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What I think is really weird, is that if ur lvl 3 in members ( don't know about F2P) you are considered a non-combat pure. If ur lvl 4 to pretty much 69, you are called a noob by everyone over 70 ( sometime ppl below it too). It's really immature and it's really perplexing why they do that. just cas u cant hold a whip yet dont mean ur a noob! Why can't you satrt being a pure at lvl 69? Hmmmmmm?




























PS: Yes, my combat lvl is 69.

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i think the idea of calling people noobs is acctually funny... like what do you possibly gain by for example living in australia, and teasing some person over in the usa... i dont get it?


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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i think the idea of calling people noobs is acctually funny... like what do you possibly gain by for example living in australia, and teasing some person over in the usa... i dont get it?




Well it obviously does something, seeing how many complain about being called a noob. It hurts feelings and pride. Seeing that, I think whatever most people try to do by calling other's "noob", is accomplished.

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the only people on rs i call a noob is myself and my bro jokingly lol... Personally i think i am one of the nicest people most of the time when people need help i help em no matter what their cbt lvl is.... You can't call someone a noob simply bc they are under cbt70 .... it really irks me when people call me a noob tho.. Simply bc 1 yes i am a noob look at my craptastical stats... 2 its fun to be a noob..

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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I thought this was the case when I joined members too, you had to be a certain combat level to stop being called a 'noob'. But I was mistaken, as I am a level 88 right now and I have been called a noob past the level of seventy. A person will call another a 'noob' mostly because they are a lower combat than them, not because suddenly when a lvl 69 hits 70 they are suddenly not a noob. A level 126 could call a level 120 a noob, a level 10 to a level 4.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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You're always going to get called a noob by people worse then you, the same as you, better then you, worse then you, worse then you, WORSE THEN YOU, so it really has no more meaning to me. It's kind of like saying "HA you play RuneScape. Well duh, that has no meaning to me because to say it you have to be playing Runescape.

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