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The Old Castle Wars : Where Did It Go?


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flag holding has ruined castlewars, a high level gets the flag and no one on the other team can kill them as they usually have a good 20 people round him, at first everyone thought it was a bug but clearly Jagex doesn't think it is and have left it in for many months almost a year now i think








Then don't let them get the flag. Get some d hide and score on the ancients. If someone else on your team tries to score, follow them and pick it up if they die. If you can't do that, then obviously the other team is better than you, and was probably going to win anyways. The team with ancients or more ancients is certainly not always gonna win. It's generally the team with the most people who understand the strategy of the game. And sometimes it's not, because there is a luck factor involved. I truly think anyone who complains about flag holding or about ancients ruining it just isn't good enough at the game yet to beat the ancient who has played a lot. And that makes sense. Just my little rant.












I agree. Castlewars wouldn't be as fun if they took away the obstacles and the ability to steal your own teams flag. The ancients only win if they can kill the person running the flag and that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a high level, you just need to know how to play the game and how to avoid being killed.








Ir3land I'm only level 64 and have beaten ancients one vs. one and also have gone against and beaten three level 100s when I was the only one on my own team. It was tough, but if you know how to play and the other team doesn't know how to play as well then itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s possible and that's what makes it fun.








Though clearly high levels who know how to play very well have an advantage over lower level players.








The problem for me is when either the person on the other team can kill me in one hit, in such cases I usually don't run the flag, or when someone else on my team dies with the flag. Oh yeah and when you see a level 80 holding their own teams flag and you have tons of lvl 100s on your team who don't look for him or even try to kill him. :shock:




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flag holding has always been there, so have cocky players. just get used to it or don't play. i usually have my chat off when i play coz the other players are often incredibly annoying.
yep and its funny when you run into a group of the cocky players who are usually around lvl 80 and think they are gods and send em all back to the base several times before they kill ya.... Flag holding used to be annoyin until i brought mage... entangle and smack around with the ol whip or an ice spell and smack around with the ol whip.... CW can be fun at times but the lower lvls shouldn't talk as much smack as they do....

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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man i just play cwars cause its fun don't matter to me if i win. Seems like lots of you hate it cause you don't win and its unfair you say but can't your team hold flags too? If the other team has ancienters why don't some of you get out dhide and a bow or even just mage pray it really isn't to hard to take ancienter out. Plus wouldn't you if you had barrage go barrage some people at cwars i know thats one of my dreams.



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I think it's incredibly boring. It always has been.








I found someone who agrees, hurray! Imo there can't be any strategy, because the team with the most high levels wins. 10 vs 10 games with equally balanced players would be more fun if you ask me.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I grew out of it months ago








me to




I used to love cw (got about 200 tix)




but now i think it's just a waste of time




and it's just not so fun anymore


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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I think every 1 likes it when you are winning, but hates it when they r losing. Im like that, we we are down by alot, i quit that game and try another world. I guess im a sore loser :oops: Its mostly who ever has the highest lvls on their team will win.








Right now im trying for 800 tickets, so i kinda like it.

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