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Two down, two to go (Regarding stolen clan name)


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ehh? My clan name was stolen a couple of times ive told them to take it off but they wudint listen so i chalenged them to a fight clan vs clan. He said he wud own me.. :oops:












Guess not i brought my HOLE clan 46 people. When i met up with hiim at 45 wildy i saw he had 4 members. We ownd the hole clan in under a minute .LOLL I GUESS HE LEARNED HIS LESSON.








drops: full rune

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why don't you find a new name? Then you won't have to worry about people stealing it. Honestly, I think that a fair war should decide who gets the name, rather than fighting over it in forums.








That would mess up everything. :shock:

*-P.K.M-* Website




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:? Really? Oh, that would mess up RuneScape wouldn't it? I'll ask the Copyright office what I'd be copyrighting if I copyrighted my clan.




You cant, its a game people can do what they want to(within the rules)








Also, very generic name, and you are surprised it got "stolen"?

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I somewhat agree with Wildgoat. It's not an extremely original name, so I would get used to other people using it; personally, it wouldn't bother me if clans that don't really go on forums or don't seem to amount to much took my clan name, as I would never really come into contact with them unless I went out of my way.








The best protection against getting your name stolen, always, is getting an original name. For instance, how many clans have I ever known with the name "Adelais"? Just one really. Of course, you don't have to change your name; you just might have to get accustomed to your problem.

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theres a lot of clans named "the dragon slayers :-k ...

Robin hood x1 - D left half x1 - Karils coif x1

Sara plate x1 - D legs x1 - Black mask x2

Zammy plate x1 - Torags hammers x1 - granite maul x1

Red mystic top x2 - Red mystic bottom x 6 -





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Well I think it's kind of mean for you to go hunt down people that used a common name for their clan. Seriously though it is their freedom to choose anynames they want to call themselves. Just because You had the name first doesn't mean someone else can't use it. In addition, having the same name isn't really a big deal, the two clans don't interact with each other anyway.








But that's just my opinion.

Proud member of the Crimson Raiders

1000 total lvl achieved on 4-17-07 -F2P

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I respect ur opinion {\:- )








But I don't agree :D I think that clans should do some research first before they pick a name for their clan. If the clan leader picks a name for his or her clan that has already been taken, where's the respect?








For example, if I somehow went crazy & closed my clan :ohnoes: then came back from insanity, I maybe would want to start my clan again. I decide not to call it *-P.K.Masters-* , but something else. If I'm my usual self, I wouldn't pick Damage Incorporated, or Corruption, or 'The' or the famous Brotherhood of Steel from back then, etc. because I have respect for those clans. I'd probably pick Dark Slayers or Reign of Terror :lol: Just messing with u, I wouldn't use those names either because I have some respect for them that they have worked hard enough to get a high rank. I'd do my reseach & look for a unique name. That's just me though ::'

*-P.K.M-* Website




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  • 2 weeks later...

i totally agree with marqouth on this one, ADELAIS FOR LIFE, No one can steal our name, but if someone did, im sure every one in adelais would be ticked off, and i wish you luck in recovering you stolen name.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

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  • 4 weeks later...

My clan (Valiance) was origiinally called Valor, until we realised that the name Valor was taken, so we changed it to Valiance asap, to find out there was another clan with the name 'Valiance'. But the other clan has been inactive since October. Theres so many clans now that its practically impossible to think of a decent name that hasn't been taken.

~85+ Range~

~75+ Mage~

~Proud High Council of Valiance~

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well its interesting to say the least. we where accused of stealing the Knights Of Honor's name awhile back. thing is we where called the Knights Of Honour for over a year so we where abit unwilling to change our name. so I went ahead and made a disclaimer on our recrutement topic letting people know we where not the same. finaly for more reson than one we changed our name to the latin translation of "Militos Deci" it took alot of research to pull off I can testify to that.








my point is if A clan has the same name as anouther clan they should at least have a disclaimer that they are not the same one as the other. but yes its difficult to know if your name is already taken, I googled the name for a long time and never got anything runescape related for Knights Of Honour.








so I cannot be sure if Militos Deci is not taken as well but at least I checked. well at any rate hows it going now? are those other two caveing in to your demands or not?

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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