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~Death Dude's Blog~

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Grats on the Ahrims Robeskirt, Death 8-) Maybe I'll be seeing you at barrows then?




And thanks again for all your help. Would've taken ages long without you.

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you at barrows, eh? Heh, hopefully you'll avae better luck then I had. :anxious:




Anywho, no agility training? tsk tsk, I need to get you soem more energy pots, I'ma get lotsa herbs from MTK, so i'll make some pots when I get back in 2 weeks.




I'll probobly join you in barrows after I get 90 range, I wanna fund myself one of those dark bows, heh. They seem to be the boost that we've (rangers) have needed! Outa be fun at cw.. hehehehe :twisted:




I'll be hanging round these forums, although I can't log onto RS. Ah well, I'll keep thsi posted when I check my e-mail for messages from Emily <3:




Heehee, keep up the good work!


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Meh, Emily and I have e-mail, , but it isn't the same, but focus on your goals, silly ::' This blog isn't bout me and Emily, it's bout you




How do you like barrows? I know a really cheap, but really efficent way to jet to the chest quickly, sometimes 5 times per hour. Heh, but expirement, and find the best set-up for you. :mrgreen:




You got two more weeks before I get back, jump some agility levels! If you wait, you'll atleast have some energy pots then. Thanks to slayer, I'm getting loads of vials so all I'll need is some fungi.




Kepp up the good work! We gotta work on some of those item goals, eh?


Get yoru defence up, I'll finance part of a fire cape attempt \'


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Meh, Emily and I have e-mail, , but it isn't the same, but focus on your goals, silly ::' This blog isn't bout me and Emily, it's bout you




How do you like barrows? I know a really cheap, but really efficent way to jet to the chest quickly, sometimes 5 times per hour. Heh, but expirement, and find the best set-up for you. :mrgreen:




You got two more weeks before I get back, jump some agility levels! If you wait, you'll atleast have some energy pots then. Thanks to slayer, I'm getting loads of vials so all I'll need is some fungi.




Kepp up the good work! We gotta work on some of those item goals, eh?


Get yoru defence up, I'll finance part of a fire cape attempt \'




My defence needs some work I guess. I also need strength up though, as I'm rather lacking in it. Currently I'm training controlled with my whip.




Bets on if I can beat Caves first try? :wink:




Btw, I actually have a load of pots made from MTK/ I got some from Ant, but yours are very much appreciated.






86 agility!! Forgot about that. Celebrated with a few barrows runs with Ant, Sweety, Rancid, Merlin, and me of course. I need to work on barrows though. I keep running low on monks, which leads me to believe I need better A) levels B) Equipment.




Barrows Set-up: (FIX IT PL0X)






My blog is a place for all my friends. I need to talk about them as well. So yes, it is by extension about you and Emily.




[hide=Pics from awhile ago]


Tarn from awhile ago, when impetuous impulses just came out:






I had ran out of food, prayer, and pots and accidentally safespotted him ::'




I just liked this pic I got slaying with some friends (Both of them are non tif)








AH skirt





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Congratulations on getting 6 agility!! You're near 1k ranks!!




Unlike me, about 21.000 rank here <.<




Ah well, good barrows set up! Now, I'll give oyu mine, jsut remeber, i have 81 defence, heh.




SinceI don't have a pic on this computer, I gotta do it the old fasion way.




Helm- helm of Neitiznot


Amulet- Glory


Cape- Mage areana cape


Arrows- Rune arrows


Body- black d hide


Weapon- Slayer Staff


Sheild- Zamorak completed prayer book


Legs- Black dragon hide


Boots- Mystic


Hands- Barows gloves


Ring- Ring of life/wealth








Minds (atleast for 80 casts)


Deaths (atleast or 80 casts)


Rune plate


Rune legs


Magic short


Dragon scimitar


Prayer Pot


Ganite Shied


10 Air runes


10 Erth runes


10 Lw runes


16 monks






Heehee, I'll tell ya te technique later, okay? heh




fire cape isn't to hard, jsut don't be stuipid and don'tt get shakywrists on jad. I'm a horrible prayer switcher, you aren't. Heh, i've fought you before, I know that much. \'




Lotsa cool pic! Congrats on tarn lair! I never finish haunte mine, so I'll probobly never get tha cool amulet *sobs* Ah well, I sold all mymelee stuff anyways, i really don't wanna get distraced from range.


Heh, thanks for letting me talk bout Emily and I, but nothing really to tlak bout now, heehee. I have a pic of us though, and I'll private message you with it if you want. :wink:




Hm... I hope those bows don't cost to much, i dont want to haveto spend lotsa times at borrows once i hit 90 range.


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Bumpity bump bump


Bumpity bump bump


Where did Death Dude go?


Bumpity bump bump


Bumpity bump bump


Post are coming really slow!




Good thign I bought that rune c'bow when I did, eh? Right before I left, I really wanna try it out, bit i gotta get 59 rc first for doubly cosmics o I can enchant more, heehee. I bougth a ton of regluar ess before I left, so I'll be crafting fires. \'




As for yourself, post!




Oh, and I can still pm you that pic if you want


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Interesting set up Warrior. I'll have to look into fixing mine.




Btw, the arrows are rune. I have a rather large budget for anything you guys want me to get. Not at full verac's yet though. I need to get a mage arena cape, so I guess I'll go kill Kolodion sometime.




It's too bad I haven't seen you much Zaid! Recently I've been doing ACT prep so I've been busy in the mornings, which is when you seem to be on often (because for you it's the afternoon). We need to get together to do something some time..




Thanks for your feedback Warrior! You may pm me that pic if you want to.




I'm awaiting your return! Enjoy what you can of Penn.




Lol you posted your poem message while I was writing this post Warrior.

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Good Luck with that boring agilty. :wink:




What?!!? Agility is quite fun! You run around and talk to friends. Now here's what I can't stand: fishing. You sit there for a decade with no danger just catching fish. Not even clicking outside of banking and clicking the fishing spots.

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I'm glad you find agility fun! Some of us don't like the wilderness course, but it's what I'm stuck with until 70 agility, as the Brimhaven place doesn't appeal to me much.




The picture won't copy the way I want it to! Sorry man, you'll have it in about 2 weeks when I can get back home.






So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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\' Death is so funny \'




Im always on for a good chat (well, not always...), but i hope i can get out of the crafting guild!!Im on there since I came from school!! :ohnoes:




U keep me killing inocent cows and collecting their hides to make Hardleather boddies and throw them away!! :XD:




Ur support relly help, Bumpity for Death!!

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\' Death is so funny \'




Im always on for a good chat (well, not always...), but i hope i can get out of the crafting guild!!Im on there since I came from school!! :ohnoes:




U keep me killing inocent cows and collecting their hides to make Hardleather boddies and throw them away!! :XD:




Ur support relly help, Bumpity for Death!!




Thanks Lit.




I sold every teak plank for 2.402m (1k ea teak plank, with 2402 of them).




I went and bought a few things:




A)V flail for 500k


B)V Brassy for 1.4m




I have the money for the helm and skirt if there are any sellers.




Btw: I am going on vacation SAT-SAT (starting the 23rd for one week).

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Florida 8-)


Oh i relly dont remember were exactly :ohnoes:


Maybe i will take a look and keep this bumped when u are at holidays.


Good luck matey.




Rofl!! I'm going to Tennessee. Remember I told you it was north of Florida?




I will be gone all week from Saturday, so no internet connection at all I think. I don't know if I will be able to get on tif.

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