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Too many stickies

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For quite same time I have felt there are way too many stickies on these boards. So how about removing maybe 80% of them, preferably all of them with the exception of forum rules which need to stand out.








The point of a sticky is to make a topic stand out, but when a subject is hidden among 10 others they all simply blend into a single mass. I do not know about other users but I personally ignore stickies (Because they rarely change) and often fail to see (sometimes important) topics for several weeks because it is a sticky.








Another disadvantage of stickies is when a widely discussed topic is condensed into a single thread. When that happens it normally kills of a good proportion of the conversation. A good example would be the "Trivial youtube/google video links to be posted here" sticky in off topic. Before that sticky was made each of the videos had their own thread and people discussed and talked about each one (they are all different topics). After the sticky people just post links and they rarely gain a comment because a single thread can not support such a diverse range of subjects. Such stickies are not just pointless but they caused a reduction in the amount of communication occurring.








Another problem with creating a sticky for such topics is the fact that they often become redundant. On forums topics and subjects often occur in surges, their would be alot of threads/posts around a subject for a few weeks or maybe a month then it would die down until being brought back to life after a few months/years have passed. A sticky in this case just causes the topic to ooze along constantly mainly with contributions from a few dedicated members.

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The reason we put up the trivial internet video sticky was because the majority of the topics made about the videos were spam. All the topic titles were something like "Check this out!!" and then the entire post by the author would be a link to a youtube video.

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The reason we put up the trivial internet video sticky was because the majority of the topics made about the videos were spam. All the topic titles were something like "Check this out!!" and then the entire post by the author would be a link to a youtube video.








That is when the post should be locked, and the author get sent a pm saying something like...








"I am willing to unlock your thread if you write a decent title/description for it and PM it to me so I can edit it in and unlock your thread."

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Condensing it a good thing, it stops people from posting the same things over and over again. For example the relationship sticky. That's working fine, and the forum doesn't get spammed up with "I w4/\/t fr33 GF". But that sticky is anything but redundant, it has like 35 pages.

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Condensing it a good thing, it stops people from posting the same things over and over again. For example the relationship sticky. That's working fine, and the forum doesn't get spammed up with "I w4/\/t fr33 GF". But that sticky is anything but redundant, it has like 35 pages.








All of the relationship topics were a fad, they would of died down by themselves after a while.








Condensing topics is a bad thing because it removes variability and can make important 'topics' being buried beneath other more active topics.





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I agree but how do we decide which ones to remove?








IMO the relationship sticky should be deleted and replaced by a new rule directing people to other forums and charity groups who are better equipped and experienced to deal with this kind of advice








The trivial video sticky should also be removed but people would be allowed to post videos in the main body of the forum. However, its not quite that simple... any topics posted that includes only a link and "check it out"ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã or something else equally lame will be locked and/or deleted. Unless the topic has a base for discussion then it has no place on the forum. If you write a decent topic about presidential elections and include a video clip then that's fine. Posting a video of a dog wearing a pink bonnet because you think its funny is not.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Yes, sometimes it seems like there are a lot of stickies, but I think they are all necessary.








In response to Mercifull, if we delete the relationship sticky and direct people to other relationship-based forums, why shouldn't we do the same with threads about other video/computer games? If people start talking about WoW on Off-Topic, why shouldn't we tell them to beat it and find a WoW forum? If people post a news article, should we redirect them to a 'current events' forum? Relationships/boyfriends/girlfriends is a huge topic and I think the sticky is important.








If people make their own thread for an important Youtube video link and provide a good start to a discussion, then we usually let the thread stay. The stickies keep the forum clean and discussion-based. I think that removing 80% of them would only cause a huge [bleep]e in spam and a decrease in productive discussions.

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relatioships; unlike video games and current events; tend to require more than "personal experience" to hand out advice and suggestions. Which is why matt said it'd be better off directing them to somewhere that'll have people who are experienced in such things.

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The reason we put up the trivial internet video sticky was because the majority of the topics made about the videos were spam. All the topic titles were something like "Check this out!!" and then the entire post by the author would be a link to a youtube video.








That is when the post should be locked, and the author get sent a pm saying something like...








"I am willing to unlock your thread if you write a decent title/description for it and PM it to me so I can edit it in and unlock your thread."








Imagine locking many topics a day and sending tons of messages to the authors. It's just easier to have them posted in a single thread.








All of the relationship topics were a fad, they would of died down by themselves after a while.








The relationship sticky is 35 pages long. It contains not only relationship advice but questions/opinions on other things that go along with relationships. At first I was somewhat against the sticky but now it's proven to be a good idea. As long as there are relationshipse, people will have problems. As long as people have problems, I will be willing to listen and do my best to help.

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In my view, a sticky can sometimes save 50+ topics from being locked in the future.








Stickies act as spam-filters so people will notice them and post their stuff in them instead of creating a new topic.










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Imagine locking many topics a day and sending tons of messages to the authors. It's just easier to have them posted in a single thread.








I do not need to imagine, I have done it. It does not require much work.








. It contains not only relationship advice but questions/opinions on other things that go along with relationships. At first I was somewhat against the sticky but now it's proven to be a good idea. As long as there are relationshipse, people will have problems. As long as people have problems, I will be willing to listen and do my best to help.








Nope it has proven to combine many topics which could of survived as stand along threads.








I agree but how do we decide which ones to remove?








The simplist solution would be to remove them all. The important ones would be returned. In reality stickies should only be used for rules or important commincation to users.








If a topic is relevant and interesting it would be able to keep itself alive and not need to be sticked.

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How about a "Pointless stickies" subforum that we can put the relationship, youtube videos and advertise your site threads in? =D>



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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How about a "Pointless stickies" subforum that we can put the relationship, youtube videos and advertise your site threads in? =D>
















Other forums sometimes have a stickies subforum.

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Then we could delte the 'sub form' :P :D
Sounds like a plan 8-)








the post your funny random pictures thread definitely needs to go too. Or at the very least put it into an RS area. It seems the only ppl that post there are Runescape people trying to raise post count. There's no basis for discussion there, its just stupid and "funny" pictures, and should be deleted.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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We're doing what we can to make the most use of the new subforum feature as well as reducing the number of unnecessary stickies. If you have a specif thread that you think could be eliminated or modified please post a link along with your suggestion.








We are open to eliminating anything that clutters so long as removing it doesn't cause more clutter on the forums.

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. It contains not only relationship advice but questions/opinions on other things that go along with relationships. At first I was somewhat against the sticky but now it's proven to be a good idea. As long as there are relationshipse, people will have problems. As long as people have problems, I will be willing to listen and do my best to help.








Nope it has proven to combine many topics which could of survived as stand along threads.








Have you read all 37 pages? Sub topics come and go. It would be a waste to have a thread last for a few hours and die when you can simply move on to a new sub topic when you are tired of the last. I don't think you truely understand why the relationship sticky was made.. Most people don't like a bunch of those threads floating around. They consider it annoying. If the relationship sticky is deleted, you can take full credit for all of those topics floating around.. You won't be much liked by much of the Off Topic.

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Advertise your thing here - all posted elsewhere = removed.




- Remove it; limit advertising personal websites and such to signatures / www in profile.








Merge: Share Random pictures and Trivial youtube/google video links to be posted here into a 'Trivial pictures / videos'








Definitly 100% agree with the merging of the trivial pictures/videos thread. I also think that it should be moved to "The Gallery" as that is where all other pictures and images are usually posted. Or perhaps even moved to forum games and destickied as its basicly spam whats posted there.








As for the advertising sticky... I think that a rule on advertising needs to be made very clear. It annoys me incredibly the amount of rubbish that gets posted in that sticky every day but then also some real gems get posted too. It also annoys me that I cannot advertise and get feedback on a site i administer that gets a million hits a month because the only place to post it is in a topic thats filled to the brim with what is basicly spam.








My "off the top of my head" suggestions on this subject:








* Remove the advertising sticky.




* Ban all personal blogs/myspace type profiles




* Set a notability standard for websites. i.e A freewebs site or an invisionfree board with a dozen members and a few hundred posts would not fulfil the quality standard and thus is confined to signatures/www profile.




* Allow the posting of quality websites which are maintained to a high standard to be posted as part of a discussion. i.e Asking for help on design and maintenance issues, improvements etc.




* Instant delete of any person spamvertising their website which does not meet a set criteria. PM sent to topic starter explaining that their site does not meet the standard.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Advertise your thing here - all posted elsewhere = removed.




- Remove it; limit advertising personal websites and such to signatures / www in profile.








Good idea. I must stress it would only be worth removing it if advertising posts were going to be banned.








Asking for standards to be set to allow certain sites to be advertised wouldn't work, it would just ask too much of moderators who would have to use their discretion and it would result in a million user complaints because their site wasn't deemed good enough. Some people might have good sites that are worth seeing, but the problem is EVERYONE thinks their site is good and worth seeing.

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Lets just start with the forums I use most often.








The following stickys should be destucked from Off topic .








I want a girlfriend! (...and other relationship talk)








General conversation thread, if enough people are interested it would survive by bumping itself. If not it would die.












Post Pictures of Your Desktop - January




Post pictures of your pets








General conversation. Also post of that kind only occur a few times a year then quickly die away as people lose interest. No need for the extra clutter.








Trivial youtube/google video links to be posted here








If the video link is worth posting, it is worth discussing so deserves it own independent topic. Also positing such videos generally occur in waves.












Share Random pictures




Read The_Muffin_Man comment on first page of that thread.












Advertise your thing here - all posted elsewhere = removed.








I understand the point of this thread, mainly to put advertisements in a place where no one reads them. Might be allowed to stay. But it can be fun 'joking' people at their lame website attemps.












-OTET Present: Tip.it Celebrity Challenge!




ummmm, If people are interested then it would keep itself bumped.












Tech and Computers












Post Pictures Of Your Browser








General conversation. Post of that kind only occur a few times a year then quickly die away as people lose interest. No need for the extra clutter.












How to record RS videos on a PC (hypercam)




Can be removed and linked to in the introduction annoucement












User Tips: The Best Online Computer/Component Sites *Updated




Online Resources: Downloads, Reviews & Tips








Both of these just provide a list of sites without any blurbs explaining. Such a list can easily overwhelm a user. Without a blurb explaining the link it is not very useful.












** If you don't give details, you can't expect help **








Can be merged with the Annoucement.

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