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!!!fire cape 1st try with my rune pure/main!!!

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congratulations on getting cape,dont train ure non combat skills much though












thats kinda cause its a rune pure bro #-o












thanks wakka, yeah man it was hard to lose was gone for months, but i enjoy the game so just had to come back :-w




















you wherent online man =] but your rune pure is coming along great

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you droppin' it like its hawt <3:




thats tight bro , keep up the good work.








yo , max that strength mmkay?



1103'rd to 99 crafting

830th to 99 herblore

~!~ Master Merchant ~!~

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Congrats, going for one myself now. What sound is the sound of the magic attack and what is the sound from a range attack?












2 ding sounds is magic












1 bang hit is range












if you hear the range sound its already to late its gonna hit you, so you need range protect on first








good luck \'

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