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Possibly Official? WoodCutting World (Free To Play)


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Well, Today my account just degraded to free to play after 3 months. And I just wanted to start up a Woodcutting World. For anyone who feels they want to Make friends, Have Fun, Or Just gain Wc Levels.. (If This Topic Is Inappropriate Please Remove Immediately)








P.s Suggestions On Which World It Should Be








World 7 (Yew Cutting) seems to be most favoured, also the area will be in












World 8 (Willow Cutting) Will be in Draynor village

Iv Green vI.png


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World 7 cut yews where macroers cut (Rimmington) and report them while you are cutting. (It's tons of fun, I would know.) And just think how many you could get banned with a huge group.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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I was actually in the willows area, just south (?) of Rimmington the other day making fires and there were no autoers :shock:





overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
Check me out on YouTube!

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why would any one use it? so they could compete over the trees with 2k other players?




As I read this I was thinking the same thing. :-k




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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