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Report abuse: Keylogger!

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Currently we have 5? report abuse choises. Of course we have the "Other" for keylogger.




But ain't it possible to make "Keylogger" or "Virus".




When you report it, and put that word in, the message will get hidden automaticly. That way, people won't get a virus or something when they don't read the messages of others, which happens often...




A moderator can find out if it's safe or not.








This will get abused?




When you abuse this power, mods can always bann you. Ofcourse, when it looks suspicious, it's always interesting to do so.








Just use the Other?




Lately, there was a keylogger in the Graveyard...




It was reported for like 5 hours and still not removed.




When there is no mod or anything online, it's always usefull to have this.








I hope this will make us safe,




~Kill Life

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"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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Indeed, that could work aswell, and I've seen that problem a lot before.




During American populare times, a lot mods are playing.




Tough, on Europian mornings and noons, no one... And that can stay like that a few hours...

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"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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The simple solution is more Global Moderators. Tip.It has become localised, which was great for some forums but bad for others.




Indeed, that could work aswell, and I've seen that problem a lot before.




During American populare times, a lot mods are playing.




Tough, on Europian mornings and noons, no one... And that can stay like that a few hours...




I agree, there needs to be changes with the moderators, not the report feature. There needs to be a planned effort to get moderators from different time zones to keep the forums constantly moderated.


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I personally think the report should be changed to that. Im sure that I got my old keylogger that made my computer broke down and now its like a pile of metal junk in my room sitting there, that I got from either a PK vid or some random links (yeah I was lax in the past). I think this should be used, very good suggestion.








Ranged Crave


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The biggest problem I see is someone having a grudge against another person so they use the new feature to hide their posts. Now say there aren't many mods online at the time or they're busy with other things. Those posts that probably don't even contain keyloggers/viruses are hidden until a mod can get around to checking them.




Also, I mostly post in Off Topic and even with all the links I see, I've never gotten a virus/keylogger. Is it really that big of a threat around here that we need a special feature for it?

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The biggest problem I see is someone having a grudge against another person so they use the new feature to hide their posts. Now say there aren't many mods online at the time or they're busy with other things. Those posts that probably don't even contain keyloggers/viruses are hidden until a mod can get around to checking them.




Also, I mostly post in Off Topic and even with all the links I see, I've never gotten a virus/keylogger. Is it really that big of a threat around here that we need a special feature for it?








2.8 - Report Post Function




...Abusing this system can and WILL result in action being taken against your account on our forums!












To the issue you bring up about people with a grudge, abuse of this system could probably call for an automatic ban lasting maybe a week or possibly even a perminant ban if abused too much.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

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