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How do I get greegrees back if I died and lost all five?


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I died and lost all five of my monkey greegrees and I can't find a way to get them back. Is there a person I talk to to get them back? I tried talking to the Magic Stall monkey to buy a talisman but he wouldn't sell to a human. I can't figure out anything else to do.




HELP!! Plz.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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Didn't you have to talk to the monkey kid and give him bananas to get his "toy"?




I lost all my greegrees when I brought them to Monkey Guards and went training with Protect from Melee. Didn't notice it was running out and got surrounded -_-.

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you lost all of them?




well yes, get another toy from the kid, kill a monkey get its bones and go back to the gnome, luckily i dont think you need the monkey teeth again, but im not sure, so maybe take some just in case, but i definately know you dont need the gold bar any more, once you have 1, theres a stall that sells the talismens and money teeth, justget 4 of each and kill more monkeys

siggity siggity shwa

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You have some hell in front of you. I died of stupidity, lost greegrees and m'speak ammy, and yeah, you do have to get through a large part of monkey madness again to get them back.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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You can also buy talismans from shops there




Not possible without greegrees in the first place. He lost them all.

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