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Everything posted by pamont

  1. I am a player killer and that is the main reason why I still and always have played runescape, but when I tried out the new Pvp worlds i was very disappointed. All i saw was a bunch of players attempting to gain easy cash by one iteming or just having the bare minimum of 75k worth of items in hopes of gaining a drop that would be worth a lot. And this also goes into the other reason why most people hate the pvp. As we all know player killers earn their money by killing other players and receiving their items as a reward, but now you could kill some one in full bandos with a dragonfire shield, and get... adamant plate body, and yes i have seen this happen before. All I can tell jagex is forget the real world traders and return Runescape to what it was before.
  2. Well you need to think about this in two ways. Members or free-to-play. Of course many will argue in free-to-play that magic is only good for teleportation and that the combat capabilities are severely limited. Where as in members has a full range of attacks that are very devastating that they would consider more of a primary attack. You can see from the old mage bank player killing to the bounty hunter mini game that Ancients dominated these two areas, but in my opinion i do believe that magic is primary skill.
  3. I think they call it "Members" for a reason. People who play in free-to-play should be happy just getting a dragon item released in their game status. Members are players who are willing to pay out of their own pockets for extra features in the game. So I can't really understand the logic behind this. I myself got members for the player killing aspect of it, because i became bored of free-to-play player killing. I thought it would be more interesting using new weapons in a variety of methods, so i payed to experience these things.
  4. This is probably the dumbest Question ever, but where are all the high lvls in f2p pvp?
  5. Lol mate nice guide. Reminds me of the days we trained together =D
  6. Idk if this can compare to my f2p gallery lol, but well done!!!
  7. hey!!! Nice vid, and i see you listened to me about the rune battle axe. Keep on owning!!! ~Pamont~
  8. Hey mate. Funny thing to what happened to me at bh lol. Oh well it was good while it lasted, and awesome vid. Turning out to own with 70 def. Show us a bank pic and more KILLS!
  9. Why would they listen to a bunch of whiny stupid kids protesting over such a stupid game such as runescape. Yes they took away the only good factor of the game, which was pking, but protesting isn't the answer. Want a real solution? If you don't like the game, QUIT. They don't care about your little whining. Come to think of it, can you and all of your little protesters do something for me? Go on and protest, and riot all you want so you can leave the people with intelligence unlike yourself, to skill in peace without you moronic rioters asking idioitc questions as "MININ LVL, <>< LVL LOOLLOLLL PL0X PL0XP L0XPLPXPLOLOL" SO please, go riot so you can leave people with intelligence alone. lol to what you said, and dont bother trying to protest. Here is why.
  10. What does this have to do with anything about runescape for that matter. This will be closed soon!!!! ~Pamont2
  11. Dude insane Bloggeh, and i remember you posting on my pk gallery lol. Thx, and good luck with all your goals. O and add me if you want :thumbsup:
  12. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Gratz on 19M def xp. I better see that 99 hp (SOOOOOOOOOOON) ~Pamont2
  13. Dude your making me look bad lol :thumbsup: . Awesome account/bank, and good luck with your goals!!!
  14. Lol i trained 11 months in f2p to get 99 att 99 str 71 def and first month of p2p they mess it up. Im done pking 450 rune sets pked is enough for me. Im training def and skilling lol OWNAGE HITS!!!!! I stopped to 69 whips :/. Very nice i would have liked at least one whip lol
  15. To be honest!!! People who laugh at you because of the gender that you chose to play this game, or they are laughing because you told them your a girl in real life are stupid. They assume that Runescape a male dominated game which it is, but girls have just as much right to play. And well i think girls play much better then guys lol. Good example is QueenValerie. So if people continue to do so then either ignore them, or say why do you care so much? ~Pamont2
  16. Cant wait dude. Im getting def up now so i might be joining you guys soon Good Luck!!!!
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