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Rate my first pixel!!-Version 3 update!!


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This was done 100% by me but broken_22 gave me the suggestion to make my trees skinnier, which made them look a lot better. This is also all done in paint. The only thing not pixel is the party hat which I copy pasted :). Im pretty happy with it and think It's pretty good for my first, except it took me WAY too long to make it (6 hours +). Rate it from 1-10 and give me any suggestions to improve it if you have any. Thanks!-If this is your first visit to this post pleas check page 2 for current version




1sttry.png--Version 1

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Not bad for a ms paint signature ... 7 /10.








Try not t o make u;lr characters so Squary.

Good for a first one. Yeah, try not to make your characters look so "squary". You used those ellipse,line etc.. tools to shape your character. I use them but mostly freehand. I like that sig for some reason =P











Old School Pure

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I have A LOT of sigs doodled on my math notes (at least 20) , it just takes soooo long to draw them on the computer though. Thanks for positive feedback, and suggestions. I'll try to improve on my next one :D.

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Umm, I'd say 4/10 for a normal sig... 6/10 for your first..








The character overall looks unrealistic...








- The tool shape round head looks bad(stay away from tool shapes)




- Give the hair some volume, yours looks like a sticker or something.




- A lack of shading on the character




- P hat looks too small and it would slip off if the character moved, it actually has to be on the head like a hat.




- Rune looks too dark blue, try adding more green




- Metallic objects usually have a lot of contrast in shading, ie light bits where the sun reflects




- His legs are much too small, his arms are thicker then them




- Use more contrast in your shading on the palm trees, you can barely see it




- The horizon looks flat and uninteresting. Add some hills, far away trees or whatever. Just liven it up.








And last of all, the grass is a bit weird, try and randomly put it all over the place if there is going to be grass. Not just clumps or whatever..








There's my c/c. And do keep it up!




Oh, and don't think I'm being harsh on you. Use it to improve. :)

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Blazer, thanks for posting suggestions on how I can improve, but to me it looks like we both have 2 different point of views on this signature. I like more of a cartoony/goofy style and from what I understand your thinking of it as I was trying to make it realistic. I triend to make it cartoony and I will keep that style for most of all the other signatures I make, and hopefully I can develop new styles along the way. Thanks.

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Dont EVER use that spraycan in paint, if you want grass, get a dark green bit and stick some clumps of lighter green grass on it.








He looks like hes got constipation (massive eyes = guy looking scared)








I have a vague suspicion that that party hat was from a screenshot then enlarged which is why its the only thing with detailed shading, try to get the whole of the picture done in the same style.








But overall I think it actually looks rather interesting, just get some real grass and make his eyes a bit smaller.....












Ps. Can I borrow your image over the weekend so I can try adding a interesting bit of animation to it?








By that I mean I'll take a copy of it, edit it a bit, turn it into an animated .gif and post it back again on Monday....



Superknight/Blademaster: Level 150; Hps: 132

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alright u need to improve a bit tho








try shaong ure char like your trees and stuff, look at blazer sig look at the grass, thats a simple but effective way to have the ground look grassy never use anything apart from bucked erazer and pen/paint tool, that mean to preset shapes and the evil spray can they just make potensial shot to ...(insert "s" word here)

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I did see the guy earlier...




It's pretty funny yet it doesn't work good with the bg.




Main reason ? Bg is shaded, guy not.




Remember not to mess such easy things next time :)








EDIT: Not gonna judge the tech aspects since a lot has been said already and it's your first...so we can't expect something way better (even if it's below the average of a nice first try)

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Dyronamics, if you read the paragraph I wrote above the picture, you will realize that I mentioned i DID copy/paste the party hat, and I didn't use spray can I hate the. I just zoomed in and started drawing pixels. Also go head and edit the sig, just post it in this topic when it's done and state what you did, and dont use it/sell it or anything. Thanks








BTW: I can get some feedback on the second signature too.

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Alright Im currently working to try and fix up that first sig, and I am happy with the progress that is being made. I would like to thnak all of you that helped me change that basic signature into this:
















Now I need suggestions on this one, what can I do to make it better? Also I wanted to add texture to the ground but I'm not really sure how. What is a good way to add a grass/dirt texture? Thanks!

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Well, I must say the shading is pretty nice.








...and this is VERY good for one your first few sigs....








Now, onto:








Shadow's Suggestions For Improvement: ^_^








The shoulder pads and knee pads seem to stick out a lot, though, get rid of the white border (or at least make them more of a light blue than a white.).








The snake looks out of place, it's the only thing not shaded.








The shadows of the trees are too... vertical, it'd look better if it were diagonal, or a more arbitrary angle.








The leaves of the palm trees look weird connected like that, they should taper to a point before touching the trunk of the tree.








Grass doesn't look good as a gradient, unless it's to shade light and dark areas of a hill. In other words, try to make the shading more random, instead of just darker on the left, lighter on the right.








You might want to add a border around the holy symbol, and shade it.

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Alright update #3
















The floor looks plain I still need suggestion on how I can add texture. Besides the floor for my next update I also plan on editing the characer a bit more making him look less "squared" and a bit less cartoony. Compare it to update #2 (my current sig)

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