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Need some advice on my outfit...


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I just got (what I think) is a nice outfit.








I have Wizzy (g) top and bottom with an obby staff.




I'm currently...hatless...and need some options for hats. Don't really want a cav, but you can suggest it if you think its good.








If you think without a hat would look good (my char has blond hair) than say so!








Thanks guys! (and girls)



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Ack, the grey Zombie Boots don't go with the blue Robe..




Either my eyes have exploded, or your charecter has white hair and not blonde like you said :-w




What gloves are those? I'm F2p =s


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Looking at this pic, this is my opinion. Ditch the Climbing boots, and switch them out to Mime Boots or Black Boots (the armored ones). For your hat I would suggest one that is black, either a Black Beret, Boater, or Cavalier. Leave your shield spot empty, but maybe get a black Fremminik Cloak.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Hmm, not sure on a wizzy (g) hat, I'll consider it though.








The staff stays, it looks cool!








Heres a pic.
















When choosing an outfit, try not to use too many colours, for example you have the red from the staff, the blue and gold from the robes and a hint of green on the gloves.








At the very least, get rid of the gloves and boots and maybe get the gold ones from canafis?








As for a hat, it depends on your budget, of course a yellow or blue phat would look nice :P, but more realistically, a black cav would be your best option here. Or try a ranger set, (robin hood hat and ranger boots).

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nice outfit... And there's only 1 hat that can truly fit to it, it's the only, the legendary.............. Lederhosen hat. .....








If u will get it... ur outfit would be most awesome in all RuneScape!!! :thumbsup:

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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nice outfit... And there's only 1 hat that can truly fit to it, it's the only, the legendary.............. Lederhosen hat. .....








If u will get it... ur outfit would be most awesome in all RuneScape!!! :thumbsup:








I...accidently...alched my Lederhosen Hat, I didn't think it would alch. :oops:








A party hat would be the best...but thats...*just a little too expensive*








Reading through the replies, how about black boots, black beret and a zamorak cape. Those blacks will complement the obby staff and there is still a nice mix.



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Ok, I've read through it and got a few ideas.








As far as my budget goes, I've got 3M but I was planning to buy about 100 ranarr seeds, so that leaves 500-700k to spend on the rest of my outfit. Thanks for all the suggestions.








Are you going to sell the rannar weeds/prayer pots after growing them? Cos then you would have tons more to sell on the outfit :).

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Change the color of the golves than get a cape and a hat. Other wise it is a great coustume.


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What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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