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The quest cape shattered my hopes.


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Same with Underground Pass, or Regicide, those are probably the most annoying quests I have ever done, and they had low requirements. I did Underground Pass at CB lvl 40, and I died 4 times in that dang pass, and Regicide took me even longer...

45,657th to 99 Range 29/09/09 , 41,018th to 99 Mage 13/11/09


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Ever since i started playing rs back in 2001 on my original main Plaguegod ds (banned in mid 2002 for website advertisement), i have always held interest in the quests and storyline of runescape, i have often been the first on my server to finish a new quest and have greatly enjoyed doing it.


Despite the enjoyment i get out of these quests i have noticed they all have little to no challenge and mid lvl skill requirements at best.


After all this time i have always hoped for an amazing new quest to come out with requirements like:


75 thieving


85 cooking


80 fletching


71 smithing


65 herblore


75 agility


Must be able to defeat a lvl 220 monster without prayer.


Something like that, Something to work and strive for.


I feel that the quest cape has ruined the chances of this happening becouse the current mid lvl players who have it would chuck a fit if a quest like this was released, and jagex hates to upset its mid lvl clientelle, becouse thats where most of their money comes from.


Please discuss.


(Reposted this after it was deleted last time due to immature flaming, hopefully this new forum will attract a more mature reader and get some good feedback).

quests are aimed a the med lv player.


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Well, to be honest, you would need to be AT LEAST 70 combat for the quest cape (legends).


And to do all quests, your skills should be pretty high up, so it doesnt really pose a problem.... I mean, a lot of people who have the quest cape have a really high combat level anyways.


You need 85 for Dream Mentor.




Abbydog- contributions to the debate are fun. Useless posts are not.




I think Jagex absolutely should release a high-level quest like this. It would have to be VERY long, VERY in-depth (preferably adding to another storyline) and have relatively high skill requirements (eg. something over 70, a few others over 60, preferably higher). It would give the quest cape a little bit of value. However, this isn't to say they should focus just on that for the difficulty. I'd love something with those reqs that ended up taking hours and hours not because of repetition (ME2 anyone?) but because they required thought and couldn't be guided. It'd be hard, but I think Jagex would really please a lot of people with this.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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I think Jagex absolutely should release a high-level quest like this. It would have to be VERY long, VERY in-depth (preferably adding to another storyline) and have relatively high skill requirements (eg. something over 70, a few others over 60, preferably higher). It would give the quest cape a little bit of value. However, this isn't to say they should focus just on that for the difficulty. I'd love something with those reqs that ended up taking hours and hours not because of repetition (ME2 anyone?) but because they required thought and couldn't be guided. It'd be hard, but I think Jagex would really please a lot of people with this.


Well, they'd please those people such as you who want it. I remember when Rocking Out was released there was a bit of complaining. I myself was frustrated as I had 5 long levels of smithing to train. I guess I'd like a quest with high level requirements, but not so much in combat. I think a high-level summoning quest is in order, as there really isn't a Summoning Quest yet. Or maybe a farming, hunter, or construction quest that had a high requirement. I think we're always going to get complainers when higher-level quests are released, but I highly doubt any of them would ever quit over a silly cape. I know I sure wouldn't.

-Runescape Addict --- Seven-time Writer for the Tip.It Times-

"Yes I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - The Glass Menagerie


"This game isn't about graphics, it's about fun." - The Great Ortiz 9471

<> Dragon drops: Plateskirt(1), Half Shield(1) <>

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  • 3 months later...
Imagine you are a world famous Author. You plan to write a new book which would soon become the most famous reading material ever existed in human history. So, would you write it in plain English or in Morse Code? Brainless people would yell "Morse Code!!" "Why?" "Because only the hard working and persistant people (high levels) deserve to have a read!!"




If you are the author, would you write it in Morse code?




Same as in this, if you are the quest developer, would you want only a few thousand people to enjoy your two weeks hard work, or a few million?




Don't you get it, quests are an alternative to leveling, as a break to forever repetition, and to fill some worthy information to the next generation. If a quest is made only to be enjoyed by the tiny minority, then its simply not worth the time and resources for Jagex to do it. How do you know about Runescape's background story and history? Quests ofcourse! Jagex use quests to make more context out of Runescape, and context is for all, not only a small portion of the minority.




By demanding quests with such high requirements, its like crippled people demanding the government for a wheelchair-only line on a highway. You know its not possible to be done, and they know its not economic to do it. They have already got your membership money, and you have leveled everything to high. Their objectives are to make money from you, and they already have. Why spend more resources to keep 30,000 people subscribing rather than a million? Why make only a 240k US dollars rather than a few million? Just to satisfy a few players? I don't think so.




Regardless what you think, Jagex will not act unless it threatens their income. So really, quit debating this... its useless


Your analogy doesnt work..


How did those million low lvl people find out about runescape? most likely word of mouth..


Now what happens when all the high lvls start telling every one, dont bother with runescape once you reach a high lvl theres no new content and the game pretty much ceases to be updated for you..


People wont bother playing.


If i start an rpg i want it to be fun all the time, not just when i start.


Jagex is stupid to ignore a "minority" when that minority includes over FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE.


Ever heard of 9 degrees of seperation? chances are those 50,000 players between them know almost every other player on the game, what happens when they all quit and tell their friends to not bother playing as its pointless in the end?.


Why do you think wow is the most popular game in the mmo industry?, becouse it has end level content.


People know that once the grinding is over the game gets BETTER not worse.


The morse code analogy is [cabbage], a better one would be, if you wrote a classic series like raymond e fiests serpent war saga, and you wrote a seperate series like harry potter that became instantly popular, would you continue to write for your die hard there from the beginning fans, or move entirely to the new series..


Most authors would write for both and keep the real fans coming back for more.




Dont tell 123 what he can or cannot debate, becouse this is a very debatable topic.






So you say the 50,000 players know almost every single player of runescape. We assume that all those 50,000 players are members, and they have 200 spaces on friend list, and they do now know each other. Primary school maths: 50,000 * 200 =? answer is 10 million. Jagex website stated "over 130 million accounts created". Lets say 30 million accounts are pures and alternate accounts of other people, you still have 9/10 people that is literally impossible to be in touch with those 50,000 minority. I mean, is it even possible? In my opinion, 10% and "almost every other player" does not equal to each other and thus, your argument does not stand true.




"If i start an rpg i want it to be fun all the time, not just when i start."


This quote of yours, I agree with. But then, You mentioned why "wow is the most popular game", and your own response was because "once the grinding is over" the game gets better. You forgot one fact: how many people on runescape really got over with grinding? 38 people out of "130 million accounts created". World of Warcraft and Runescape are two completely different genres of online games, although they might look similar. In wow, there is a point where grinding is stopped, but if you look at runescape, no there would not. So basically the theory you are applying on wow does not work across genres. Runescape is basically a never-ending grind game, and how long it takes you to level to max in wow? A reasonable speed would be 4 days powerleveling, not counting many other methods of "2 days max lvl" or so. I leave you this question: is it possible to finish grinding runescape in not 4 days, but lets say 400 days? So basically to some extent, the vast majority of Runescape players have only started playing.




Your response to my "Morse Code" theory is comparable of Runescape 2 evolving from Runescape Classic. As we all can see, rather than keep updating RSC, RS2 came out. So basically, lets say out of the 130 million users, 50,000 are those who want high level updates, and 30 are those who we ommit that quits rs or don't know what they are doing, basically Jagex have a decision of either benefitting the 50,000, or 100 million. Give me your honest answer: IF you are the decision maker in Jagex, which path would you take? to invest in 100 million users or to please the 50k? You might say the 50k because of various of reasons, but the economists in Jagex Ltd. analysed the situation and decided that investing in the 100 million appears to be a better choice.




You must admit, at some point in life, you will quit Runescape. Maybe because you have stepped into another stage of your life, or maybe you have found other things to do instead. The vast majority of people playing Runescape are aged between 13 to 18. What does this tell you? Vast majority of people quit BEFORE they finishes grinding, purely because of time limit. Since it is impossible to keep someone playing Runescape forever, Jagex might's well just give up adding new contents for them, because they will definitely quit. Why bother trying to catch their attention rather than trying to please a lot more other people?




This is the painful truth, and from what Jagex has done in the past years (the chat filter, personal detail protection, etc), this conclusion can be easily derived: Jagex expect the average play time of Runescape to be around three years (not excluding down time). And who could finish grinding Runescape in 3 years without investing large chuncks of time in it every day?


There isnt 100 million active rs accounts there isnt even 10 million active runescape accounts, you fail.




Sorry i have been away a very long time, just returned, this thread is still relevant.

Designer Violence.

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Imagine you are a world famous Author. You plan to write a new book which would soon become the most famous reading material ever existed in human history. So, would you write it in plain English or in Morse Code? Brainless people would yell "Morse Code!!" "Why?" "Because only the hard working and persistant people (high levels) deserve to have a read!!"




If you are the author, would you write it in Morse code?




Same as in this, if you are the quest developer, would you want only a few thousand people to enjoy your two weeks hard work, or a few million?




Don't you get it, quests are an alternative to leveling, as a break to forever repetition, and to fill some worthy information to the next generation. If a quest is made only to be enjoyed by the tiny minority, then its simply not worth the time and resources for Jagex to do it. How do you know about Runescape's background story and history? Quests ofcourse! Jagex use quests to make more context out of Runescape, and context is for all, not only a small portion of the minority.




By demanding quests with such high requirements, its like crippled people demanding the government for a wheelchair-only line on a highway. You know its not possible to be done, and they know its not economic to do it. They have already got your membership money, and you have leveled everything to high. Their objectives are to make money from you, and they already have. Why spend more resources to keep 30,000 people subscribing rather than a million? Why make only a 240k US dollars rather than a few million? Just to satisfy a few players? I don't think so.




Regardless what you think, Jagex will not act unless it threatens their income. So really, quit debating this... its useless


Your analogy doesnt work..


How did those million low lvl people find out about runescape? most likely word of mouth..


Now what happens when all the high lvls start telling every one, dont bother with runescape once you reach a high lvl theres no new content and the game pretty much ceases to be updated for you..


People wont bother playing.


If i start an rpg i want it to be fun all the time, not just when i start.


Jagex is stupid to ignore a "minority" when that minority includes over FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE.


Ever heard of 9 degrees of seperation? chances are those 50,000 players between them know almost every other player on the game, what happens when they all quit and tell their friends to not bother playing as its pointless in the end?.


Why do you think wow is the most popular game in the mmo industry?, becouse it has end level content.


People know that once the grinding is over the game gets BETTER not worse.


The morse code analogy is [cabbage], a better one would be, if you wrote a classic series like raymond e fiests serpent war saga, and you wrote a seperate series like harry potter that became instantly popular, would you continue to write for your die hard there from the beginning fans, or move entirely to the new series..


Most authors would write for both and keep the real fans coming back for more.




Dont tell 123 what he can or cannot debate, becouse this is a very debatable topic.






So you say the 50,000 players know almost every single player of runescape. We assume that all those 50,000 players are members, and they have 200 spaces on friend list, and they do now know each other. Primary school maths: 50,000 * 200 =? answer is 10 million. Jagex website stated "over 130 million accounts created". Lets say 30 million accounts are pures and alternate accounts of other people, you still have 9/10 people that is literally impossible to be in touch with those 50,000 minority. I mean, is it even possible? In my opinion, 10% and "almost every other player" does not equal to each other and thus, your argument does not stand true.




"If i start an rpg i want it to be fun all the time, not just when i start."


This quote of yours, I agree with. But then, You mentioned why "wow is the most popular game", and your own response was because "once the grinding is over" the game gets better. You forgot one fact: how many people on runescape really got over with grinding? 38 people out of "130 million accounts created". World of Warcraft and Runescape are two completely different genres of online games, although they might look similar. In wow, there is a point where grinding is stopped, but if you look at runescape, no there would not. So basically the theory you are applying on wow does not work across genres. Runescape is basically a never-ending grind game, and how long it takes you to level to max in wow? A reasonable speed would be 4 days powerleveling, not counting many other methods of "2 days max lvl" or so. I leave you this question: is it possible to finish grinding runescape in not 4 days, but lets say 400 days? So basically to some extent, the vast majority of Runescape players have only started playing.




Your response to my "Morse Code" theory is comparable of Runescape 2 evolving from Runescape Classic. As we all can see, rather than keep updating RSC, RS2 came out. So basically, lets say out of the 130 million users, 50,000 are those who want high level updates, and 30 are those who we ommit that quits rs or don't know what they are doing, basically Jagex have a decision of either benefitting the 50,000, or 100 million. Give me your honest answer: IF you are the decision maker in Jagex, which path would you take? to invest in 100 million users or to please the 50k? You might say the 50k because of various of reasons, but the economists in Jagex Ltd. analysed the situation and decided that investing in the 100 million appears to be a better choice.




You must admit, at some point in life, you will quit Runescape. Maybe because you have stepped into another stage of your life, or maybe you have found other things to do instead. The vast majority of people playing Runescape are aged between 13 to 18. What does this tell you? Vast majority of people quit BEFORE they finishes grinding, purely because of time limit. Since it is impossible to keep someone playing Runescape forever, Jagex might's well just give up adding new contents for them, because they will definitely quit. Why bother trying to catch their attention rather than trying to please a lot more other people?




This is the painful truth, and from what Jagex has done in the past years (the chat filter, personal detail protection, etc), this conclusion can be easily derived: Jagex expect the average play time of Runescape to be around three years (not excluding down time). And who could finish grinding Runescape in 3 years without investing large chuncks of time in it every day?



There isnt 100 million active rs accounts there isnt even 10 million active runescape accounts, you fail.




Sorry i have been away a very long time, just returned, this thread is still relevant.


It might not be at the next update


Or if you don't want to read it all,


Speaking of enemies, Zamorak was once mortal like the rest of us, but through clever manipulation and some devious planning he became revered as a god in Gielinor. The god wars that followed brought about great destruction and change it would be impossible to do that now, wouldnt it? What does it take for something like that to happen? Gathering some of the most important artefacts and keenest minds to research them would be a good start...but that is bound to attract attention, isnt it?




Thats where our November quest will join things. Specialists and concerned dignitaries will be gathered to discuss the whereabouts of the Staff of Armadyl, an ancient and powerful artefact from RuneScapes distant past. All they will need is a willing adventurer to conduct the more interesting parts of the...investigation. Will this link to the mysterious dragonkin symbols found recently, or the rumours of the dragon forge? While Guthix sleeps through the centuries, treachery is afoot, and terrible dangers appear on the horizon. In our first Grandmaster quest ever, with the longest, deepest storyline we have ever attempted, it will take an expert adventurer to find out.




I'd still agree that high requirements don't always make a good or hard quest. The best updates are the ones that most people can enjoy, yet a skilled player can make the most of.




What's the point of making an update if only a very small amount of players can access it? They'd anger everyone that can't play it and I'm sure a lot of those that can play it will either blow it off or complain about how it should have been harder.

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Next update


Not amazingly high (I don't have to level anything), but i'm quite impressed :) a fantastic start.


Total reqs for the new quest:


Attack 40


Strength 60


Defence 65


Hitpoints 10


Ranged 60


Prayer 55


Magic 75


Runecrafting 50


Construction 50


Agility 60


Herblore 65


Thieving 63


Crafting 66


Fletching 50


Slayer 59


Hunter 55


Mining 60


Smithing 69


Fishing 62


Cooking 70


Firemaking 51


Woodcutting 72


Farming 65


Summoning 23




Im back btw :D

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