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Things That Don't Happen, But Should/Runescape Mysteries


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monsters respawn so fast without even mating








How do you know? Have you asked any? :lol:















actually i am pretty sure they dont. but i urge u to ask em. next time ur up agaisnt the Kalphite Queen, ask her if she had a good time last night.








Lol. But really man, i've never seen em mate. they just walk around endlessly till they die.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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I don't know how many people will like this thread, but me and my brother were discussing stuff, and we found it pretty funny..(some are silly and stupid, but some of them are pretty funny.. well for me anyway.)








Things that don't happen in RS, but should..








1. When your pking, you get attacked by a group and your getting destroyed, but alas, you can run away! So your running, la la la, im safe, then you trip and fall. You look down and OH NOES, your shoelace! and then the group comes back and your dead. I don't think our boots dont have laces...








2. Something similar, your running from the same group, different day.. la la la, I won't trip this time.. you look back and see they are just dots to you now and BAM, run into a tree.. the mini map for us is like a compass of some sort that shows where stuff is.. you can hold it in front of you as your running.








3. How come we never have to go to the bathroom? There are inn's, we eat food when training, but we don't have to poop? Wouldn't we be really fat if that was the case.. Ever logged out?








4. How come we've never dropped our weapons? Your walking with all this armour on and your arm never even trembles? Your holding a battle axe, or a scimitar, I know my arm would be really tired after walking miles after miles after miles.. Years of training.. ?








5. Banks, they hold all of everyone's items.. BUT WHERE? Everytime I go, it's a little building where they only have a window and a desk, where do they put it all? A Runescape mystery.. Varrock bank has the downstairs place with chests, maybe all banks have that, or something like it in another place?








These are all I can think of right now at 1:30 in the morning lol.. but if you have any that you want to add on, please feel free to do so..








Umm.. Enjoy!










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You can carry around about 200-300 kg of platebodies yet not fall over from the weight.








No matter where you're standing, you can bury bones. Imagine lifting up the floorboards in your bedroom and finding thousands of skeletons? :lol:



~Member of Legends' Guild~

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mercahnting rules!

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  • 5 months later...

How about the fact that you can fit an entire cannon which, when set up, is clearly much bigger than your character himself, stored on your character's person. Furthermore, in your character's invisible backpack.




When you get attacked, whatever you wear never gets damaged but you do... (minus barrows and crystal). Comforting to know - you can get stabbed in the heart 10 times and die, but your rune plate will live on, unharmed!

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stuffing your cat in the bank and in your pack...
You can't do that in real life? Er... I think I have to go apologize to my banker...


Never washing your clothes at all (The outfit you have on with nothing on)
Washing your clothes? Is that really something you're supposed to do!?
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I don't know how many people will like this thread, but me and my brother were discussing stuff, and we found it pretty funny..(some are silly and stupid, but some of them are pretty funny.. well for me anyway.)




Things that don't happen in RS, but should..




1. When your pking, you get attacked by a group and your getting destroyed, but alas, you can run away! So your running, la la la, im safe, then you trip and fall. You look down and OH NOES, your shoelace! and then the group comes back and your dead.




2. Something similar, your running from the same group, different day.. la la la, I won't trip this time.. you look back and see they are just dots to you now and BAM, run into a tree..




3. How come we never have to go to the bathroom? There are inn's, we eat food when training, but we don't have to poop? Wouldn't we be really fat if that was the case..




4. How come we've never dropped our weapons? Your walking with all this armour on and your arm never even trembles? Your holding a battle axe, or a scimitar, I know my arm would be really tired after walking miles after miles after miles..




5. Banks, they hold all of everyone's items.. BUT WHERE? Everytime I go, it's a little building where they only have a window and a desk, where do they put it all? A Runescape mystery..




These are all I can think of right now at 1:30 in the morning lol.. but if you have any that you want to add on, please feel free to do so..




Umm.. Enjoy!


1) the shoes/boots in the game dont have shoelaces, and they very tight on ur feet :XD:


2)cuz u dont have to look back, rs guys got 360 view, he never has to "turn his head", u just cant see his eyes cuz they invisible


3)ur rs character has a lot of dignity in him, he doensn't like gettin caught taking a dump, so when u log off he quickly relieves himself before the next time u log back on, what else do u think ur guys doin when ur not there?


4)rs characters are extremely, i repeat, exTREMELY strong, just imagine, they can chop down a whole tree within a few seconds, they can hold hundreds of kg of weight on them, and come on, sum1 who can stick their arms and head in a furnace while smelting ores with their bare hands HAS to be strong


5)duhh, underground vault! :thumbsup:




haha, funny questions =P



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I've thought of a few:


A person with low strength can carry as much as a person with 99 strength.




You can walk on fire without getting hurt.




Running will use up your energy but mining/woodcutting will not.

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1) You saw a p-hat on the ground, naturally you ran to get it.So your running, la la la, im RICH, then you trip and fall. You flattened the p-hat.



Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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How can a player carry more than 3 cannon balls on him? I mean there weigth is pretty high irl.. And how can you eat an full inventory of food without becoming sick? Also you can carry 300+ kg and that kinda stuff mentioned before... And why can't you sleep into beds? I mean a rs charcatar is waked up all the time.. Because it isn't in the bed when you log in...




Also why is a cannon bigger than you and like twice as big as a dwarve? How should even 20 dwarves be able to take a cannon with them.. So how do these cannons come all over runescape.




And why do you NEVER burn a thing when your cooking has reached a lvl. Such as 74 with lobs or 68 with cooking gauntz.. I mean you will always burn something.




Why can you cook on fire without a pan?




Why you don't have to poop?




Why can't you rob things of other players in placed like the desert and placed outside a city..




Also I have a suggestion:




Why isn't the desert an area like the wilderness where you can attack other players. I mean there are like no npc's and it's a place like the wilderness.. I don't know how to explain it.

#4500 to 91 rc - 03-03-09


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i got some...




1) alcohol poisoning. you can drink like 200 beers/jugs of wine and not take any damage


2) monster drops. monsters drop tons of items, but where do they get them?




3) vomitting after eating tons of food. you can eat 1000tuna without consequences...




my other tip.it thing which i just found out the p/w to is myeman60...

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