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Pixel Sig Contest (450k)


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Meh, Ill finish this anyways.. I was just trying to be original by using ideas that nobody else has used.. Every ranged sig is about some ranger shooting another guy.. Why not try it with a catapult? Btw, rs has catapults too :P








Ill just finish this, and then ill see wether you like it or not..

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aah.. damn..








then ill have to give this sig a priority.. (dont blame me if im a bit late.. working on 4 sigs at a time :shock: makes me wonder why i do it..)








edit: do you mind if it has a mystic feel to instead of a like action everywhere sig.. i prefer making mystic stuff... and the crowd prefers having action stuf.. so..?

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im not going to make the deadline .. i think but i'll post my progress so far here so you'll know how far i am (btw the right arm looks messed because im redoing it atm)








edit: forgot the image : :oops:
















edit two:
















MUAHAHA!! :twisted: i mean err... uhh.. err.. happy halloween!

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wow quer, u have improved alot




i thought the same thing, i used to think silly boy was the most overrated pixeler.








volture, GL finding something u like








thx mom








.. thanks but uhm.. explain the silly boy :P ive heard it quite a few times when i first joined.. just never knew where it came from.. the "Silly boy Skull" overrated.. thought so to actually :oops:

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a update i obviously wont finish it today by the looks of it its got more detail then ever and once again school keeps me busy, saturday sounds good ill have it finished then.. maybe even friday but saturday is good




edit: still havent done the hair yet sorry :P

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heh... funny how a few post back Quer Skull said *adds hair* but on his updated one theres still no hair... guess he was sarcastic and gonna add it at the end, :D looks nice btw... i really like the scratchy ground u have








*edit* whoops... i didnt say anything about adding hair... :oops:

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a update i obviously wont finish it today by the looks of it its got more detail then ever and once again school keeps me busy, saturday sounds good ill have it finished then.. maybe even friday but saturday is good




edit: still havent done the hair yet sorry :P




snipas...he says srry he didnt add hair yet...




anyhoo awesome work quer, ive been watching you from the start




*looks at sig*glad i bought mine while they were still cheap :roll: good work man thats some really awesome work.


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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Oilertay:thanks i remember making your sig and you buying it for 27k ? am i right? was pretty fun because at that time 95% of all pixel sigs where pking sigs and nice seeing you still have the sig








_PoseidoN_: thanks dont see why i would sell it for higher tho 450k is just fine .








Snipasboy:yeah ive added hair yesterday didnt like the result tho but thats up to volture to deside








volture: im pretty sure ill finish it today but im not 100% positive

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Wow it looks great, sept the hair is kinda weird, and the house is abit small... smaller then the trees.. and one last thing... the left hand looks abit weird when its holding the bow like dat








nice shading, you can shade :P

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Its not place to say but I just don't like the hair.. I think he looked 10x more wicked and better without the hair but thats just my opinion.








Ok, why are you banned and you posted a sec ago? thats odd








on topic: i agree he looked better baldy...

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