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Barbarian Assault Horror Stories?


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nobody hates defenders at all. its just that, because its the least popular role (due to its difficulty), teams are always needing a defender to start. And so, when they shout that they need one, all the team-less lvl 30's-60's in the area say they are the best defenders in the world, and when they prove just how bad they really are, they team quits and the team members say how bad the defender was, and so a grudge builds up between them and any defenders.








Sounds foolish, but ive watched it happen in World 18, a very busy BA world full of loners with no team, stranded, and doing anything possible to get furthur through the game...

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I always seem to get a fairly solid team with ONE noob, and its normally the person who plays opposite me (he'd be healer, I'd be defender etc.) And they NEVER use the horn! It is so frustrating. I'm trying to lure the runners and he's not calling, sometimes I dropped all 3 foods for the heck of it and hoped to get lucky.








I find defender isn't too hard. I was lvl 2 defender against the Queen and I took out ALL the runners before the Queen was even out! Was I lucky or something?



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Our healer refused to kill healers and heal teem then we run out eggs. Why?!:




"You can heal yourself just click it", "Omg idiots use vial", "Cmon kill that monsters"...








He bring us to imposible situation... We had nothing to do... Poison stoped at my 7 hp and 4 healers stalked around... After wasting 10 minutes to call that noob idiot we used ledder. Was at wave 7. We was the only teem at that wave... Others just pas it in no time...








Since we had no players to recrut we took that idiot to our teem as 2nd healer... I hate idiots like this...








I guess its the most horoble thing can happend.

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I've got a good one.








After clawing my way up to wave 10 in numerous n00by teams, I finally ended up with a team as a collector, with two attackers (for some reason).








2 seconds in (literally), one attacker noted "Our collector sucks." :shock:








Then he says "Tell us what to hit more often." Remember, this was 2 seconds in, and noone had done anything yet.








So the rest of the game goes along, and at some point, the defender starts thinking I'm such a noob I don't know how omega eggs work. He's like, "When queen comes out you pick up the yellow eggs, then use on healer." I said (exact words): "Yeah I know. I'm not stupid."








Finally, after the queen has come out, I've gotten about 7 omega eggs back. The defender, attackers, healer ALL keep pestering me: "Did you load the egg? Load the egg! Did you fire! Fire the egg! Wtf!"








There were about 4 Penance Healers left on the field. This was with a level 5 healer, too.








I tell them that. "You have to kill all Penance. There are still healers left." About 4 times.








Their response? "Did you load eggs yet dude"








:evil: :evil: :evil:








The healer never gets it into his head that the Penance Healers need to die. And eventually, the game ends because someone dies.
















I really, really need to stop signing up with random idiots.

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I was at Wave 8 or something with a team of good SODB friends. I'm a Level 5 Healer, so wanting to get lots of extra points Freshwacka, Cdub, and Lord all took their armor off to have me heal 35hp on 'em constantly. It worked pretty well generally, but this game I was lagging a bit. I ran out, got my supplies through lag, and eventually got to the pool. Not worrying about my teammates too much as I ran out (again, through lag) I suddenly saw a mostly red bar over Freshwacka's head. I tried to click and heal her as she got pounded, but messed up and clicked one of the mons around her as a lag [bleep]e hit me. I tried like 3 times and missed every time.








Needless to say everyone was pretty mad at me, a Lvl 5 Healer letting a high level player die early in the game- definitely not living up to their level. Though I used the excuse of lag, I knew that it was still largely my fault for not noticing her low health on my interface early on, so I felt pretty bad :| .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I was playing with some guildmates, and it was going pretty well. Around level 5-6 two of our team had to leave, but we were able to pick up replacements, and things still went pretty well (considering we were rather low leveled) for the next few games. We had two attackers and I was a collector. Then at level 8 one of that attackers switched to being a healer; that's when I realized that the remaining attacker didn't know bupkis about using a horn. We managed to make teach him, and he became almost helpful.








Then there was the time I played as defender and almost never got info from the healer, and the attackers kept harassing me for info :roll:

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I was playing as defender one game, when my healer had a sudden brilliant strategy.








He decided to ignore the real food I was supposed to drop, and only tell me tofu because it would be easier for me.




it wasnt me was it cause it was what i was doing for like 5 rounds cause i thought the horn was auto but then some nice person :roll: told me about using the right click to pick i thought since i was yelling only tofu it was a glitch and they should really make the horn automatic

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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You can do the whole thing in 15 minutes with 2 attackers and a team of 110+'s.




Not even a challenge.








Its easy but not possible to do it in 15min.












It is hard to do it in 30min but still midly possible, provided you have a very good team.












Its not even possible to finish wave 1 in 1.5min, nevertheless wave 10. Unless you are playing in your own private server, you are probably lying, or.. you are a Jmod.

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