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Saru's Blog - Back? Maybe? Idk lol got an Araxxi Web drop

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I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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78 Agil



77 Mining



77 Prayer



78 Summon



Yea I'm powering through em. They actually get easier, Hah.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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o i know <3 almost 78 fish too. Gonna have like 600k-700k profit from this level alone. :D Then... I think I'll just go ahead and get 80 summon\wc. Since both of those will be mega fast.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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idk. maybe. I don't really need money. I have 13m. 20m if you count the d bones I've boughten but are using for 80 pray. thats enough for me.


79 Summon :) A biggggg goal.





78 Fish




scarily, these skills are semi relaxing.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Almost 78 Mining :) this is so easy with the Living Rock Caverns. So laggy though.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Ight. So I've been dealing with a ton of [cabbage] irl, which is why I may have seemed moody. I got something to tell you guys so I figure ill just say this. I'm not saying this for pity or w/e but any posts flaming, or mocking will be deleted.


I'm gay. Delete me off your friends list, spread rumors, call me a [bleep], rate me 0/10 cuz I can't make babies, lloltroll whatever. Just beware I'm sure cod won't mind me displaying my e-psuedoauthority by kicking anyone in fsc forbmocking under the rules of flaming/instigating. And I am sure the kind admins of tif wonnt mind deleting any posts mocking me.



This is why I listen to Marilyn Manson. My dad and mom are extreme homophobes and my dad works for Pat Robertson who literally blames gays and their "agenda" for all the worlds problems. Literally. My mom said "well the left wing hates homeschoolers, we hate homosexuals" which hurt me a lot. I'm not going to judge anyones lives, but I'm going to guess that 80% of you (fake statistic) don't wake up every morning and having to listen to your parents condemn you and hate you. (Yes I'm still in the closet @ homw obvsly I've told my friends though). So I'm thinking of quitting rs. I don't need another way to feel secluded in this world.





I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Ight. So I've been dealing with a ton of [cabbage] irl, which is why I may have seemed moody. I got something to tell you guys so I figure ill just say this. I'm not saying this for pity or w/e but any posts flaming, or mocking will be deleted.


I'm gay. Delete me off your friends list, spread rumors, call me a [bleep], rate me 0/10 cuz I can't make babies, lloltroll whatever. Just beware I'm sure cod won't mind me displaying my e-psuedoauthority by kicking anyone in fsc forbmocking under the rules of flaming/instigating. And I am sure the kind admins of tif wonnt mind deleting any posts mocking me.



This is why I listen to Marilyn Manson. My dad and mom are extreme homophobes and my dad works for Pat Robertson who literally blames gays and their "agenda" for all the worlds problems. Literally. My mom said "well the left wing hates homeschoolers, we hate homosexuals" which hurt me a lot. I'm not going to judge anyones lives, but I'm going to guess that 80% of you (fake statistic) don't wake up every morning and having to listen to your parents condemn you and hate you. (Yes I'm still in the closet @ homw obvsly I've told my friends though). So I'm thinking of quitting rs. I don't need another way to feel secluded in this world.






Doesn't change my impression of you in the slightest, and I'm sure most people would feel the same. I have many gay friends, I'm used to it lol. I don't think quitting rs is the answer, 1. because i'd miss this blog, 2. because you have lots of friends here that would support you and help you through dealing with your parents. Don't quit :( Everyone that deserves to be your friend will support you. It's not that big a deal, only some people make it out to be.



Proper Daily blogging including Starcraft 2!


Includes goal for 80+ all stats

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Saru dont quit. Your sexuality has nothing to do with you as a person. I'll be there for your support in FSC and kick any kid who thinks they can talk [cabbage] about you or make fun of homosexuals. I'm you friend regardless, hope you stay if not then good luck in real life.




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I don't really feel that quitting will help the situation if anything I would think it rids of a comfort zone. Everyone needs a comfort zone whether its people hating them for there decisions, there sexuality, there race, there religion everyone needs one. I've seen how the judgment can really hurt; my best friend growing up and even now is gay. He told his parents when he was 17; a junior year in high school. To put it lightly they flipped out.They kicked him out and he stayed at my house for awhile until after a few months it was time to talk. We sat down with his parents just me, some of his other friends and a few other people from our area. We explained that a person isn't defined by any one thing. A person isn't just the black kid, isn't just the gay kid. A person is characterized by how they make you feel. You have the people that make you laugh, the people that bring you up, the people you know are always there. A person is defined by there character. In the end they took him back and in the end every person who talked trash regretted it because for a split second they turned there back's on someone who would have died for them. I love him to death he's been named my best man at my wedding because of how hes changed me as a person. How he's picked me up when I've been down. I have never seen him as gay to me he has always been Tre. I know I'm sorry I rambled but what I'm trying to say is that no one should judge you just based solely on the fact that your gay. And a few people in a virtual world who feel the need to show there e dominance by bashing people who are different, are not the type of people whose opinions truly matter...Ill shutup now


26M Crafting XP

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Awww thanks you guys <3 I'm literally scared for my life if my parents ever were to find out

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Zach is gay too? Had not clue about that and we have had some deep talks... anyways, I've said my stuff earlier just glad to see that others are responding well to it also




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I love you man, your homosexuality has changed nothing between us. I'm here to talk, you can text me, I'll give you my number if you want, PM me on here, It doesn't matter. Regardless of the fact that you're gay, I doubt any of the true friends you've made throughout the years will even care at all, we accept you either way; and don't let those homophobic and homosexual stereotypes get to you, just brush it off, you're still the same person. Got it? And this goes for Zach too. Keep your chin up, kid. |^_^| :wub:



Jump_GP is a fail merch clan.

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Thanks guys so much, haha.



And th3 I listen to manson cuz everyone I know hates manson. And everyone I know hates gays. (irl) plus his music is epic



I'll take ya up onthat offer bows.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Bro, forget what people do to mock you or what they do to hate on you in the world; What you believe in, and who you are, is all that matters. And I'm serious. I'm quite happy that you could come out with such sensitive info so openly. Keep on going man. I'm not going to tell you not to quit, but don't quit just because your parents are hating on who you are. That might be the worst thing in the world, but if they honestly, truly love you they'll accept you for who you are. Failing that, you don't deserve them. It's harsh, but the truth hurts.


So, we aren't "friends" so to speak, but remember we're a community, and a community cares :thumbsup:. btw manson rules.


On a more runescape related note, great work on your goals so far. Keep powering through those levels :)


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My dad and mom are extreme homophobes and my dad works for Pat Robertson who literally blames gays and their "agenda" for all the worlds problems. Literally. My mom said "well the left wing hates homeschoolers, we hate homosexuals" which hurt me a lot.


Irrationality and anti-intellectualism is a bloody plague, and people need to realize that.


Good luck with any problems you have. There's too much stupid in the world.

When you go feather dragon god, you never go back.

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My parents are intellectual, and extremely intelligent. Though my loathing for them is more so than anyone I've ever met, I know why they act like they do. They both have a huge problem with putting themselves in other people's shoes, and they have this idea they're always right. Literally, always. However, they do let our religious beliefs taint their knowledge, they though of Katrina as a Sodom and Gomorrah.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I just have to wonder why people think an all-powerful deity would hate His/Her/Its own creation to that extent... I'd have thought an all-knowing being would be smarter than that. :-P

Not like coming out about it to us is going to change anything here. You're still the same (awesome) person, we just know more about you.

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I just figure cause everyone hates Ace and he just had a girl char. hah. But thanks :D

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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