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The 2nd General of Guthix rambling.

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Weather is weird sometimes O_O

So here I am, playing RS, and I start hearing a rythmic beat and splashing outside my window. I ran through the list of possible causes in my head: - Parade in my backyard? no. - Random wresetling match in one of those plastic pool-thingys? no. - Rainy (aka Den) attempting to get 99 Dungeoneering? no. (sorry, couldn't resist :-P )   Acutally, it was hail. Now, this may sound fine at first glance, but let me add the other factors while it was hailing: it was high hudmity, 78 F, raining, and pa



Here comes the General

Well would you look at that... I haven't been on Tip.It in a few months. I must be getting lazy.   Anyways, just thought I'd say that I'm not dead.... (yet :P), and when I feel like it I will make a real blog post.   Blue cheese sliders anyone?



My absence, and early H'ween fun...

Well... It appears that I have been been gone for 13 - 14 days. I feel bad for that. Honestly, things started going really slow IRL and I got bored, so I didn't really play RS or do anything on my compy in that time. Also, over the weekend I was on a camping trip with my scouting troop. To add to that, it rained to the point where one more drop of water would cause a flood during the trip. No lie. =( Then I leave this Wednesday on a trip to Disney World! Yay! I'm going with my family in our RV.



Warmth, crawling hands, and pretzels!

Today's "Greatness" Haaaaiiii! Today isn't really worth mentioning but just for the sake of it I will go through my day. I got up at 7 AM, couldn't fall asleep, then I started working on my math's. Around 11 AM my dad came back with my breakfast - a pretzel with jalapeno cream cheese. This may sound horrible to you, but belive me, it's TASTY. =) I devoured my breakfast, then continued on my math's until 12. Then I started and finished my other school assignments. Now I am finishing up some extra



How do my legs feel? I can't feel them! =(

How do my RuneScape players legs feel? Well, right now they are electronic mush. However, I think that my RS player did slim down when he realized that their would be more of this if he didn't loose weight :P. The event overall was great - lots of talking, Mod Timbo cheating, events, Mod Timbo cheating, etc. Did I mention that their was Mod Timbo? And that he kept on cheating by teleporting to some cities (or so people say). To view the pictures that I took of the event (2 rest stops and one whi




Today's "Greatness" Hai der again! Today was just another day... I got up, had a tasty breakfast, did my school stuff from 10 AM - 4 PM. After that, I mostly snacked on the various treats we have around the house. I shouldn't of done that. My dentist and teeth are going to hate me. >_< Besides that... I took my dogs outside for a while as it was really warm here today. Yay! This is the second day I have gone out of my dungeon! I have been sitting at my desk for the most of the day though.



Cramming in a small day. Ideal?

Today's "Greatness" Well hai der! I will say in my eyes I crammed alot of stuff into my day. I got up around 8 AM, slowly did some homework until 12 in the afternoon, then picked up the pace and finish my school stuff around 3 PM. I do need to learn self-control. Some days I am too slack. In additon to the plethora of homework I did, I ate a tasty breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Today is also one of the few days this month I did not leave the house. Heck, I didn't even go downstairs today. I staye



Summoning Entry #1

Wewt! I have dipped into my funds to start some training. If you didn't know, my major goal is to get level 99 Summoning. I will be training it all the day today. I made 17 Pyrelords as I have alot of tinderboxes. That got me to level 48 Summoning, and 90 Combat! That made me happy. I'm hoping to get level 51 by the end of today. Who knows? As soon as I can summon a Steel Titan to crush the KBD I will be happy >:). That's a long way though.     <3 ~Teh 2nd General of Guthix



My first hawt failure

Well... This isn't today's daily blog. That will come in a few hours. I finished making a quick extra mil for training supplies which I talked about yesterday, but it appears that prayer pots and other pots aren't selling... Grr >.< So I decided to pay the KBD my first solo visit.... EPIC FAIL! I had to tele out with no food left and 9 hp left. But, I did get him down to 1/2 health. Does that count? Keep in mind this was testing my current skills for a solo, and, well, they are still ultr



Money, fishing, and headshots oh my!

Today's "Greatness" Well, I was woken up at 7 AM this morning by my father - it's trash day and I forgot to take 2 trash cans out. Then I couldn't fall back asleep so I stayed up at started working on my school day. (remember, I am homeschooled) I think that I went at a good pace. I made some nachos as a snack after lunch - *burp* they were good. :P I wonder if RS should have nachos? Who knows?   In RS, I have changed my fishing plan for this week - I will get 600 sharks, not 200 sharks to make



The greatness starts

_:About me:_ Okay... to start of this blog (disclaimer: May or may NOT contain greatness) I might as well post what I did today right? And then I get to my day in RS.)   I'm 14 (male), live in P.A., am homeschooled, and have various interests. One is RS (duh?), the others are too many to mention. Did I mention that I have a afro? And I'll leave that at that.   Today's "greatness" Let's see... I woke up at 7 AM, read a book and quickly played RS for 5 - 10 minutes to finish a quest. At 8 AM, I st



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