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Posts posted by compfreak847

  1. Some people seem to be missing my point. The cheapest Cable connection here in the USA is at least 40$; she's not paying $50 for her health, she's paying it because there's really not much else available. There's nothing in the way of a few-dollars-a-month plan for those who want to check email every now and then without the hassle and frustration of dial up - which STILL costs $20 a month and is rapidly disappearing.

  2. So because youre stubborn you wont acknowledge his request. Gotcha.


    Don't blame me, blame the mods. I don't have the power to do a single thing about it, and they've decided that ending a discussion simply because one user requests it isn't reasonable. Besides, I'm friends with hemen, he hasn't been in the forums lately but I could ask him to remove it in game if it was causing a problem.




    But it's not, the mods have made their policy clear, and I'm simply restating it. Live with it or PM a admin if you disagree and want a policy change. Be forewarned, it could take months to go through.


    And comp..i doubt many people will join tipit if they need to show a credit card.




    i know they should blur and all, but at face value they would assume tipit is a scamming site.


    Only for rants. I trust TIF enough, any website this well established can't be a scam. Besides, I'd fight them to the finish to get the charges reversed, so I'm not too worried. You trust your number to various sales sites around the web that are less traveled then TIF ;)

  4. That's a good idea. It simply couldn't be tiered based on usage alone. Let me give an example:




    Currently the company is paid 100$ for 1,000,001,000,000 bytes of data usage. If we break it down, the family should pay >99.99999999$ and the grandma <.00000001$

  5. Basically, this is just something I wanted to get OTs opinion on (and possibly get into a few debates, but I don't have many strong opinions on this subject so I probably won't :P ):


    What do you think of internet charges based (at least somewhat) upon usage?




    Let me give two examples, both of real-life people I know:




    #1 is The Grandma.


    #2 is The Big Household




    #1 is an elderly woman, who uses the internet for nothing more then logging onto her gmail once a week and responding to 1-2 messages. Occasionally the kids come over and check the weather on her computer. Her monthly internet usage rarely exceeds 10 MB, and frequently remains below 1-2 MB. However, she has plenty of money, and she doesn't like waiting or having to tie up the phone line, so she pays $50 a month to get a reasonably fast cable connection from a major provider in her area.




    #2 is a large household. There 4 children of various ages, 3 of whom are teenagers, and two adults. They all are very into torrenting and video\TV show download (Some legal, some not). They frequently watch a move every day or two apiece, and pull as much as 1 TB a month in data, thanks in no small amount to a strong belief in generous seeding - they frequently leave BT running all night, seeding at full speed. Now, they are a family of modest means, but they want a connection fast enough to get the videos they want without to much wait. So they also pay $50 a month for a good plan that gives them a fast connection from a major ISP.




    Now, here's a summary of the usaage for one particularly varied month:


    #1: 1,000,000 bytes of data


    #2: 1,000,000,000,000 bytes of data




    Yes, #2 is pulling 1,000,000 times the data, at 1,000,000 times the infrastructure cost to the ISP. What do they both pay? $50 per month. These are both examples of people that live in my area. Now my question is, do you think that is right? If you were paying for, say, water utilities at a flat monthly rate and you were charged the same amount as a neighbor who used one million times as much water, would you consider it fair? I feel there should be some sort of system in place to allow for this, but I'd like to get opinions on this from OT.




    Here's a post I found interesting on slashdot discussing how this is similar and not similar to utilities (in this case water)




    "Even where there is potentially plenty of water, drinkable water is NOT an unlimited resource. And it's not 'there' if you don't use it. Water evaporates and leaks. But the reality is that water, like bandwidth, is a finite resource. It costs to find water, transport and store it, make it drinkable, and then dispose of it. If you use more, it gets scarcer.




    Bandwidth is also finite. It costs money to provision for it, actually maintain it, solve problems.




    Some of you may remember when you were responsible for the Internet link at work - when the DDS2 circuit didn't cut it any more, the ISDN line was maxed out (thank God!) and then the T-1 wasn't enough, and 4 T-1s bonded couldn't handle it. With every increase in bandwidth came more costs, for a new or more DSU/CSU, new router, firewall. You used an external mail server to filter the spam, saving 90% of your POP/SMTP traffic. You blocked WebShots, and your CEO drove you c-r-a-z-y with the constantly-updating cnnmoney.com Now it's Flash that eats bandwidth, and you want to block YouTube, Facebook, and Hulu to keep from cranking up another link just to satisfy non-business browsing.




    I understand the cable cos dilemma - Only a few users can hammer bandwidth, and affect everyone. The cost is spread, but not enough."


    1) My point is that by going out and attempting to find out how to play better, you payed effort, which means a lot in this case.


    But it's not something every player does, and they certainly shouldn't be blamed for not doing it.





    2) But only after the game and only after everyone is already shouting at him. If you stay still and only respond when everyone is screaming at you, is that effort?


    Yep, I always do that in minigames. I try to hang back and figure out what they are doing by watching them so I can join in in a few games, but if I'm yelled at I'll confess I don't really know what I'm doing and ask for help. It's the least intrusive way. I did the same thing learning team bandos GWD.


    If you are here to argue methods don't. :roll:


    No, no... Do argue them, but don't do as everyone else has done and say "your methods are [developmentally delayed]ed". Give me numbers proving it, just as I have done for my argument.

  8. 1) Yes it does. You made an effort to learn how to play since you went and watched videos on how to play. While neither of us can say the person in question watched videos or not, I'm going to predict from his behavior in the game that he did not. You may think different, but that's what I believe.


    My point is that what does watching youtube videos have to do with this rant? It's not as if all players are instructed to do so in RS, I just chose that based on previous experience.





    2) Yes, being taught is faster. That's why we have schools after all right? But this guy did not ask for advice during the course of the game. He did ask for advice AFTER the game, but you tell me which one would be smarter. Apart from that, I still believe that the person in question did not pay effort. He does nothing the entire game. Surely a man is allow to be confused during his first few games, but sitting still and doing nothing for an entire game (which can last a pretty long time) is hard to correlate with effort.


    I quote: "They just sit around, not calling, or doing anything and when everyone starts shouting at him, he leaves or asks what to do."


    I'm glad they changed it, yes. Also, in a debate, there has to be some common ground that people have, some idea that they agree upon, otherwise no progress is ever made, as each is working with a set of assumptions that are very close to mutually exclusive (such as debates of people of different religions), therefore meaning that an understanding is next to impossible (as has been the case here, therefore I bow out here).


    Except we aren't arguing opinions, we're arguing facts.





    Either I'm not being clear enough or you're not seeing my points -- in either case, I'm done here, as I have better uses for my time than being irritated to death.


    I'm sorry, but I see only one possible way that post could be interpreted. Either your just copping out, or your intended response was completely different then what you wrote.




    At any rate, my response addresses an issue you've raised many different times, so I'd appreciate a counter-argument to it :P


    1) You watched vids and attempted to learn. There's effort.



    Which doesn't relate in any way to these in-game people.





    2) Not sure what you think, but I think he gave up too easily. They give you a horn when you walk into the game, and someone can't take the time to consider what it's for? It may be true that the instructions aren't detailed enough, and I agree they can improve that. However there's still self-teaching, and it's extremely effective. Just because the instructions were inadequate or confusing does not give you a reason to give up so easily.


    Self teaching is going to take quite a few games to figure out just what to do. Much faster to ask a pro and have them give you a 1 minute run down on what to do.


    I was trying to show that Jagex has made updates that weren't that well thought through -- I still disagree that it needed to be as harsh as 12k/hr to stop RWT. As you disagree with me on that, the rest of my argument would be pointless as we have no common ground to begin on.


    Good thing they decided that too and changed it, no? That being said, basing a debate upon something that you both agree upon isn't generally a good idea. Much as I hate to break it to you, a debate usually takes place between people of differing opinions.





    What do you mean, "either"? When I decided to stake, it took me no more than a minute to find other people to melee stake.


    I'm talking about the pro stakers with the methods and tactics to win a round. Otherwise you end up with two people with equal stats fighting each other and losing and winning half the time, commending no profit whatsoever.





    Also, keep this in mind: I was not asking to have a system in which a staker could theoretically make 1M or more in 30 minutes or less (if I've done it, I know other people can do far better). I was simply asking for a system in which dueling would be a decent source of money without being so laughably low that it's abandoned.


    Which it would be anyway. To win duels often enough to make a good profit, it requires specialized tasks and a highly skilled and patient player - someone who certainly isn't going to be satisfied with 250k\h, and it would STILL allow RWT. Transferring 8m+ in one night when a player is gone is far to easy to RWT - that's 40-50 USD worth of gold, certainly less then most players purchase at one time!

  12. Jagex has a better idea already in the works: People you are friends with for over 1 month have their trade limit doubled when trading with you.




    Of course, it still allows RWT, but so does the current system. Let Jagex progress with this at their own rate.


    The goal isn't prevention by impossibility, it's elimination via hassle and time required. Yes, one could theoretically transfer gold using the trade limit, but it's too much hassle - there's easier ways for RWTers to make money.

  13. I'm thinking f2p range should get a black/mith/addy xbow (probably black for balance reasons)




    They need SOME sort of ko, considering melee has one.


    Crossbow animation makes it far too delayed. Magic spells work great at low levels as a surprise high hit when ranging.


    I remember being the same way. However the difference between us and the person who he is ranting about is that we TRY. I tried when I first started, but I still failed. Did you try? Of course you did. I bet you, like me, read the instructions, got a general sense of what to do, but was still somewhat confused. I also bet that you ran around trying to do what you had to and getting the basic core done correctly, if not going into advanced tactics or completing your job completely. Then after a while, I'm sure you got the hang of your job through self-experience and maybe a little help from your teammates/friends.


    I was a clueless chump wandering around asking what to do. I ended up leaving after the first game, as it was obvious people didn't like that, and went to youtube to watch video guides until I got the hang of it.





    This guy, on the other hand, is literally a rock. He is obviously not trying, since he is not calling nor making an attempt to complete his role. It is evident that he is making no effort to learn the ropes himself and hedged a bet that the game was easy enough to understand completely on the first go. What's more is that he appears to intend to learn completely by instruction, which we know is simply impossible.


    Oh, so asking what to do isn't learning? How are they supposed to know to call and what to say if no one's going to tell them? The instruction book is laughably inadequate, it in no way prepares you for the inventory or setup, and doesn't detail any sort of tactics.


    No, I was trying to bring it up as a flawed system -- since you think it wasn't flawed, the entire argument was worthless as you wouldn't see the point that I had (you could've told me that long ago and saved me a lot of time)


    Disagreeing with each of your points wasn't good enough? How are you supposed to have a debate when you think your opponent agrees with you?




    I never did any mage staking, mostly because of the costs, so I can't argue for that. However, I was saying that it is entirely possible that it could've been left as a method of making money comparable to skills and still nearly eliminating RWT. Melee staking was essentially free when it came to supplies (compared to mage staking, you only needed a one-time investment of less than 2 million), and it is entirely possible to create a system where you could make a couple hundred thousand in an hour in that way without it being easily abused for RWT purposes. (In fact, were the trading cap with max QP raised, it would compete with quite a few skills for a good way of making money and still be nearly impossible to be abused for RWT.) (Yes, I know that that is unfair against mage stakers, but that's a different problem.)


    Yeah, I don't recall any melee stakers either, and as mentioned before, anything coming anywhere close to the very high rates these stakers can commend would be laughably open to RWT.

  16. I read the entire thread once when I first found it a long time ago, and again recently. It's a simple exp rate, and you're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. In a debate, you cannot simply cite a reference and then chastise your opponent for not reading your library of cluttered research. It's also extremely odd that NO ONE can find these rates of yours, even Ydrasil who was there when you posted them. Organize your damn thoughts in a single post. It is not hard. All we need is a table of numbers, not your explanations and blah blah blah. I'd bet that 3/4 of that text is you throwing around snide comments and belittling your opponent for no reason other than enlarging your E-member.


    Do you really have that hard of a time reading my posts? I've already stated, quite a few times, that people like you and miner mean posting a simple XP table will lead to flamers who didn't bother to read my thread. If you've read it, you have no problem with my rates, so don't bother responding unless you do so.

  17. The way you worded it first implied that they'd be doing the work for it -- at least, that's what I saw.



    Sorry you took it the wrong way.





    Point being? They have to wait after clicking the login button, wait to buy members, and even leveling to 30-40 combat takes longer then overnight. Those who simply can't wait a few hours to be rich aren't playing this game in the first place.




    I doubt they'd like waiting even that long.


    See above. It wasn't as if before they submitted a request to a RWTer and recieved their gold 30 seconds later. Take a look on any of the old RWT websites, middleman negotiations could take days.





    Then there was no point in bring this up in the first place -- although I would think you're by far in the minority of people who think it wasn't overreacting.


    Oh, so now I'm wrong because people disagree with me?





    Also, I said that the 1M/hour was a random number and might have been a bit too high -- why continue to use it? A more reasonable number could've still left dueling as a decent source of money/pastime with some money involved while destroying RWT through duels.


    How so? If it's not enough money for someone who can only make 250k\h, how is it going to be enough for a high level dueler who spent thousands of hours perfecting methods (your example) and spends 200-300k per fight in runes alone? Old time stakers blew through millions of GP of runes in an hour, anything under 1m won an hour would be a huge loss for them.


    Umm... I don't know if I have anything to add to that. Compfreak really took care of it; a percentage won't work. It would have to be something else.


    Like what? It would have to be enough to fine people several million per usage, and I don't really think that's going to help him bank his fire battlestaffs. Not that it matters, we already have something to do that for us :-#





    Don't let Compfreak discourage you, he tends to do that a lot. I do too think your idea is imbalanced, but I'm sure if you worked on it you could find a solution. Perhaps go with a percentage fee, so that it wouldn't matter if you're skilled or not. say about 25-35% of the item/s' fee.


    See above, the required fees would be roughly 5,000% of the items price to balance it for high level players. You really think your going to use that on a day to day basis?


    Why would player X who has such an investment in the game risk getting banned?


    I don't know, you tell me? The question of why has nothing to do with the fact that it would be happening. My personal guess is because the risk of banning is ridiculously low.





    Because it doesn't allow you to pay people for non-material services, it completely ruined merchanting, it ruined pking, and it removed a large portion of the already marginal player interaction runescape has. I quit runescape for a year when they removed unbalanced trading and now that I have come back it constantly annoys me.


    Pray tell, what does it stop you doing that 'ruins' RS, and how would that be remedied if RS was forced to close from RWT?


    These people are patient enough to learn to program?


    When did I ever say that? What on earth does programming have to do with double clicking an EXE file?




    Even if you were to run that program, it requires days to get the money. The people who buy GP desire instant gratification, and therefore would be put off by the wait to receive their money -- at least, that's the person I see buying money.


    Key difference: They don't have to be playing. They can do it during a time when they quit, and 24m for a day of not playing isn't bad - hell, they could earn 15m+ overnight\through school.





    If they didn't play for a week, they'd transfer just over 2 million. Not sure how worth it that is.




    I'll ask you at this point: Do you think the 3k/15 minutes was too strict? And explain why.


    No, I don't. They didn't know how many people would simply macro to RWT; they had to kill it effectively the first time with strong measures, then relax them as they saw fit. There really wasn't any further reason that 6k or even 10k would fix, so it's not as if 3k instantly killed it.


    If they're impatient enough to want to buy their way through the game, I don't think they'd have enough patience to get all the duels/trades in needed for the 60 million. (One duel every 15 minutes for 60 straight hours)


    No worries, it's quite simple to program an undetectable autoer that simply duels every 15 minutes. Very hard to detect because of its simplicity.





    It would take a lot longer to run out of money because, as said above, it would take 60 hours to make the trades that are worth $300. However, I believe that most people would run out of patience faster than that.


    See above.





    I just realized how far we strayed from my original point: the 3k/15 minutes was far more strict than was needed to stop RWT. I pulled out a random number and might have used one that was too large -- however, the original restriction was far stricter than was necessary.


    Not really. Even 12k\h would be enough for 300k a day transfers; if someone didn't play for a week, they could easily transfer several million. However, Jagex decided they didn't need it that strict after it appeared no one would try and do that, and drastically lifted them.




    That being said, why do we need anything over 60k? I really can't think of legitimate purposes that even 250k would solve.

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