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Zoid time to dim. Added Oldest Pro Cs Vid

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gratz again man =D> keep up the good work n get ur stuff back..if possible.. :XD:


Pyromancer, next time you touch my signature, dont take everything about buddy.

This is Zoidnerd, im banned on rs for 2 moar dais so smd kai? Btw a cooked bread once told me he did things to little boys. I didnt name any names so deal with it.

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That is actually the most amazing thing, around 120m in less than 2months... :P amazing...
















Bad idea putting your desktop up - as that "sword" labelled Runescape, is a link to an "AutoTalkerPro"




So bad on YOU for macroing - dam chat macroers. :evil:








You should be banned from Runescape.... for macroing, and shame on you.








I know because i've seen it because a friend tried to send me it ages ago, but i don't mess with the law so i don't risk my account been banned.









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That is actually the most amazing thing, around 120m in less than 2months... :P amazing...
















Bad idea putting your desktop up - as that "sword" labelled Runescape, is a link to an "AutoTalkerPro"




So bad on YOU for macroing - dam chat macroers. :evil:








You should be banned from Runescape.... for macroing, and shame on you.








I know because i've seen it because a friend tried to send me it ages ago, but i don't mess with the law so i don't risk my account been banned.
















Get lost please. SS isn't illegal, it doesn't contain viruses and doesnt help you level in runescape illegally. It was proved by a J Mod it's not illegal.


RSN: Zammyftw ^^The girl that ruined music.

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That is actually the most amazing thing, around 120m in less than 2months... :P amazing...
















Bad idea putting your desktop up - as that "sword" labelled Runescape, is a link to an "AutoTalkerPro"




So bad on YOU for macroing - dam chat macroers. :evil:








You should be banned from Runescape.... for macroing, and shame on you.








I know because i've seen it because a friend tried to send me it ages ago, but i don't mess with the law so i don't risk my account been banned.
















That's not a chat macro, that's a direct link to Runescape.








Good going Zoid, keep it up. :)


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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LOL, i said nothing about SS, i personally use it, and I KNOW it's perfectly legal.








BUT, that is not a direct link, i know FOR A FACT that Sword labelled runescape is a Program called "AutoTalkerPro"... No - I do not use it.#








So as i said previously, SHAME ON YOU.








Just because he re-labelled it "runescape" doesn't mean oh ye it's all legitimate it goes to runescape...








Total rubbish, don't macro zoid

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That is actually the most amazing thing, around 120m in less than 2months... :P amazing...
















Bad idea putting your desktop up - as that "sword" labelled Runescape, is a link to an "AutoTalkerPro"




So bad on YOU for macroing - dam chat macroers. :evil:








You should be banned from Runescape.... for macroing, and shame on you.








I know because i've seen it because a friend tried to send me it ages ago, but i don't mess with the law so i don't risk my account been banned.
















That's not a chat macro, that's a direct link to Runescape.








Good going Zoid, keep it up. :)












LOL JONX thats the runescape client




:XD: :XD: :XD:





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Something i missed here?:P like were did all ur phats go? o.O








been working right after i got password newbed








He was hacked.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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u got mourpeus to lol i use that downlaod music also and gj wit makin money back and i got question r u mem of break? cuz sum guy posted there wit ur name of asian kid goin nuts on a game lol


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u got mourpeus to lol i use that downlaod music also and gj wit makin money back and i got question r u mem of break? cuz sum guy posted there wit ur name of asian kid goin nuts on a game lol








not sure what exactly you mean, re explain plz =)













Something i missed here?:P like were did all ur phats go? o.O








been working right after i got password newbed








He was hacked.








not hacked, someone i know had to have done it, no key loggers or malware

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