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World 99 is Infested


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That's cool. Just come back with a DDS and you'll usually be able to ko them. :)








RC Pk'ing isn't hawt.








Really?? That would be cool, they mostly tele the moment they see my dds, even if I don't att :lol: .

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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I actually pity runecraft pker. One actually TBED and entangled me, but wasnt able to kill me LMAO. I grabbed some gear, chased him down, and he had to hop :cry: I wanted the free stuff but he had to leave due to my pounding on him








Ranged Crave


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Their easy to escape.




If they entangle/ice you first, teleport.




If they teleblock you first, run to the mage before they entangle/ice you.

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Yeah, teleblocking is the only way you can kill a smart crafter. That and luck.








I've seen several 94+ mages attack me, but they always ice. Ice is easy to get away from. One click teleport, buhbye!








Then again, if the RCer has proper potions in his/her bank, it's pretty much impossible to kill them even if they do get TBed :wink:

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