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I just tried logging into world 1 and it took an unreasonable amount of time, creating trouble not worth the few runes i was trying to sell. In other attempts to get in however, its just 1 click and i'm in.








I was thinking that there should be a waiting list for the more populated worlds. This list would have all of the people who've clicked the log in button, placed in order of time of clicking the log-in button. This way, random people don't get lucky and get in on the first try, while others are sitting there forever wearing out their mouse.








In addition, if you try logging into another world, or entering another waiting list, ur are automatically taken off the previous waiting list, to ensure people dont enter a bunch of populated worlds hpoing to get lucky with one of them.








I like it, Maybe they would put in a chat were players could talk to one another while waiting? Possible have a "Games Room" in there, so players could play games while waiting to get into a world. Yes indeed, i love this idea.




ya a chatbxo would be nice, but a games room would be taking it a bit too far i think.








EDIT: Some of you just don't understand, as a few of the people have said it would be a huge list or it would take forever. How could that be in any way worse than the way it is now?! The same amount of people are trying to log on and the same number of people actually get logged on. If you dont understand this, please don't post about the list being too long.








~thx "Buckeyemange" for the grammar/spelling revision, lol



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its somewhat good but there's really no reason for it.








there is as he said he got a sore finger cough weakling cough but it would be less :wall: ing than havin to click alot

A wise man once said if we are all gods children then whats so special about jesus

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I like it.




Better than clicking over and over.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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its somewhat good but there's really no reason for it.








there is as he said he got a sore finger cough weakling cough but it would be less :wall: ing than havin to click alot








haha not really sore finger, just trying to make a more effective statement



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that waiting list would have tons and tons of people on it....so it would probably be just as hard to get in...








Exactly...for worlds 1 and 2 the lists would be so huge it would take 30 minutes to get in...for clicking it usually only takes a couple of minutes.

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that waiting list would have tons and tons of people on it....so it would probably be just as hard to get in...








Exactly...for worlds 1 and 2 the lists would be so huge it would take 30 minutes to get in...for clicking it usually only takes a couple of minutes.








tell me if this logic is incorrect but...








how would a waiting list be 30 minutes, and clicking be a few minutes, thats not possible unless if there are people waiting more than 30 minutes, having clicking wont make more space in that world so just as many people would be getting in at a time



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I support cause it actually goes with my sig








Seeing that this would have instant hundreds of people on the waiting list instead of clicking forever, I would like to add on.




Jagex could make a program that checks where you are in the game and how many people are there. It could be like a search engine for where you are in runescape.




Search options:




-max players in area




-medium players in area




-low players in area




This would be on the world select screen





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I like it, Maybe they would put in a chat were players could talk to one another while waiting? Possible have a "Games Room" in there, so players could play games while waiting to get into a world. Yes indeed, i love this idea.



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I like it, Maybe they would put in a chat were players could talk to one another while waiting? Possible have a "Games Room" in there, so players could play games while waiting to get into a world. Yes indeed, i love this idea.








ya like the chat idea, thanks








and remember ppl, u cant go into many lists at once, that way waiting lists wont be crammed with bunch of people hoping to get into atleast 1 big world



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I like it, Maybe they would put in a chat were players could talk to one another while waiting? Possible have a "Games Room" in there, so players could play games while waiting to get into a world. Yes indeed, i love this idea.








maybe make it like a new world? the waiting world you cant enter unless your waiting to join a game then you could talk to people and maybe add a game room? make it more popular i guess

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I support! This is a good idea in my mind, because some people can truly just come and get in in one try, while other people click and click for multiple minutes getting frustrated. The waiting room would be a good idea, except there would have to be a certain order of people going into the world. It would be a little complicated, but knowing Jagex, I think they could do something with this idea if it ever gets to them (thats not an insult, I just mean that people tell Jagex tons of suggestions).

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It wouldnt really make since... because it takes 1min to to be able to log into a different world after loging from another, and now it sounds like you want to go instantly from the "waiting room" world to world 1. I dout thats going to happen.








maybe u dont understand? i mean that after u click "log-in" the way u would normally into a populated world, u instantly get sent into a waiting list, at this time u may not sign onto any other worlds since u are techincally already in that world, u will be logged into the actual world once ur turn comes on the list



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A good idea, but for one problem. There would be thousands upon thousands of people in the waiting list. I mean, on an average Saturday afternoon, worlds 2,6, and 9 are all full all day. If there are enough people online that world 1 is full, chances are pretty good that there's another world (possibly 3) that has some space but still contains a lot of people. You'll get the same sale.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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I like this idea.








I don't think the waiting list would be too long as people just wouldn't be interested in hanging around if there were more than say, 100 people waiting to get in.








It would be very useful when people are insisting that you come to a certain world for a trade and you can't get in because of a slower connection.

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It would be very useful when people are insisting that you come to a certain world for a trade and you can't get in because of a slower connection.








ya never really thought about those with poor internet connection, this would definitely benefit those people too



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  • 2 weeks later...

this isn't that good of an idea, ya, it might help to have a waiting list, but there usually are probably only about 100 people waiting to log on in a given hour because jagex has it where you cant make an attempt at a world server unless there's space in it. So when you do get there, it's only about 30 seconds of trying, unless you have really bad luck. If you're talking about the the world select screen, when most people see world one filled and they are trying to merchant or sell something, they go to the next most populated world thats open if they are smart, because world one is not the only open world.



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