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New Sig!!! Rate it!!


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It's a nice sig for a 150k still there's some things i personaly don't like and that could be avoided/fixed with a bit of more work...








a) The left guys are supposed to be in the bg while they extend their fight on a lower part of the sig than the foreground dead guy :shock:




B) The top right guy's face could have been human... :roll:




c) The text is either on the border or not at the same height of the matching one on the other side... :evil:

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the top right guys face looks like..aaaaaaah its an alien








the text like jeppoz pointed out, on the top left is part of the border so it seems and not on the right height , a guy on the left has his shield behind him for some wird reason, and the mountains look to flat IMO








as a end result i will give this a 8/10

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imm sooo lost in my pixel plz help i cant figure out how to make the armer look right the boddy parts are in the ritght place but i just cant make it work they just look like stick figurs all puffed up
















ps new member trying to put picturs on it

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imm sooo lost in my pixel plz help i cant figure out how to make the armer look right the boddy parts are in the ritght place but i just cant make it work they just look like stick figurs all puffed up
















ps new member trying to put picturs on it

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