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Everything posted by Infi

  1. Well since you are asking a question...it's best suited in Help & Advice. I think you would get better answers there anyways. However, to answer your question, you could browse the Archive of Wisdom and peruse for a "Complete Herblore" guide which I think would help you, complete with level recommendations and everything.
  2. It all really depends on how well you can sell your potions for, and the price of the ingredients you buy. Of course, you could eventually make a small profit at around 81+ Herblore, but you can start making money at a low level by collecting your own ingredients. So, the answer is dependant on factors on how you obtain your seconds and herbs, etc.
  3. Mage Level affects Mage Defence Defence Level affects MELEE and RANGE defence.
  4. Look at the PM's. You basically BS'ed him. Or set him up. 0/10 Just in case you decide to edit your post.
  5. Infi

    Love Songs/R&B <3

    Yeah...about that. :lol: I tried searching but nothing showed up....so yeah. :shock: :shock: 8-) 8-) 8-) Thanks anyways! :P
  6. Here are some "blast from the past" pics. R.I.P. The Old Interface Tip.it pking trip Hehe, I had a Level 3 Skiller WAY back then, and I took this picture just for fun. Note: The skill total of this skiller has not changed to this day! :uhh:
  7. Infi

    Love Songs/R&B <3

    So you listen to pointless screaming? Please stay on topic. Harrington, going to listen to those ASAP. :) Thanks. Congratulations of marriage!
  8. Entangle Runes > D spear Cheaper, what can I say?
  9. hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers... they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes: BARROWS AUTOERS!!!! Never heard of em...cant possibly think how to macro thro barrows! It's because they are gold farmers.... 8-)
  10. I see you have some very valid points there. Going off topic, it was so long ago in 2004 were I posted the most stupid thread in General, and I remember it was you who corrected me! :shock: I guess I was a "newb" back then. :) It was something why the armour was all Zamorak trimmed in Tip.It's armoury pictures. Weird eh? :ohnoes:
  11. This is my genre of music. I recently posted a thread a very long time ago asking for you users to post the love songs you enjoy, but have recently lost it. So here it is once again, feel free to post your favourite love songs so everyone here can enjoy the rhythmic percussions of a good serenade. :) Elliot Yamin - Wait for You (Yes, it's good) Brian McKnight - Back at One Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
  12. +1 Why not? we allredy have a 702 who can be soloed. I don't think this is a suggestion, more like guessing what could be next. You just used the information we got atm to check the levels these dragons would be if they existed and added (pretty) pictures of them. That 702 can be killed with a rubber chicken and flowers there no point it's a noob monster. -.- I think your going out on a limb with all these dragons but i doubt they will have new monsters anytime soon. Yeah and it took 10 minutes SUPER SPEEDED by someone who has near maxed out combat stats and who has probably the most fight caves experienced in the game (Lapin Poika2 ) Noob monster? Where's your cape? :uhh: And Jad has about half the hp of his level..
  13. Would you quit it about the santas and rares? I mean, come on. Just because you have one everyone has to have one to follow in your footsteps. :shame:
  14. Just report your own topic and ask if they could move it into Blogscape. ;)
  15. I have a santa hat and it's hawt. However, I don't go critiquing everyone who doesn't have one and demanding that their bank have a presence of santa hats or else their bank immediately is a failure.
  16. Kiara! Yeah, anyways. I think it would be way too hard to address the searching functions of the search feature because there would be far too many people coming up with blanks, as portrayed in this situation: -Someone trying to find a "Favourite Outfit" thread Searches: what is your favourite outfit 0 results *time to post* Yeah, that's my opinion right there.
  17. Casserole (2277 Total Maxed) is from the Philippines! And Uloveme is from China. Go Asia! Also, Lordjake representing Tip.It on top F2P for U.S!
  18. Stats - 9/10 1700+ Total @ Sub 110! Pretty good. Bank - 10/10 Nice worth. Overall - 9.5/10 :thumbsup: My stats aren't good though for my level. So.
  19. Changed what? They changed the price. :( They don't sell for 112 GP each anymore, only 32 GP each or something like that. :( :shock: I have cut around 32k logs into unstrung bows already! There goes my cash pile. :wall:
  20. Take my example of "What cape do you mostly wear" I mean, come on. :| Who gives a steamed corn on the cob about what cape I mostly wear. :shame:
  21. Thanks Tripsis. And if I may enquire, why was it removed? (Referring to the rule of irritating posting styles. Surely no one would like irritating posting styles...right? :uhh: ) I like the idea of the link you posted, but I have noticed the trends of those types of posts even before the forums were split. So perhaps instilling a rule of these category of posts may slow down these less productive threads being created. And thanks for everyone else's input. I appreciate it.
  22. Consider this. I know a majority of you Tif'ers have been noticing a high rise in the less intelligent posts in the General Discussion forums. This is getting a problem and starting to get on my nerves highly. General P2P USED to be a place to have a nice discussion where everyone respected each other. Now it's all "What's your favourite" and "What do you do when..." threads. What I propose is that you add a new type of posting styles which are deemed to break Tip.It rules and add it to irritating posting styles. Any thread which are determined to produce no productive discussion will not be allowed. My arguments: -It allows more room and attention on the more interesting threads -Honestly, what is a one worded answer going to contribute to a well-worthy discussion? Well, tell me what you think. Just voicing my opinions here.
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