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Thiesje2's blog - Outdated - Retired

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Whoa, nice stats thiesje, didnt remember you were F2P, lol.The best of luck buddy.








Thanks! Didn't know you were retired :-s , why?




I was getting sick of RS, needed to retire.But don't worry, I'll still be on the Forums, Could I leave with this awesome friends?? 8-)




Anyways, Bump again buddy.





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Whoa, nice stats thiesje, didnt remember you were F2P, lol.The best of luck buddy.








Thanks! Didn't know you were retired :-s , why?




I was getting sick of RS, needed to retire.But don't worry, I'll still be on the Forums, Could I leave with this awesome friends?? 8-)




Anyways, Bump again buddy.








Good that you stay active on the forums :)




Crafting is incredibly boring in F2P...How on earth do you do it :P




Lol it is, making bowls is like the slowest and most boring thing to do... I keep looking on forums and chatting while crafting so it doesn't bore me that hard :wink:




I don't find crafting too boring, it is just that it sucks the money right out of my bank account.




I'm doing it by bowls, so it doesn't suck my money out of my bank that hard... I will never train crafting ever after 70 lol :lol:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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You srsly pwn my stats. :-k




I need to do something about that :o




You're now on holiday so you can't do anything about it now, harhar :XD:




You srsly pwn my stats. :-k




I need to do something about that :o




Seems goes for me, except I'm p2p and I should be able to train with dragonhides, but thiesje still owns me. :uhh:




Keep it up ::'




You're crafting is 1 level higher than mine... not for long though ::'

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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:-k Hmm.... :notalk: You never told me about this bowl movement :shame:




You're never online so I couldn't tell you :notalk:




I might try this 'bowl' thing. It would be a very "bowl'd" move though... Get it? Yeh? Yeh? Hhhahahahahaa


*Sits down*




Lol! Well... ehm it's kinda boring :anxious:











Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Gratz on 67 Crafting thiesje!




I still have more xp though :P




Thanks, I'll beat you soon :wink:




Gratz! :thumbsup:




Thanks! :)




Gratz on 67 crafting that rocks! W00t well done bud!




Thanks ::'




How do you do it? Keep it up. \'




Patience is the word :)




I'm finished with making bowls! Now I can start making gold necklaces, i bought 8.5k natures yesterday :)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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I hope I can catch up soon lol.




Thanks, don't even try to beat me :notalk:
















I'm not :anxious:








I think




















Thiesje is playing too little to be addicted. :)




Heph is addict, he knows :XD:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Sexy crafting! I gave up after 65 :P




Thanks! Good luck with 99 smithing! :)






I won't be playing tomorrow, going to the Formula one race in Germany

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Ooh! F1 racing! Tell me if there's any crashes! That's the only reason I watch it... :uhh:




There were, 5 in one curve :XD:




Here's a pic (made with my mobile phone, quality's not good), I was soaking wet...








Hamilton & Alonso in the McLarens.








Winkelhock, debutant and leading the race in a Spyker (Dutch team yay)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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