybe now, but back in 2001 I don't think there was an age requirement to play Runescape.

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I never heard you of either, but with a max of 25, I can see why. Nice to have your clan turn 4 years old. If I may add one thing, you said you started at the age of 11, which is under the legal age to play runescpae lol.








Maybe now, but back in 2001 I don't think there was an age requirement to play Runescape.








I joined in july 2002, and i specifically remember a 13 year old age limit deal... and now i do not think they have it...








If i remember right i lied on it to, because i woulda been just turning 12 then.








Isn't runescape the best game ever? :)








Stay with it for a long time, its still interesting today

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According to the current rules, I was illegally playing RuneScape. But like Igna said, I dont think there was an age limit back then. I definently don't remember. I do remember the first ever RuneScape update though :P

*-P.K.M-* Website




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Congratulations on your 4th year, a pretty old clan you have there. Good luck in the future.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I never actually knew that rule existed...it's been a while since I've made an account, so that's probably why.








But if they have that 13+ rule, why does Jagex insist on censoring language to high hell? I'm pretty sure that the word "crap" is acceptable for teenagers...

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I never heard you of either, but with a max of 25, I can see why. Nice to have your clan turn 4 years old. If I may add one thing, you said you started at the age of 11, which is under the legal age to play runescpae lol.








i started runescpae when i was 12. and there was NO age limit. They didn't even ask for your age. When u clicked 'create an account' it went straight to the terms and conditions


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I know what you mean, when I joined they didn't have an age limit, but the US law had one I think. Remember that RS was UK based so they might not have known about the 13 and over law. The US cracked down on minors on the internet in starting in 2001, so it would be put right there in that time frame.


EST. February 2006

Golden Legion wants YOU to join us! 70+ CB, 65+ CB exception.

Running for over 10 months!

Click on the banner or go to s15.invisionfree.com/Golden_Legion/

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I have no idea, I don't follow up in UK affairs nor do I browse through their law books. You can still play runescape under the age of 13 now too, as long as your parents allow you to, once again, thanks to the law lol. I've seen RS targeted at kids as little as 8 years old in school because I notice they have their guides posted on those "Scholastic Book Orders" they have in elementary school, for those of you in the US.


EST. February 2006

Golden Legion wants YOU to join us! 70+ CB, 65+ CB exception.

Running for over 10 months!

Click on the banner or go to s15.invisionfree.com/Golden_Legion/

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