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Fight against scammer (please read) Updated


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So everything is clear...




He first with fake profile asked personal questions about me to my sister




He said that's for school




He got pretty useful information, but still he didn't know enough




So he got to my e-mail




Security for yahoo.com ir pretty weak, he needed to know only




Birth date, zip code, location




Most of this information he got from my sister




With my E-mail unlocked, he unlocked my profile in Draugiem.lv




That's latvian portal like Myspace.com




He took from there all the information he needed, also from 1k+ sent messages he found out that I once sent my password to good friend, who needed urgently back few items (that letter was sent few months ago...)




So he had everything he needed, he scammed my account








What I did




First I was just changing trough password recovery my password




I was confused




He was changing password as fast as I




Then I went to draugiem.lv to chat with friends, and couldn't get in there




Told them to send new password to e-mail, and that was also blocked




So, to be more secure, I made a new p2p subscription, and got agreement number




With help of that, got it so, that my recovery questions changed Imediatly




He still was able to get my pass




(In total I think password for my acc trough that recovery system was changed about ~130 times, I don't know what else jagex needed to come to coclusion, that I'm trying to overcome scammer... My acc WASN'T Locked... HUGE ty to you jagex)




So since he was still getting my pass, I was confused








Now I have changed them again, and I hope he won't be able to get my acc








I'm sure he will try to scam me in next 7 days, because then will bank pin disappera (I don't know it)




And then I'll be able to transfer items or something like that




So he need to get in my acc within next 7 days




I must not let that happen :D




If he will get in, he can postpone bank pin for another 7 days












One more question...




Is it posible to recover new password trough password recovery, if you don't know any recovery question, but you know everything else




(exception is any agreement number)








P.S. I contacted Jagex, they aren't answering, again HUGE thank to jagex <.<

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So morale: Don't tell your sister all your personal details? Make sure your sister is 16+ and isn't an 8 year old girl :)




You don't know how I can contact support center before he does?




I think he is in this forum also




So my only advantage is new recovery questions and last agreement number, everything else he knows

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well hmm if you could anyway change recovery questions to something that is not personal








or you could try to track his ip down and find out where he liveit shows when you log in








also to contact try send a message while fighting him

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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well hmm if you could anyway change recovery questions to something that is not personal








or you could try to track his ip down and find out where he liveit shows when you log in








I know IP








Recoveries changed, he is still getting my IP




I'm trying to get it so that someone from jagex realy reads what I write when recovering my acc

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thats not a scammer thats a hacker...theres a difference..




but anyways contacting jagex hardly dose anything..if u dont get a autimated email i would be surprised

we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

Barrow Items: 31

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thats not a scammer thats a hacker...theres a difference..




but anyways contacting jagex hardly dose anything..if u dont get a autimated email i would be surprised








I think they are acepting every tracking request....

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never have recovery questions that say




"where did I go to school" or other things like that. -.-








have your recovery questions e something that doesn't make sense lyk




"hope u don't trip on a rope?"








then set random answers down for all of them, and you can remember the answers to the questions by remembering that the answer to question 1 was "blank" Q2 was "blank", and so on so the questions are irrelivant to the answers.

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man thats a bummer




may he forever be attacked by lag and never be able to go on his/her pc again


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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lies... it takes 7 days to deactivate a bank pin, then 7 days for a new one to be put into effect, so unless 2 weeks is 1 day for u, then ur lieing about some of the things








He knew my bank pin




I gues luck, it was my birth year




he switched it




And now I have to wait for 7 days (I had 3 days, he changed to 7)

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If you have any gp left, create a newb and transfer all your gp and f2p items to the newb. If you have a friend you absolutely trust (that you physically know), transfer all your items to him.




Next time you login, copy down your hacker's ip address, use that for the next step.




Finally, you want to do right now is to contact costumer service and request them to lock your accout. Tell them a short message of what happened.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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If you have any gp left, create a newb and transfer all your gp and f2p items to the newb. If you have a friend you absolutely trust (that you physically know), transfer all your items to him.




Next time you login, copy down your hacker's ip address, use that for the next step.




Finally, you want to do right now is to contact costumer service and request them to lock your accout. Tell them a short message of what happened.




That is your best bet. You can get your account back, but once he takes your items, you cannot get those back. Transfer them.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Hope you get your accounts back.




Notto be mean, but you should seriously make your bank pin something more random, and recovery questions are so easily guessed, even by just visiting someones myspace, that its better to have random answers like someone here sugest. Just remember to physicialy write them down somewhere, not digitally.








I would also reformat your entire computer just in case.




Or at least download a trial version of a program called Ewido Security Suite its one of the best freeware anti-spyware scanners there is.

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