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Aidos Drakon

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Everything posted by Aidos Drakon

  1. What do you guys mean my parceling? I have never heard of that before. Is it a new thing? Do you mean trading your inventory to a runner so that you don't have to drop?
  2. Are you saying there is a level necessary for double picking? You can see in my sig that my level is 69 and thugs require only 65. I also said that I was able to single pick them in my original post, the problem was that I could not double pick them. You said Jagex changed them before, how? why? Can anyone confirm that you can still double pick?
  3. I have been training thieving lately by blackjack KOing and pickpocketing. The method for best exp goes that you first lure the victim, knock them out, then pickpocket them twice before they wake up. I was able to do this with bandits. Once I had a sufficient level I wanted to switch to menaphite thugs. The problem is that it seems impossible to pickpocket them twice. I can do one successfully then i go for the second but the thug is conscious and my character tries to pick them while they are upright. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't fail so often. The whole point of KOing them is to have a 100% pick success rate. Since I can't pick twice while they are KOed this isn't a viable training method. Many guides say that it is possible but it isn't for me. Have the thugs been changed so that double picking is impossible or am I just have bad luck. Note-- I went back to bandits to see if my method was off. I was able to double pick them no problem. It seems its just the Menaphites that I'm having trouble with. If it is still possible to double pick, tips on how to get the correct timing would be greatly appreciated. Pictures or videos will earn you bonus pts!
  4. In this section you mention that after you get the telegram to go out the way you came in and to not be spotted or the telegram would be taken away. While this is correct I think it is necessary to mention that this method is the only successful way to get out with the telegram. If you use any means of teleportation, the telegram will be taken away. Walking out is the only option. I feel it would be prudent to warn people of this so that they do not waste time doing it again. Thanks for looking into it even if it is just minor change!
  5. I had two lesser demon scrolls before the update. So i don't think the update is causing the double drop.
  6. I think the periscopes are awesome looking. Hopefully we will be able to ride one of the subs in the quest.
  7. I really liked this quest. I wasn't challenging or lengthy, but the plot was well developed. I liked the idea of repairing the tomb instead of plundering it. I tried, he didn't. Also the only reason Lucien was able to take out that many people was because he had the Staff of Armadyl. Right click your pyramid diary thing and you will have an option that will open a new window and will tell you which part you need to complete to get 100%.
  8. I enjoyed both of this week's articles. The content was much improved this time even though the style of writing could be improved. I took AP Calc instead of Statistics so I do not completely understand the terms in the second article. I am able to follow the flow of the article and get the jist of it due to, oddly enough, AP Bio. A lab that we did on population genetic flow required us to analyze our data with a chi-square chart. We developed our null hypothesis that the observed population distribution would not significantly deviate from the expected results. Then used the chi-square charts to get a value to compare to the critical value (CV) in order to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The article uses a similar method to the one we used. Reading this article has inspired me to look into taking a statistics course next year in college.
  9. I'm looking forward to this series and the graphic updates are sure to be amazing! Would be good to have other things to do in Keldagrim. We need new ways to mine and smith. I hope they take the opportunity to improve in these areas.
  10. EVERYONE KEEPS SAYING THAT. People have said that since it was taken out -.- Dude chill out. It is perfectly reasonable that next week's update could be that. I was just stating my opinion which I am still allowed to do. Evidence for my suspicion:
  11. Next week's update is most likely going to be the replacement for bounty hunter. In the interview they said they were almost done testing.
  12. Yeah definitely not going to her prom. If we do start talking again soon I might go with her to my prom. Still I don't know if I could do that. I need to sort out how I feel about her right now. Someone else suggested asking another girl to go as a friend also. This seems like the most logical course of action right now. I'll see how things progress and then decide. Thanks for the replies both of you.
  13. Hi I haven't posted on here before but I have reading this thread for a while and decide to ask you all to help. Well today has sucked. The first real girlfriend I have ever had is not with me anymore. We were 5 days short of our six month anniversary. Technically she broke up with me but the feeling was sort of mutual. We have had some friction in our relationship in the past. I still do not know why it had to happen today. Everything seemed ok. She said we needed a break. She wanted to wait until the semester was over but for some reason I dont know she says she can't take it anymore. I asked her why she was doing this but she gave the same answer. Then I said can you tell me what I am doing wrong so I can improve. She said there wasn't anything and that I was really a great person. I said then what am I not doing right for you. Same answer. She said I think were just not right for each other, we have lost our "connection". Another thing she said is that she feels she is too dumb for me and I need someone on my level. I told her that it didn't matter how smart she was and that I don't need that sort of thing. Also I said that I am only good at academics and that she was just as smart as me and everything else. She denied this too. She also says she is tired of the little arguments that we seem to have. I don't want to sound arrogant but I do not feel that its my fault. I have looked back on them and the only thing I could have done differently would be to ignore some of the comments she makes, but that isn't a good solution. It doesn't matter anyways since we are not together anymore. She said that we were too different. At first she said it was ok and like the old cliche "opposites attract." Now "different" is a problem. She said she initially wanted to be with me because someone finally took in a interest in her and that I was a nice guy. She does seem to have issues with her insecurities. What makes this situation worse is that we were going to prom together in 10 days. It was her prom. I would have to make sacrifices to do it. She lives an two hours away and her school has the day after prom off and I don't. I would be driving to her prom and getting back really late. I was willing to do that. Why couldn't she just wait till after that. Also my prom is may 9th and now we cant go to that one either. I told her I couldn't show up by myself and that I needed her to go. She said we could go but only as friends. I think that would be awkward. What should I do now? Also she said we could keep talking to each other but only as friends. I don't feel it would be right to pretend like nothing happened and that we are good friends when everything is not ok. I'm frustrated and confused on how I feel. I know that we would eventually have to break up as college got closer but the timing of the break up is so bad. Again what should I do? =/ Help please If you want anymore information just ask.
  14. Forum Name:Bigm115 RuneScape Name:Bigm115 Name to use on picture:Bigm115 Picture: URL:http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd251/zephyr115/v1white.png transparent please :pray:
  15. 300k + (4990 flax @ 90 ea) = 749, 100 gp So thats roughly 100k at day. The extra probably was from the good amount of gems from the caskets and a half key.
  16. Wow this really works! This week i got a net profit of 300k gp and 4990 flax! \
  17. Ok I have started my kingdom today with 10 raw fish 5 flax. Thanks for all the advice! I hope this works out good! \ I put in 1.275M that should cover it for 7 days right?
  18. oh should i sell the gems i get from fishing uncut or cut? which sells faster?
  19. How does 1gp under mid help? sorry if im a bit dense : because a lot of people will just dump it in mid and just waiting for it to sell fish makes around 65k a day (10) flax makes around 25k a day (5) both are profits so ill have to sell 10ks work of flax per day to break even?
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