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Animal testing - right or wrong?


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Did you know that in 2004 over 1 million rodents were used for testing?








I already gave the statistics for numbers tested upon. 1 million rodents is nothing compared to the billions of people that are benefiting from treatments developed through animal testing each year.








Then on top of that they liter by just throwing the dead animals into dumps...Its sad.








They are not dumped, they have to be incinerated.

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Animal testing to see if a product is safe when applied correctly - good




(not including stuff like stuffing shampoo into a rat's eyes to see if it'll effect them)








Uneccesary animal testing - wrong




^ example: http://www.peta.org/feat-pom.asp < POM does animal testing :shame:








for medicine - good

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Maybe we should test it on criminals instead




Best idea here. Why do we want mass-killers for? What not put them into good use and test em? "Naw its cruel"...pfft. They killed much worse. <.<

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm against animal testing - even if it's for "good intentions."








Example: Iams dog and cat food company purposely gets dogs and cats sick just so that they can find a cure. Although they have good intentions, a very large percentage of these dogs and cats die in the process, but suffer for a long time before that..








I have very extreme anti-society/advancement opinions, which makes me craft my second opinion: animals' lives are far more valuable than humans', in my extreme opinion :P

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I'm against animal testing - even if it's for "good intentions."








Example: Iams dog and cat food company purposely gets dogs and cats sick just so that they can find a cure. Although they have good intentions, a very large percentage of these dogs and cats die in the process, but suffer for a long time before that..








I have very extreme anti-society/advancement opinions, which makes me craft my second opinion: animals' lives are far more valuable than humans', in my extreme opinion :P








Each to his own I suppose. I suppose you are a vegetarian?

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I'm against animal testing - even if it's for "good intentions."








Example: Iams dog and cat food company purposely gets dogs and cats sick just so that they can find a cure. Although they have good intentions, a very large percentage of these dogs and cats die in the process, but suffer for a long time before that..








I have very extreme anti-society/advancement opinions, which makes me craft my second opinion: animals' lives are far more valuable than humans', in my extreme opinion :P








Each to his own I suppose. I suppose you are a vegetarian?








Strangely, I'm not. I've actually wanted to be, but I've grown up my whole live eating and loving things like cheeseburgers and salame sandwiches. It'd be impossible for me to take them out of my diet now :P








Besides, if I decide to become a vegetarian, I really might as well campaign against lions killing antelope for food as well.








I'm just more anti-society than anything: anti-government, anti-media, etc. Which leads me to not liking the human race very much, after seeing all the damage we do :P








Which leads to my opinion above.. That's basically my philosophy of life in a nutshell. I could go on for hours :-#

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Example: Iams dog and cat food company purposely gets dogs and cats sick just so that they can find a cure.








Can you substantiate that?








Go to Google and type in: iams+testing. I think the very large number of animal testing results is enough to back it up. I had to write an English report on it. I don't remember the original website I went to, but here was one of the first Google results (unless you'd care to look yourself):
















Small excerpt:








Iams... the suffering behind the 'science'








The IAMS Company have funded and participated in laboratory experiments on hundreds of animals that caused kidney failure, obesity, malnutrition, liver damage, severe allergic reactions, stomach inflammation, diarrhoea, severe skin disorders, lesions, skin wounds and other painful illnesses, and animals have been kept in barren dungeon-like conditions.








Dogs have been force-fed vegetable oil, had chunks of muscle removed from their thighs, and been 'de-barked' by having their voice-boxes cut out in a painful and bloody procedure.

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Ohh, I thought you meant they made food which made animals ill.








They have participated in animal testing, but you can trust that site you quoted to put it in a very biased way. Here's something provided by Iams:








Iamstruth.com[/url]":12cysfpl]FACT: Iams does not authorize the debarking of any dogs.








It seems animal rights groups have been making stuff up again. Boy are they good at that.








Looks like that's not all they've made up:








National Animal Interest Alliance[/url]":12cysfpl]This is a surgical procedure to reduce tissue in the vocal chords. Some vets use a punch to remove tissue. Other surgeons make cuts of varying sizes and I have heard of some using a laser. The goal of the surgery is to lower the volume of the dog's bark and the ability of the bark to carry over a wide area.
















No. Debarked dogs continue to bark. What debarking does is to lower the volume of the bark so that it does not carry for miles around.








They don't have their voice boxes cut out, they are modified.

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I'm all for animal testing for medicines if it's done effectively and as humanely as possible (no needless cruelty). Cosmetic testing I disagree with though.




Just being devil's advocate here. What if there was no animal testing and companies tested all the chemicals in their cosmetics on people. A company makes an eyeliner with chemical x that makes the eye fall out, but instead of just a few rats suffering the consequences, the company's comsumers had to. Doesn't that substantiant it?


Gamertag: King Arizona

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I'm all for animal testing for medicines if it's done effectively and as humanely as possible (no needless cruelty). Cosmetic testing I disagree with though.




Just being devil's advocate here. What if there was no animal testing and companies tested all the chemicals in their cosmetics on people. A company makes an eyeliner with chemical x that makes the eye fall out, but instead of just a few rats suffering the consequences, the company's comsumers had to. Doesn't that substantiant it?








What Parabola said. Even if you can't test it on animals there are still other ways to ensure a products safety. You wouldn't release an untested product on humans.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I'm all for animal testing for medicines if it's done effectively and as humanely as possible (no needless cruelty). Cosmetic testing I disagree with though.




Just being devil's advocate here. What if there was no animal testing and companies tested all the chemicals in their cosmetics on people. A company makes an eyeliner with chemical x that makes the eye fall out, but instead of just a few rats suffering the consequences, the company's comsumers had to. Doesn't that substantiant it?








I disagree with the concept of make up itself. I'm ok with shampoo, conditioner etc because otherwise your hair goes all greasy... but as for facial makeup, I'm not so sure. Everyone is beautiful in their own way without it - and if they choose to test it - that's their problem, not mine.

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Animal testing is wrong. :shame: End of story.








50,000,000 prescriptions for antibiotics




30,000,000 prescriptions for asthma




3,000,000 operations under local or general anaesthetics




180,000 diabetics kept alive with insulin




90,000 cataract operations




60,000 joint operations




15,000 coronary bypasses




10,000 pacemakers implanted




6,000 heart valve repairs or replacements




4,000 congenital heart defects corrected




2,500 corneal transplants




2,000 kidney transplants




400 heart or heart/lung transplants








( Parabola researched this )








" Yea man, animal testing is horrible, they should have never done it!@!@!" :-w

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That wouldn't happen though, rocketman089. If it couldn't be tested on animals it wouldn't leapfrog straight up to testing on humans.








Of course it wouldn't, but he was just giving a hypothetical which I thought made a valid argument.

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Animal testing is wrong. :shame: End of story.








If you really feel that way, then stop taking any form of medication, because they all had to be tested at some stage, many of them on animals. :-w








That would really show all the PETA activists.








If you're against animal testing, don't use any animal tested products or you're just being a hippocrite and supporting animal testing.

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I'm perfectly fine with it.








So what if some rodents die from testing. If it betters ourselves as humans I'm all for it.
















If people value animals more than other human beings, they need to be dragged into an alley and shot.








Why do people forget that animals would kill us the first chance they get?

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I agree, for medicine it's right. Cosmectics - so and so. I meen you can't really say we should have never used it for cosmetics. We need to keep up our hygiene more than a mouse.
















That last part, It made no sense.

So basicly we could have innocent animals die for perfume,make up, shampoo or other crap? and ThoseTheBrokes is right
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I'm perfectly fine with it.








So what if some rodents die from testing. If it betters ourselves as humans I'm all for it.
















If people value animals more than other human beings, they need to be dragged into an alley and shot.








Why do people forget that animals would kill us the first chance they get?

So basicly a widdle wabbit (no im not gay) would kill you the 1st chance they get? and no-one tests on lions








Its basicly you two who need to be shot

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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