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lol! none of u are making ur own pics neways ur just ripping urs off sites and altering them with some poor effect on psp then saying that im ripping em off sites?! seriusly get a life... :roll:




















eissob's sigs....

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yeah, led ill try some diff artists aswell, and will change text when im back home.








Gandalf, i think they are talkin about it being a drawing and some people may think you made it.








but you never said you did, so i see no probs.

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That's what photo manip is, not many cases they're the artists own pictures.








But your sig's won't win because you got some pixel drawing, then added some background that I could probably replicate in MS Publisher.








And I think you should have to declare if you didn't make the picture in your sig? Especially if it's pixel? Because if it's pixel, most people assume you made it all.....

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I know who they are, but with my taste in music, why did you think I would like them?




I have similar tastes to you but i love Rammstein :D




Moskau is the best song on the new album tho :P Amerika is just a take the p kinda song :P




and gandorf_101, my image i posted was made all by me, except i used a spoon stock photo :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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yeah, led ill try some diff artists aswell, and will change text when im back home.








Gandalf, i think they are talkin about it being a drawing and some people may think you made it.








but you never said you did, so i see no probs.








ty for understanding...








and as for all u ppl who told me off for doing somthing ur all guilty for... just settle down!

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You want a DSotM siggy then?




Any preferance on what you want on it. Its a pretty bland design lol simple prism,



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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he didnt drew it indeed, but its just a picture from google, so gues the author wouldnt mind...








im making some sigs with jimi Hendrix on it now, i'll post them tonight.








How does that mean the author wouldn't mind?








lol yeah, people don't say "hey you can put my image on google image search so noobs can freeload off of them!"
















to get ur site one a google or another search machine you must introduce ur site to them and they add it, including the pictures on it... so that means the author has give permission for other players to use the site and pictures if they want to

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i made a few, diffrent versions with Jimi Hendrix. I already made them with the name 'led zeppelin' on it. so i'll change the name if you want to.








here they are:





































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to get ur site one a google or another search machine you must introduce ur site to them and they add it, including the pictures on it... so that means the author has give permission for other players to use the site and pictures if they want to




lol thats rubbish :P








Tell me what it says in italic text? ;)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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there are always kids copying those pics of course... and put them somewhere else on a site, cant say anyhing bout that... :roll:








anyway the thing is google inst just looking around like.. hey nice picture lets add it to our search machine.

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well, led im gonna post my "The Who" sig soon and also the jimi one again with other name.












here it is:
















and the who, got two versions with different borders.









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lol! none of u are making ur own pics neways ur just ripping urs off sites and altering them with some poor effect on psp then saying that im ripping em off sites?! seriusly get a life... :roll:




















eissob's sigs....








or example.. your sigs..? come on only thing you did is put a picture of google on it, did a pattern background and some cuts and a font...? a few filters on the pattern backgrounds at some :roll: i mean come on.








and you gave eissobs sig as an example of poor effect on psp and ripping of google, yeah he uses images of googles sometimes (im against that)but those are way beyond your poor background!




besides hes a very good all around artist.








and i do have a live but i dont rip

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well, for sig requests about real people, mostly it will come to googling to get a pic in there. doesnt have to be though... but most entries pictures will be googled.








Offcourse google isnt my fav way of getting a fancy sig, wish i could go and ring the guys of the who for example and ask if i could make some pics of them. Then the pic would be total new and not googled. but thats not possible so you got too find other ways.








And if the guy your making the sig for likes it... i dont see much wrong with it.

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thats awesome vlad, buts it also huge..... didnt read every post so i dont know if he doesnt care about the size or anything....








i might enter... but i doubt ill make anyhting good, so dont wait 4 me if u dont see my entry








gl 2 all

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thats awesome vlad, buts it also huge..... didnt read every post so i dont know if he doesnt care about the size or anything....








i might enter... but i doubt ill make anyhting good, so dont wait 4 me if u dont see my entry








gl 2 all




oh yea oops saved it at 100 quality, always goes over when you do that. My bad, i will fix


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, looks nice ;).








You want a DSotM siggy then?




Any preferance on what you want on it. Its a pretty bland design lol simple prism,








Yeah, I spose I see what you mean, but something along those lines, but try and jazz it up a bit ;)?








well, led im gonna post my "The Who" sig soon and also the jimi one again with other name.












here it is:
















and the who, got two versions with different borders.
















Nice, I like The Who sig better than the Jimi sig you got there.








So far, Vlad and eissob are in the lead, and of course, in no particular order ;).

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mines not up in the top 3? ill probly have another go :P








Nope, sorry :(.








For your next try, heres a hint, try bright hippy colours, like.... Groovy man. :lol:

ok yea, i was talking 2 my friend whos a big hendrix fan... he gave me some pretty cool ideas :D




probly wont win we first but ill do my best








might b in 2night

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