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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. Judging by the world map, the likely areas for expansion are: the area just south of the Piscatoris fishing colony, south of the Poison waste, south of the Feldip hills hunter area, the desert, (obviously) the area south of Port Phasmatys, (obviously) and the area east of the Trollweiss Mountain, which I think will be part of the "Cold war" quest :
  2. I think there are a lot of runecraft pkers levels 95-105, so I think those are the most dangerous levels. I get attacked pretty often, I'm level 101. -.-
  3. My all time favorite that I've encountered: The jackal came with me through the fairy ring!
  4. Proving two things here: 1. This is a normal Defense cape 2. not all skill cape holding NPCs have trimmed skill capes.
  5. Ilfeen, the elf who recharges crystal bows and shields for a fee, can also recharge it, probably for free but I don't know.
  6. What I did was melee the thing with two normal anti-poisons, two prayer potions, and sharks for food. I melee'd it with rune armor and a dragon scimitar. During the fight: It uses melee and range, I believe, so don't worry about prayer then. Once it starts getting help, then I protected from their attacks, and took them out, but just attacking the beetle and ignoring the other monsters that appear to help it, might work.
  7. I think the capes are stylish. You have to admit they do look awesome :P
  8. Try an alliteration, with the same sounds at the begining/ends of words. And try to use the same letter. For example, something like: ThrashThis Something like that, if you know what I mean, lol, not that this has anything to do with a PK-ish name.
  9. Me? Change my name? Are you crazy? Never :P I like it the way it is.
  10. I don't think so. I heard that Jagex hired a lot of new employees last year or something, so I think they have a lot of people to think of new things? :thumbsup:
  11. I know my friends do. Most of the people who know I play Runescape, use it to make fun of me. Someone else I know (not my friend) even calls me names. But anyway, Do your friends, and other people you know, think RuneScape is a lame game, and would make fun of you for it? Would they make you feel bad for playing a game that you like? -.-
  12. The Eagles' peak, The Poison Waste, The Kharazi Jungle, The Abandoned Mine, The Volcano to the east of the Rogues' Castle, and The Castle ruins south of the above Volcano.
  13. The day I died and lost my Green Mask. I found who the guy was that picked it back up, but the world being the way it is, he didn't give it to me. But if that's just an item as it is to some people, the other horrible thing that happened to me was this: My "friend" turned my best rs friend at the time, against me. The best friend of mine then ignored me and told me I could have my present I had given him, back. After that I left rs for like half a year. I was so mad.
  14. I know! That Burnt Seaturtle my friend gave me awhile ago! I refuse to get rid of that gift from a friend :? lol
  15. Nice work. That sums it up very nicely. What I want to know is why it seems like Tarn came to the mine, judging from his journal, very recently. Maybe there'll be a nice quest to explain it someday. Or maybe we'll just be left to make our own assumptions... :|
  16. I usually High-alch my things somewhere where I can get something else out of it... I alch at the Gem stall, Rune stall, or Blood chest (When I have a lot of time on my hands....) Works for me.
  17. 9/10 For Obvious reasons. #Runescape *cough*cough* :!:
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