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Since there is not a lot of information please post questions here.




(super secret character pics)











Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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One major issue I find is that you can't instantaneously know that you're going to find a person... You have to make inferences on where they will be, perhaps introduce a standard time system to know characters places etc.?




And then I presume we are allowed to double post?

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It might simply be that we have to wait for more information before we can meet up, for instance if you said you were at a bend in the river with a tree that looks like a withered hand, then say, mark it on your map (reposting it with a mark on, in your thread) then it would be called whatever you named it...unless someone else names it something else, so it might get confusing!




Or you can make some assumptions, or even just pm each other.






Wizz: You can't post in other people's stories, if you meet someone you will both have to write about the encounter. Then you will pick one thread (So say me and Hawks found each other, I might join Hawks' thread, and she would change the name of the thread to 'Hawks' and Archimages' story', or 'Hawk's Band') to carry on the story.


So record your encounter on your own thread, and, when you feel comfortable, join your threads.


As for if you don't want to be in the same thread any more you can leave, going back to your thread, and ask me to move your posts back to your thread.


You can stay together for as long as you like though, even if you don't see each other for weeks!

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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We are allowed to double/triple or however-many-le post.




Just post when you think what needs to be said has been said and/or you want another turn. Since its all from our own perspective try to build on other people's characters, but don't steal them or infer too much.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Here's how I'm going to handle it. An inference that there's a person ahead, and if there is, they can respond in their thread (it'll be kind of awkward but it makes sense.)

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I think a key to the map would be good, just so it's consistent. Some of it's obvious, but are the pale blue parts lakes? Or swamps? It would make it so the story is consistent in between threads, since some people might interpret it differently.



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Sorry for a double post, but how big is each square on the map, like a mile? a hundred feet? I think that's all that's missing information wise for the map.



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Its not a particualy accurate map(So there is room for give and take, and for other maps to be drawn which are slightly different without an argument breaking out) but its approximately a mile per square.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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I need to know which characters are male and female so it can reflect the story. I don't wanna say he when I'm suppose to be saying she. Also is magic allowed?

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Well my character is male, but if you are unsure just say they, so long as there is only one other person we will know who you are talking about.




Magic is allowed.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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A word on making new maps, while the landscape is bendable; there is room for give and take, please respect others. The info-grams map is, defacto, the most accurate(If another one becomes more accurate then it will be added to the Info-gram).




Additionally my new map is of what was, not what is...No human has 'stepped on this land' before, remember, so not everything is as it seems.




Also, 'NPC' like characters are allowed in the interim, but once you start meeting people NPCs will only be used after talking to the rest of the group, here.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Alright two questions.


I'll be away for the week of the 14th-20th and then the 21st-27th (however I may be on intermittently on the 14th, 20th, 21st, and 27th). How should I handle my story? Wizz and I are currently sharing it, should he take over for the weeks?




And would we be allowed to have two separate characters?

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They are your characters, so you can handle them however you wish, just make sure that the person you hand them over too is willing and capable (Don't want two people on holiday, who are supposed to be looking after the others character :roll: )




More characters are allowed, but bear in mind the complications it could cause... There would be two threads and you would need to keep their character info seperate(so they wouldn't know the same as each other).

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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  • 2 months later...



All the people I was walking towards either stopped posting or did something so that I couldn't meet up with them.


Now everyone is south of the river.




Question:What's north of the map? Or on any of the other sides? Just uncharted area that gets to be made up if someone goes there?

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Basically. Sort of one of those 'who ever gets there first can claim it' sorts of thing.


I wanted to go East so I posted a map slightly east, but made it so that you could pretty much work out how it would fit onto the map. ('Avoid' sort of matches up with 'New Light', the 'eye' and 'witchly woods')



Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Additionally have updated the Infogram with a slightly larger map, you can still use the older one to show where you are, but the offical map is the new one.




The City of Silvero is to the South-East.


Fort Locksmeed and Locksmeed Farm is to the North-East.


Marlburg Inn is to the East.


The Market Settlement of Rusco is to the West.


The Chapel is to the North-West.




In addition to the addition I will now update a a new topic-map to show where everyone is, and, if possible, where they are heading. Updates will probably be relative to how much happens, and how busy I am. :thumbsup:

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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So, with the new map-Do our original maps automatically update for our characters, so that everyone knows that there is something there?

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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  • 2 weeks later...

Note to all people, I am going to be away for the weekend and probably the monday too. Feel free to use my character in Rusco. My character will not volunteer any information and has an overall aim to reach Silvero in the South, but will not want to bring the others unless he has no choice.


Most of his time will be in his room talking to himself, except for meals and discussions, obvouisly.




Anyway, toodle pip.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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